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KSP 1.0 General Thread + All the new features


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They have already said they are doing major and massive bugfixing, so I'll address the "Fresh, original content" part.

Modders have several huge benefits that Squad doesn't have:

  1. There are literally hundreds more of them.
  2. They have a much lower threshold for bug and ease-of-use tolerance.
  3. They can update hourly, dozens of times in a day if need be, and (almost) nobody cares.

Squad has to move slower than modders. They MUST get it right (and by right I mean at least reasonably easy to use and without any huge bugs) the first time. Their failures to do that are actually proof that they must; they get LAMBASTED whenever anything is wrong - and other than the bitterness in the posts I tend to agree with them.

Because Squad has to move slower (and they're doing more than any modder does), it takes them MONTHS to get a single update out, and in those months modders take everything new that's come out in the previous update and expand on it in every single conceivable way so there ends up being NOTHING left to do except - in the next version - put some of those in the game.

Sometimes these mods put in something that Squad hasn't started on at all, like when Squad mostly just added FinePrint instead of thinking up their own contracts, or adding the B9 parts instead of reinventing them. Other times its things like their added icons on the navball that do the main portion of what Enhanced Navball did that was actually just finishing something they had started but left unfinished, or the upcoming changes to aerodynamics which sound like they are going for a far more fundamental change to the system than Ferram did. Not because FAR was bad or anything - but because with their access to the core code of the game they were simply able to when he was not.

There is nothing on this post I don't love. SQUAD and modders are working together to create an awesome game I and many more love. People should realize this.

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Yup. They flat out traded one for the other.
Considering we're talking about an investment in artist time, I'd say that's an accurate statement. ;)
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While we're at reworking heating and stuff: probes should melt before hitting surface at Jool. That shouldnt be hard to implement since we had it a long time ago on Moho.

It would also take care of kraken lurking down there.

Edited by Veeltch
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I can live with the barn - its ok, I can get over it.

As to other bits and pieces, well... I guess we will have to wait and see.

Most of the news seems good - really good.

But what I don't see (and can't understand) is why the devs are not SPECIFICALLY noting which bugs have been squashed. Give me a bug tracker ID please... (EDIT: The ID of the bug that is)

Yet, the bug tracker is a total waste of time from my perspective - seems to never be updated... bugs noted on the forum do not seem to appear... hard to search... I finally gave up looking at it. I bet there is a secret one in the background.

Stil, I keep playing 'cause it remains the best thing out there.

Edited by Wallygator
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But what I don't see (and can't understand) is why the devs are not SPECIFICALLY noting which bugs have been squashed. Give me a bug tracker ID please...

Anyone can create an account on the bug tracker.

Oh, I see you meant the BUG ID -- my mistake.

Edited by GusTurbo
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  • 3 weeks later...
Am I the only person who think that the fairings will not be acting as some kind of heatshield? I guess, given a loose enough definition, they do protect things from re-entry, but that's because they're protecting the parts from the airflow (not because they're absorbing the heat of scraping through the atmosphere). There was no mentions that the fairings themselves would be able to withstand re-entry.. Like, have a shallow re-entry with a very very delicate part inside the fairing and it'll be protected, but I wouldn't count on them for an Eve aerocapture.. Not to mention that fairings are supposed to make a payload more aerodynamic and well, when was the last time you saw a pointy heatshield? Not saying it's not gonna happen, but don't be surprised if it doesn't because I don't think that's what they meant.

The only picture I have for this is the Titan II ICBM warhead fairing.


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We're in an age of software that gets continuous updates, "feature complete" doesn't seem to mean what it did in the retail-boxed-software era. And I'm really grateful, for this! It's a good time to be a KSP fan. We've been repeatedly assured that new features will come into the game, in v1.1 and beyond.

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Will "Craters" biomes on Duna be fixed for 1.0? They really really suck as is. Right now "Craters" is the border between highlands and icecap, instead of actually the craters


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Do we know what they will share on SquadCast tonight?

A preview of the fairings (with an Aero demonstration at the same time probably) was floated as a maybe. However, with 1.0 now in the experimentals phase, who knows (besides Squad anyway).

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