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[1.0.5]SKY - Scale-up Kerbalism for You - Kopernicus Rescale [v2.0]


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Eudae55 - any chance you could upload that configuration somewhere? I've been itching for a system-rescale + OPM config, and it looks like this is the only rescale mod that's updated for 1.0.x.

I only have the Sarnus system in the one I'm playing on - minus Slate and Ovok.

There are a few copyright issues that I will face if I release the one I'm playing on privately so what I'll have to do is make a new config from scratch and release it as a standalone mod with my own textures.

Judging by the number of private messages I've received this is something that people would probably be interested in.


Hopefully the Moho and Tylo bugs are fixed in the next update of Kopernicus as I wasn't able to get around them when I did my testing.

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Hi, i have a boatload of mods swirling around, but without stripping it all down and checking i can tell you now, when i removed nothing more than planetshine (which was what i suspected), this bug DID disappear. I will also point out, on a linux 64bit configuration i have, this mod and planetshine SEEMED to play well together no problem.

Also since i had to admit this, i would also like to admit since i have the dev of PS's attention: I LOVE YOUR MOD. You did a fantastic job of picking up the reins of mods that handled realistic planetary darkness factors. You are doing a fantastic job!

Thank you ^^

I will try to reproduce the bug when I have some time

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Skyrex, I decided to try your mod as I was looking for a good rescale and system revamp. Initially I though I'd want to rescale all the bodies to 5x but instead I find leaving at 3.7x is better, especially since a lot of people seem to be having issues rescaling stock planet atmospheric heights. I made numerous changes to the config also. I put Minimus back in orbit around Kerbin with a 30 degree inclination. I also moved a bunch of jool's moon's to syterion like laythe and pol and I made dres the outer most moon of jool, with val being the next inner. I noticed an odd bug, if you try to adjust Tylo at all it disappears, Kopernicus bug I'm sure. Also I wrote a remote tech config for the mod so both launch locations act as tracking stations, whilst removing the defunct space center location as a tracking station. I like the work you did a lot, it's a fun config that I think just needed a little extra work. I may need to send you a pm about possibly an 'alt' config.

*Edit disregard remote tech config part. I reread through the post and saw you updated it for that already. I went out and wrote my own remote tech ground station config. Also did you bother to rescale antenna range 7x to compensate for the larger distances? I have a config for that.

Edited by StevenJ
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Also did you bother to rescale antenna range 7x to compensate for the larger distances? I have a config for that.

Actually it can be adjusted in the Remote Tech settings in RemoteTech_Settings.cfg you can change the value "RangeMultiplier = 1".

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Well with the bug with moho and tylo fixed with the next Kopernicus hopefully the issue with KSC switcher will be fixed too then I can finally start a 1.0 career. Any idea of which side its on or are both equal to blame for the contract glitch? Have you informed the Kopernicus devs to have them investigate?

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Skyrex, I decided to try your mod as I was looking for a good rescale and system revamp. Initially I though I'd want to rescale all the bodies to 5x but instead I find leaving at 3.7x is better, especially since a lot of people seem to be having issues rescaling stock planet atmospheric heights. I made numerous changes to the config also. I put Minimus back in orbit around Kerbin with a 30 degree inclination. I also moved a bunch of jool's moon's to syterion like laythe and pol and I made dres the outer most moon of jool, with val being the next inner. I noticed an odd bug, if you try to adjust Tylo at all it disappears, Kopernicus bug I'm sure. Also I wrote a remote tech config for the mod so both launch locations act as tracking stations, whilst removing the defunct space center location as a tracking station. I like the work you did a lot, it's a fun config that I think just needed a little extra work. I may need to send you a pm about possibly an 'alt' config.

*Edit disregard remote tech config part. I reread through the post and saw you updated it for that already. I went out and wrote my own remote tech ground station config. Also did you bother to rescale antenna range 7x to compensate for the larger distances? I have a config for that.

Thanks that you liked it :)

For your changes: I intentionally moved Minmus out of Kerbins SOI and made it a Trojan, since I wanted career to be harder. Mun is your first challenge and minmus later since now ots harder to get to.

Dres was moved to Syterion cause of its high contrast surface making it a fitting analouge for Iapetus.

And Laythe WAS actually a Syterion moon in 0.90 version, as a Titan-analouge with 300km atmosphere. But that can now be done with a custom one through Kopernicus and Laythe moved back. That means right now Syterion is kinda empty but that will change along the road.

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Just picked this up, thoroughly enjoying it!

My apologies if this has been covered earlier - approximately how much DV is required to circularize in LKO, and were atmosphere heights changed as well?

It says on the OP but you'll need around 6,000dv. I might get around to making a deltav map of I get the time - that should make things a bit easier.

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Hey man, so i'm running with the "patch" that makes 1.0.2 thermodynamics and aerodynamics work like 1.0, so my numbers may be a bit skewed, but with the new 3.7 rescale (used to be 4x which is where i think the original 6000dV numbers came from), i can fairly reliably make orbit with 5000-5200dV, as long as you use an ascent path that's not completely silly.

You're looking at about 1600-1800dV to reach Mun from there, and about 800 to land/800 to return to low orbit. So a complete Apollo style mission definitely needs to be pushing 10,000 all stages. Beyond that, i can't say as i havn't made the adventures out to any other planet (even minmus yet) in the NEW version. Good luck man!

Also for anyone else reading: I just had a very bizarre and i PRESUME very unique glitch where, despite having all the prerequisites for SKY installed perfectly, suddenly i was resetting to default planet sizes/it wasnt registering. I tore about 50 mods out until it was just SKY and squad, and still couldn't get it to work. After deleting the "log" folder in my ksp base folder, all worked well. I introduced only the "Stock bug module fixes" mod and suddenly had the same problem, any campaign career or freestyle would be stock planet sizes/no syterion/etc. I repeated this again (deleted log folder, removed any mods but SKY and Squad), and havn't had a problem since, and was able to successfully reintroduce every mod as before without the problem re-occuring.

I KNOW THIS IS A VERY WEIRD and very ... unhelpful bug report. But if ANYONE else has it, i'd love to know what you encounter and see if i can pinch what the heck went on.

EDIT: Further refining finds new problem. Alright so, i began playing again after "the incident", and things happened exactly as before: At the 69,500ish marker, where one would enter ordinary space on ordinary kerbin, I've had repeated CTDs. Game freezes up and needs to be hard killed from the desktop. This is in Linux 64bit mode. I am currently weeding through mods to discover what exactly is causing the stink. Since the crash, i get a hard lock while loading the game. Will report further details so hopefully noone else falls into the trap

Edited by Lucius
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I tried this, and the size is nice. I'd at least like a choice for standard KSC location for testing as I am used to it vs doing a roll, then pitch. I think such a default might also get people who are new to scaled up systems less confusion (and this size seems ideal).

I tested reentry, and it is much more reasonable now (as in it could possibly be dangerous, unlike stock). I dumped this in my test install, and I think I need a clean one with minimal mods to test well, as I'm worried about it crashing.

Nicely done.

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You're looking at about 1600-1800dV to reach Mun from there, and about 800 to land/800 to return to low orbit. So a complete Apollo style mission definitely needs to be pushing 10,000 all stages. Beyond that, i can't say as i havn't made the adventures out to any other planet (even minmus yet) in the NEW version. Good luck man!

Also for anyone else reading: I just had a very bizarre and i PRESUME very unique glitch where, despite having all the prerequisites for SKY installed perfectly, suddenly i was resetting to default planet sizes/it wasnt registering. I tore about 50 mods out until it was just SKY and squad, and still couldn't get it to work. After deleting the "log" folder in my ksp base folder, all worked well. I introduced only the "Stock bug module fixes" mod and suddenly had the same problem, any campaign career or freestyle would be stock planet sizes/no syterion/etc. I repeated this again (deleted log folder, removed any mods but SKY and Squad), and havn't had a problem since, and was able to successfully reintroduce every mod as before without the problem re-occuring.

I KNOW THIS IS A VERY WEIRD and very ... unhelpful bug report. But if ANYONE else has it, i'd love to know what you encounter and see if i can pinch what the heck went on.

EDIT: Further refining finds new problem. Alright so, i began playing again after "the incident", and things happened exactly as before: At the 69,500ish marker, where one would enter ordinary space on ordinary kerbin, I've had repeated CTDs. Game freezes up and needs to be hard killed from the desktop. This is in Linux 64bit mode. I am currently weeding through mods to discover what exactly is causing the stink. Since the crash, i get a hard lock while loading the game. Will report further details so hopefully noone else falls into the trap

also @RoverDude , DeltaV to orbit with current Aero is around 5600-5800dv IF you have enough TWR to not lose any energy on the way up. But with 6000dv you are always safe and will certainly go to space.

For the Mun numbers: LMO speed is 1050m/s so I'm not totally sure how you manage to land with 800m/s ?! But with 10000-10500dv total you should be able to do Apollo.

For the bug: maybe stupid question but you didn't delete the Kopernicus folder when uninstalling the mods? the SKY folder is just config and textures. Apart from that I'm not sure whats causing it. I'm also running stockbugfixmodules and it works fine.

For the second bug, the freezing one: Is this in career? I've recently discovered that KSCSwitcher and Kopernicus don't play nice on the contract system and cause freezes related to contract denial/completion etc. . Until thats fixed I can only suggest that you play without KSCSwitcher in career and handle a KSC floating over the ocean. (Thats what I do in my career right now)


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Hi, i have a boatload of mods swirling around, but without stripping it all down and checking i can tell you now, when i removed nothing more than planetshine (which was what i suspected), this bug DID disappear. I will also point out, on a linux 64bit configuration i have, this mod and planetshine SEEMED to play well together no problem.

Also since i had to admit this, i would also like to admit since i have the dev of PS's attention: I LOVE YOUR MOD. You did a fantastic job of picking up the reins of mods that handled realistic planetary darkness factors. You are doing a fantastic job!

Thank you ^^

I will try to reproduce the bug when I have some time

I tried to reproduce your bug but I couldn't.

If I understand properly what your bug is, it's about the new rings created by Kopernicus, which partially disappear: does this only happens in the Space Center?

Does anyone else have seen issues with PlanetShine?

- - - Updated - - -

Has anyone seen a Planet Shine config for this?

I just made one, it's quite easy to do.

Create a file named "PlanetShineConfig.cfg" and put it in "GameData/SKY/" folder.

In fact you could name it whatever you want and put it wherever you want, as long as it's somewhere within "GameData/", and that the file extension is ".cfg"

Edit this file, and put the following text in it:

name = Syterion
color = 117,162,181
intensity = 1
atmosphereAmbient = 1
groundAmbientOverride = 1

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Okay, I've done a Launch with the KerbalX, using FAR. I had about 640 m/s left after burning into a 150x123 km orbit at 7° inclination. So I guess that you need about 5700 to 5800 m/s of delta-v for the ascent.

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I just made one, it's quite easy to do.

Create a file named "PlanetShineConfig.cfg" and put it in "GameData/SKY/" folder.

Wait, that's OT, but does that mean that between this and MM, OPM doesn't actually *need* to overwrite PlanetShine's CelestialBodies.cfg?

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Space feels properly big with this. Additionally it pushes the difficulty further up than what 4x rescale would do alone. Which also adds to properly sized rockets for appropiate tasks, while also having nice looking planets. Indeed, if you don't use procedural Parts or Real Fuels, you will need a Saturn V to get two Kerbals to the moon in Apollo style.

Sorry for the silly question:

What is the general consensus for rocket's ISP? Should it be rescaled as well or bigger rockets is the way to go? Is procedural parts and real fuels recommended with this mod?

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Thanks, this looks like a lot of fun.

Btw, does this work with career?

Sorry for the silly question:

What is the general consensus for rocket's ISP? Should it be rescaled as well or bigger rockets is the way to go? Is procedural parts and real fuels recommended with this mod?

Doesn't seem to be huge issue. Mind, real rockets have often only 2 to 4% fraction freight. Seems to work fine with KSP. Might make sense to grab KW Rocketry for 5M rockets and high performance engines, but then again, when doesn't it make sense to grab KW Rocketry? Also, these bigger rockets will probably profit by the cryogenic rockets pack.

Edited by Temeter
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Wait, that's OT, but does that mean that between this and MM, OPM doesn't actually *need* to overwrite PlanetShine's CelestialBodies.cfg?

What does "OT" mean exactly?

Yes, the latest version of PlanetShine added support for both Module Manager and reading config node accross the whole GameData.

I already notified Outer Planets Mod about this in their thread, which CaptRobau acknowledged, so in the next OPM version there will be no more need to do any extra action to make OPM compatible with PlanetShine.

So this means that any mod using Kopernicus to add new celestial bodies now only needs to have its own separate PlanetShine config file in its own folder, describing the additional celestial bodies, which will be read automatically by PlanetShine.

Mods that change the look of existing planets can use Module Manager the same way to alter PlanetShine's existing settings.

Edited by Valerian
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What does "OT" mean exactly?

Off-Topic, basically I just did a "I don't want to be X but I'll totally be X". Sorry!

Yes, the latest version of PlanetShine added support for both Module Manager and reading config node accross the whole GameData.

I already notified Outer Planets Mod about this in their thread, which CaptRobau acknowledged.

That is great news!

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Thanks, this looks like a lot of fun.

Btw, does this work with career?

Doesn't seem to be huge issue. Mind, real rockets have often only 2 to 4% fraction freight. Seems to work fine with KSP. Might make sense to grab KW Rocketry for 5M rockets and high performance engines, but then again, when doesn't it make sense to grab KW Rocketry? Also, these bigger rockets will probably profit by the cryogenic rockets pack.

I'm still sad that KIDS hasn't been updated.

Anyways, is there any chance of a deltaV map for the 7x system?

Also, are the atmospheres scaled correctly?

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