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0.90[WIP][KopernicusTech]OuterPlanetsPlus Dev Thread v.1.7.0


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Is the new Ocean Planet going to be a moon or a new planet? Also will it have oxygen so jet engines work or will its atmosphere be one without oxygen like eve or duna? Also I haven't been able to get the new update to work properly. However 1.5.8 works well. Could the issue be with the module manager files. I am not sure what module manager is, but I know the regular outer planets mod has it, and after I install outer planets plus, I have to overwrite the file. Anyway this mod is really cool.

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Well, the ocean MOON will have oxygen but no water.

I don't want to ruin your plans, but there isn't any possibility to have oxygen on a planet without any water or hydrogen. Because oxygen only gets produced by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). These microbes conduct photosynthesis: using sunshine, water and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.

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Thanks! Would you like to work on some configs for science logs, regolith, scansat and RSS 6.4? Today's update (I finaly got it working again) will include:

* Better, more detailed textures for all the moons and planets.

* Bugfixes.

* Much more detailed height maps.

* Viros is changed to Kintar, with a better texture. For this one it would be cool to have a ritch crust .

* Phal has a new moon, Olmo. Yes, A MOON AROUND A MOON! Don't worry tho, it orbits much farther from it's parent object that the moons from Urania did...

* General tweaking of height maps and terrain on most of the planets. In testing I still have to fix the spikes on Olmo and strange mountin ridges on Kintar...

That's all I hope I'll release today... I only nead to solve the last problem...

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Thanks! Would you like to work on some configs for science logs, regolith, scansat and RSS 6.4? Today's update (I finaly got it working again) will include:

* Better, more detailed textures for all the moons and planets.

* Bugfixes.

* Much more detailed height maps.

* Viros is changed to Kintar, with a better texture. For this one it would be cool to have a ritch crust .

* Phal has a new moon, Olmo. Yes, A MOON AROUND A MOON! Don't worry tho, it orbits much farther from it's parent object that the moons from Urania did...

* General tweaking of height maps and terrain on most of the planets. In testing I still have to fix the spikes on Olmo and strange mountin ridges on Kintar...

That's all I hope I'll release today... I only nead to solve the last problem...

I can make a Regolith and Scansat config, but science logs need some time. Maybe do the same as OPM: Publish a public excel sheet and let the community help with the reports.

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Well hey! I've just released A NEW UPDATE TODAY!!! The bug related to planets not appearing is SOLVED!

* Deleted Viros

* Added Kintar

* Added Olmo, a little moon plet orbiting Phal.

* Tweaked orbits.

* Made surfaces much more detailed.

* Tweaked some surfaces.

* Made Sisyphus much more boulder-like.

* Added generated .bin files.

* Fixed a cuple of other bugs.

* Tweaked radius on some things.

* New album on the KerbalStuff page.

That's all for today! Expect a new update later this week, that will:

* Convert all .png files (except Lyvara_ramp) to .dds, for reduced memory usage.

* Add biomes for all the moons.

* Add Regolith support.

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Well, hey do you have like 1 hour per day to test my mod on a fresh install? My 32bit Windows can barely support my moon pack + OuterPlanets + The Interstellar movie mod. I would like to know ho the surface of the moons look...

- - - Updated - - -

Ok... Hey new update today! Check the changelog!

Also, where should I publish the excel sheet? I would like to put it or reddit but the voting system is a little bit too unstable...

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* Add biomes for all the moons.

* Add Regolith support.

For the water config I just need to now which planet/moon is gonna have poles/ice/oceans.

Well, hey do you have like 1 hour per day to test my mod on a fresh install? My 32bit Windows can barely support my moon pack + OuterPlanets + The Interstellar movie mod. I would like to know ho the surface of the moons look...

I'll see if I can run those.

Also, where should I publish the excel sheet? I would like to put it or reddit but the voting system is a little bit too unstable...

If you have a Google+ account you can publish an excel (google drive) sheet.

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K thanks alot!

Half of Nuovana's surface is a glacer so there should be a lot of water there.

Also, Kintar's craters should be rich in all the resources.

Lyvara should have both atmospheric and crustal resources.

Space around Phal should be rich in particles.

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dosent work

Trying being more helpful. Simply saying "dosent work" helps no one and you come across as an idiot.

Apart from aggressive ActiveTextureManagement and deleting non-essential parts from Karbonite, what would you suggest as an approach to free up enough memory to successfully load this mod?

If you're running Windows force opengl. Saves quite a bit of memory.

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I've loved the idea of this mod since it's inception, but in my career 64K save I had yet to visit any of the OP+ planets. With 1.6 released I decided to perform a test install in preparation for writing an OP+ 64K config. I've noticed several issues with the OP+ planets that I'll note below. All testing was done on a clean .90 install with only hyperedit, OPM 1.5.2 and OP+ 1.6 installed.


Seems to work correctly. Beautiful planet from orbit and the surface!


I can see Lyvara from map mode and flight mode, but I can't seem to land on Lyvara. When approaching the surface from orbit the planet disappears and after a certain altitude my ship explodes..


I can see Ven in map mode and I can focus on it, but I can't see Ven in flight mode when in orbit of Ven or any other nearby planet. I also cannot land on Ven.


Same problems as Lyvara.


Can't seem to orbit Olmo. When using hyperedit to place craft into Olmo's orbit the craft pops back into Neidon's orbit immediately.


Same problems as Ven.


Same problems as Lyvara.


Same problems as Ven.


Seems to be working correctly, looks great! A will be a tricky one to land on and reach.

I hope these issues can be ironed out, I really love this mod!

amarius1, if you have any ideas on something I'm doing wrong let me know and I'll attempt to retest.

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Well, hey do you have like 1 hour per day to test my mod on a fresh install? My 32bit Windows can barely support my moon pack + OuterPlanets + The Interstellar movie mod. I would like to know ho the surface of the moons look...

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Hey so I started testing the new update today, and I went to klive and the planet was invisible. I saw the planet in the orbit view, but when I go to ship view I didn't see it. I crased into the surface but could not see anything. I don't know if anyone else had this problem. I was on my way to urlum (the second new gas giant) to see if this was the case for the other moons as well, but had to pause to do some stuff. I will let you know what I find. I am using only outer planets and outer planets plus (1.6). I will post what I find, but it takes a while to time warp that far even with infinite fuel. (Just using it to test it). I haven't been to the moons in 1.5.8 since I was doing a science game in that version, but I will do a test in that version to see if it might be something else specific to my computer. I also don't know yet if klive is the only planet where this is happening I plan on testing the other planets later tonight.

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I, myself can only run the mod with no parts (no Squad folder) with opengl!

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I dunno, i only tested the surface of Nuovana and that works good. I also tested Lyvara but disapears.... I should talk with the OPM guys about that....

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Process on configs:

- No SCANsat configs needed because it normally should get their scanning info from the textures (Need to test this).

- The base of the Regolith configs are done, but I'll need a complete biome information (biomemaps and biome names) if you completed them. You may send them via a PM so you don't give away any spoilers.

I'll also be working on configs for PlanetShine and CustomAsteroids for spawning asteroids in the rings of Lyvara.

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