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0.90[WIP][KopernicusTech]OuterPlanetsPlus Dev Thread v.1.7.0


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Well, I made it in 45 minutes on the excel sheet app on adroid but I'm having a hard time sending that to you... It says that your emeil adress is inactive?!

Also, today I've tryed some more ways to generate the height maps on the moons... Again, IT DOESNT WORK!!! ;_; God, I realy wish _Augustus_ helped me a bit...

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working fine for me on x64 no problems with the new update. I also have a request i really want a Europa looking planet in ksp any chance you could add one? maybe Sisyphus since Vall doesn't really represent Europa that well. :D

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Thanks, but I would rather tweak Vall's texture and terrain.

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Do you think the moons work perfectly? Take your words back! They only look good from map screen and hight altitude. Good news is that Nuovana and Sisyphus don't seem to have that problem...

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Well, I made it in 45 minutes on the excel sheet app on adroid but I'm having a hard time sending that to you... It says that your emeil adress is inactive?!

That is very strange, because you did respond to my email. Can you send via something else maybe, or upload the document somewhere and give me the link.

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Well, the problem will be fixed hopefully next update. Up to now, my Kittopia files for the planets were made after OuterPlanets' but tomorow I'll dig trough the Trans-Keptunian Kittopia files. I'll just make a test where I copy Putto's configs, rename them to fit my moon and test it. If the surface will no longer disappear than I'll release the new version, 1.7. It's close people.... bugfixing, texture tweaking, .dds conversion of textures for better performance, better folder format.... oh boy, It's gona be a realy busy week.... stay tuned.

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Okay I'm working on 6.4x configs for 1.6, are you going to update the folder structure to use the new OuterPlanets structure?

He seems to be gone for a while. I've done that in addition to deleting all the planets except Lyvara and Nuovana and making the two of them into centaurs since Urlum's moons are coming soon.

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He seems to be gone for a while. I've done that in addition to deleting all the planets except Lyvara and Nuovana and making the two of them into centaurs since Urlum's moons are coming soon.

Okay sounds good.

Also can I get your advice on the gravity of the planets? I'm currently leaving the gravity of the planets at the level it is in the regular sized version, and adjusting the mass to get that gravity with the 6.4x radius. Is this how'd you recommend doing it?

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Yes! The folder structure is dode but I didn't had time to release it today...

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Yes please Augustus! Thanks! Can you tell me what's wrong with my mod that makes the planets' surfaces not appear? With KopernocisCore it all worked good but now the new KT kinda confuses me... also, can also help me with making them more realistic? I allready plan to move most of Urlum's moons to a solar orbit when the official update of OPM will come so no need to delete some for now. Well, I'm happy with anything you suggest as long as it doesn't completly change the mod... maybe you can help me with textures and the atmosphere for Lyvara? I allready have someone working on the AVP and Regolith configs. Biomes are done and I just need to past the required strings in the planets' configs. You could also teach me how to add easter eggs, because on Lyvara and Sisyphus I would like to have some MassDrivers like those from the Stella pack! I'll be back soon.

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I plan on making Nuovana tidaly locked (for obvious reasons) and improve sisyphus' surface to make it a bit oblate and smoother, kinda like Ovok. Also, I scrapped the idea of another ocean planet since, don't we have too many (Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, Teckto)? Also, I noticed the name Teckto is allready used by another mod... also, Augustus, can you teach me how to make cool craters on Klive? Also, ground scattering is another thing I want to be added before 1.7...

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Yes! The folder structure is dode but I didn't had time to release it today...

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Yes please Augustus! Thanks! Can you tell me what's wrong with my mod that makes the planets' surfaces not appear? With KopernocisCore it all worked good but now the new KT kinda confuses me... also, can also help me with making them more realistic? I allready plan to move most of Urlum's moons to a solar orbit when the official update of OPM will come so no need to delete some for now. Well, I'm happy with anything you suggest as long as it doesn't completly change the mod... maybe you can help me with textures and the atmosphere for Lyvara? I allready have someone working on the AVP and Regolith configs. Biomes are done and I just need to past the required strings in the planets' configs. You could also teach me how to add easter eggs, because on Lyvara and Sisyphus I would like to have some MassDrivers like those from the Stella pack! I'll be back soon.

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I plan on making Nuovana tidaly locked (for obvious reasons) and improve sisyphus' surface to make it a bit oblate and smoother, kinda like Ovok. Also, I scrapped the idea of another ocean planet since, don't we have too many (Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, Teckto)? Also, I noticed the name Teckto is allready used by another mod... also, Augustus, can you teach me how to make cool craters on Klive? Also, ground scattering is another thing I want to be added before 1.7...

First off, Lyvara was broken because it referred to a texture that not only wasn't at that directory but also didn't exist. That is something I fixed.

Second, CaptRobau will be adding moons to Urlum in version 1.6 of OPM and moons to Neidon after that.

So, I deleted all of the planets except Lyvara and Nuovana and made the two of them into centaurs (asteroid-comet hybrids between the gas giants).

Also, I think you're really ambitious and struggling to make working planets. Could I perhaps take over the role of Lead Developer?

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