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Observations of KSP that rhyme


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What about KSP that you have observed can be put into a little rhyme? I thought of this while watching a Youtube video of someone landing on Gilly, and the resulting shenanigans that ensued after he touched down. I then came up with the below:

"A rover on Gilly is just plain silly."

and well I figured this would be a fun thing to do on these forums. :cool:

lets see what you guys come up with :)

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When you're out of cash in your pockets, try Bargain Rockets!

Saturn V might work in real life, but Apollo style Mun? You're not so bright.

I forgot about Minmus's existence for a whole week! Jebediah's first landing seems so weak! (Okay that's cheating)

EditorGizmos make things easier, but Bill and Bob's GMOs will make people sneezier. (wot?)

Kerbals are just code, so why do they feel so real when on a booster, they rode?

Kerbals go *poof* and I have proof!

Build Fly Dream. Guild "Dry Cream"

Hey you? Bob? What's happenin' dog? (Also cheats)

Derp faced Kerbals are a common sight, especially when a kerbapult lobs them in flight. (I'm not sure what "lobs" means, but I'm pretty sure it's a synonym for throw.)

Do I win? Or does my crow?

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I love journeying to Jool, but the mistress is nothing but cruel.

Many a ship has been lost, without so much a thought to the cost.

First probes then pods. So many lost, for what are my odds?

Boats and planes, many are slain,

In hopes that I, will someday not die.

(I think I can get a full poem out of this ;):D)

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The mission to Dres didn't make it

Although it's our shame to admit

We packed all the snacks and repair kit

But forgot to bring spacesuits that fit.

We sent poor Bill out with the duct tape

To fix a nacelle with a leak

But soon the endeavor went pear-shaped

I wish that were just so to speak.

It turns out a pressure that's normal

On Kerbin at most altitudes

Does not render spacesuits conformal

But makes them expand magnitudes.

As soon as he leapt from the airlock

Bill's suit puffed up like a balloon

It held his limbs stiffly as hard rock

Till he smacked headlong into the Mun.

Our fuel tanks are totally empty

For the leak could not be repaired

But power, we still have got plenty

So that's how this story was aired.

I hope that you will not forget us

We'll wait for you here in the black

When the rescue craft intercepts us

We'll look forward to having a snack.

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This is my 500th post!

For the game I play the most!

Of Jeb, Bob, and Bill,

I'll never get my fill,

Even when they're splattered all over the coast!

edit: At least I thought it was. My post count should update soon, I hope....

Off topic, forum game posts do not count to post count.

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Pol is a tiny tan ball.

Bop has a kraken on top.

Laythe has a bi-annual rave.

Duna should be visited sooner. (half rhyme)

Ike can be traversed by a bike.

Moho is too hot, thus a no-go.

The KSC is a place for me.

Bill, Bob, and Jeb will soon be MIA and dead.

My brain is done making rhymes. Plus, these all are out of the times. Dammit.

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Derp faced Kerbals are a common sight, especially when a kerbapult lobs them in flight. (I'm not sure what "lobs" means, but I'm pretty sure it's a synonym for throw.)

Do I win? Or does my crow?

You don't win. That part didn't rhyme. You should've said "The meaning of "lob" I do not know, but I'm pretty sure it's a synonym for throw"

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