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  2. I don't get why people think HarvesteR would do better. The last I played KSP was probably around the time that he was on his way out. The game was a gem for many reasons but it also struggled in many areas, both in gameplay and technical reasons. In many of these areas, KSP2 has already done better. While his experience may given him some advantages in recognizing pitfalls that would need to be addressed, given what we saw out of KSP1, I don't have confidence that he has the technical skills to solve these problems any better than what we saw out of the KSP2 team. KSP is not an ordinary game with ordinary problems, it's going to be a challenge even for someone with very specialized experience.
  3. "War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother spending $50 for Early Access." - Niko Belic Lol IG really outdid themselves with their implementation of their "Fog of War" Communication Interruption mechanic OK, all jokes aside, there is a non-zero value in the KSP franchise. The current state of the gaming industry makes me think that the major players pulling the strings are risk-off right now, but this can change in the future.
  4. Everybody will come to the cope shed in the end... Note the Kontakt-1 armor on the glacis in addition to ARAT the Abrams was shipped with. https://metinvest.media/ua/page/pdhodyat-dlya-tankv-abrams-staleviy-front-rozpochav-vipusk-dlya-zsu-stalevih-ekranv-protid-fpv-dronam
  5. If I could start over again, I would totally start a demolition business, only instead of jackhammers and prybars, I'd use rocket engines
  6. It’s a great mod, but it needs a little TLC to bring it up to BDB visual standards. Overall it flies well, but beware of bringing it back from the moon. The heatshield can’t handle lunar reentry speeds. One of the best things about the mod is that the 1962 “Bug” LM is included! It interfaces well with BDB.
  7. Today
  8. Game development is like war - you make plans, you try to execute, things don't go according to plan, you lose some friends in the process, you grieve, but you keep fighting. You pick yourself up and you never stop fighting. I believe in @Nate Simpson and his vision. KSP 2 is a work of art - it's blood, sweat and tears. And it will turn out as one of the greatest games ever made. I have not the slimmest shadow of a doubt. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who is, was and will be part of the team. The game is starting to shine, so keep calm and carry on!
  9. We might say they did a full duration test stand disassembly fire?
  10. With all the revamp work going on is there any possibility of continuing and/or adopting the Soyuz side of @Invaderchaos's ASTP docking port?
  11. Don't ask how I've been dumb enough to not bring this up in the month plus since this was discussed, and feel free to ignore it, but I've always gotten an error message with this, and an issue with Two adapters not having their allwhite alt textures. Up to you if you wanna ask your friend about it, but I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to deal with it 'cause of my delay. Oh yeah THERE it is, thanks.
  12. As someone who worked in that profession, yes. Very much so. Mind, we aren't talking about "didn't taste good". We're talking about a patron that comes up to me, and starts listing. Plating wasn't good. Wrong plate, too. Lobster could be hotter, the sides were too wet. The wine wasn't dry enough, and the table decor is awful. Also, what's with that table cloth, white is so 1980. Dessert, don't get me started, didn't get a choice between spoon and fork for the cake. Also, cake too dense, filling watery. You bet that most cooks laugh you out of the door, and very much guaranteed will tell you to do it better yourself or jog on. See, criticising things in detail implies you know what you're talking about (commonly referred to as a knowitall), in which case.. yes. Do it better. There's not liking something, and there's pretending to know the processes and failures that lead to you not liking it. Big difference, since one suggests that you could do better by "just avoid these".
  13. Near the South Pole of the Mun, is it normal that Trajectories mod says I’ll be landing in X spot, but actually my trajectory is way off the prediction? It also happens with the landing marker from Engineer Redux. Also when you thrust off a bit off the ground, you can tell that is offset already. Didn’t realise it could be Parallax until I left a base there, which would appear to be flying after loading back the vessel, or even physics unload and loading. It stopped happening after I applied a flat Map Decal from Kerbal Konstructs. But the landing offset kept going. Do you need any logs?
  14. Oh man just scared the daylights outta my cat. Msfs2020 is updating and i scanned its fixes list and it says they resolved an issue where AI ATC goes silent while my AI FO still responds. My knee jerk reaction to seeing that was a loud: FINALLY! And i heard a crash outside the room im in. My cat is lose in my house and my dog is in her room (senior aged pup north of 16 years, dachshund) and my cat just turned 8. When not on vatsim i use ai atc and am tired of it going silent. Happened yesterday (05232024) on a flight to KSTL. Yup i just nerded out over air traffic control lol. 041205242024
  15. Msfs 2020 sim update 15 dropped. Its updating as i type. Im playing SOLITAIRE as i wait and get ads. Ads are intrusive. Ads are stupid. And i cant skip. Ads on youtube are getting worse with “skip in” being decoration only. I hate 2024. 040305242024
  16. 7,8,&9 HAD potential but they squandered it badly. Rumor has it 7-9 are no longer prime canon and are being remade. Solo was an ok movie but didnt need to be made tbh. A movie i should see but likely wont is Schindlers list. Im just too lazy to either buy it or find it streaming. 040005242024
  17. Thanks for these (very detailed) explanations !
  18. KSP1 mods can get you a decent way to what we wanted in KSP2. Improved Graphics, personalized gameplay... It makes me a little crazy that KSP2 was so close to Colonies. I wanted Colonies. Mods in KSP1 tried, but they were all landable parts. There was no Colony Editor to place things anywhere, there was no Orbital Shipyard. ...s'okay. I'm brave. I'm fully aware that it's just a game, and lives are not ruined by this. (sniff) I'm not broken up about this at all.
  19. I think I noticed a weird relationship between Kerbal Construction Time, planes and MAS. On launching MAS-IVA planes, they frequently do not work with KCT. If I return to Space Center and "fly" the craft - suddenly everything works just fine. There might be some initialization step that KCT breaks, I imagine. Alternatively, going EVA and back in also fixes it. I mostly experience this in OPT J HT cockpit (the bus and battery buttons do not work).
  20. Hey, my game occasionally crashes when loading into the VAB or when launching a new vessel, unsure why. Help would be much appreciated c: Here's my logs & installed mods: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4lgwlmtksbbcu0wzcwcf1/Screenshot-2024-05-24-094247.png?rlkey=35a7dkmaw7cuw28vm7jszhrhd&st=lgwepueo&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ev5h3pxxmvm6wurl6jj68/Player.log?rlkey=nix1hgf1mz995f7e05ix6m0ig&st=uycjdb6y&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c8rmbiah2svyjq9acq5vb/Player-prev.log?rlkey=3ffbvw8zreg8nov5ema5xqvhi&st=xicb03fr&dl=0
  21. Thank you! Also, the Muncano timelapse is up; it's thankfully relatively watchable, except for the nighttime portion of the drive, which you can barely make out anything on. (Don't worry, Padorf was later retrieved from the Mun and brought safely back to Kerbin) Eyeing Minmus right now, with an upgraded rover design. I imagine I can get that over and done with very quickly.
  22. Yes, solar thermal power is all about parabolic mirrors and giant frensel lenses creating solar deathray ™ rather than simple black panels. Panels will do the trick if you need to run an orbital distillery to produce cheap booze ethanol fuel, lenses and mirrors allow to melt things that need to be melted (like metallic ore) and run the processing plant with minimum electricity required.
  23. The Apollo D-2 comes from the Alternate Apollo mod, which has sadly been abandoned it seems. The parts still work in 1.12 though. Heh, perhaps BDB could take it over or incorporate their own D-2, but I doubt it. If Cobalt had any interest in the D-2, I think we would have gotten in during the Saturn/Apollo update.
  24. Here is your pickle scented shampoo in a champaign flute. waiter! I want a blue glass filled with dihydrogenmonoxide 005405242024
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