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Everything posted by Whovian

  1. I'm not sure whether this qualifies as a bug report rather than a minor nuisance, but clouds aren't showing up on the OPM copies of the stock planets. I tried the following config to no avail: @CLOUD_LAYER_PACK:HAS[@CLOUD_LAYER]:FINAL { @CLOUD_LAYER,* { +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Moho]] { @body = Helios I } +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Eve]] { @body = Helios II } +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Kerbin]] { @body = Helios III } +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Duna]] { @body = Helios IV } +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Jool]] { @body = Helios V } +DEFAULTS:HAS[#body[Eeloo]] { @body = Sarnus III } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Moho]] { @body = Helios I } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Eve]] { @body = Helios II } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Kerbin]] { @body = Helios III } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Duna]] { @body = Helios IV } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Jool]] { @body = Helios V } +SAVED:HAS[#body[Eeloo]] { @body = Sarnus III } } } Until I can figure this out, I'll probably just have to delete the copies. Also the Trans-Keptunian planets are plunged into perpetual darkness; is this intentional?
  2. Sigma's Galactic Neighborhood should have examples of how to do this.
  3. I should probably note that the creators of Kerbal Konstructs have had trouble with off-Kerbin launch sites. Hence there might be problems launching from Mars with RSS setting the "home" planet to Earth. I dunno. It might be easy to work around.
  4. Reentry in a spacesuit is extremely worrying; back in 1.0.2 I tried a reentry from low Laythe orbit in a command seat and Val burned up before reentry effects even started to appear. Despite the fact that she was shielded by the rest of the ship. Don't do it. Can you try to get him on a Kerbin intercept and send up a well-timed shuttle to rescue him?
  5. Welp, I've got a fairly rudimentary Galactic Neighborhood config working. License is Creative Commons, same as Galactic Neighborhood and New Horizons. It's not particularly good (it just works with NH to replace the stock system with the NH system), but hopefully it'll hold out until if/when a better one's released. Link
  6. Welp, I've got a fairly rudimentary New Horizons config working. License is Creative Commons, same as Galactic Neighborhood and New Horizons. It's not particularly good (it just works with NH to replace the stock system with the NH system), but hopefully it'll hold out until if/when a better one's released. Link
  7. Ah. Thanks. I'll probably have to get around to harassing Thomas later.
  8. The effects on the Algok system aren't showing up for me; is there any API I need installed? - - - Updated - - - Also, the figure-eight system's behaving oddly for me. The orbit period seems to be a minute or two at most, and orbit lines are cutting into things. I'll grab a screenshot of the latter issue. EDIT: Here ya go: It might just be the new version of Kopernicus acting up.
  9. Probably not, come to think of it; Super Tylo had stock surface gravity last time I checked. Probably should've thought first.
  10. Are you still taking requests on the thread? If so, I'd like to request New Horizons. Perhaps also Alternis Kerbol Reloaded.
  11. That's exactly what I did; perhaps I phrased that oddly. I'll see if the updates did anything to alleviate my problem.
  12. Well, I've got a really puzzling support request. I've replaced every folder that comes with KSPI-E with fresh ones other than 000_Toolbar and ModuleRCSFX (which I'm fairly certain aren't the problem). I have confirmed that WarpPlugin is directly in my GameData folder. My Player.log has the following line a few thousand times: Cannot find config in file : WarpPluginSettings (Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/MacStandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) The only thing that I did between a startup where KSPI-E worked and when the problem started was I edited Texture Replacer's list of bodies with breathable atmosphere and minimum atmospheric pressure for helmet removal, and I highly doubt this would cause anything of the sort. Here's my WarpPluginSettings.cfg file: WARP_PLUGIN_SETTINGS { name = WarpPluginSettings AluminiumResourceName = Aluminium AmmoniaResourceName = LqdAmmonia ArgonResourceName = ArgonGas CarbonDioxideResourceName = LqdCO2 CarbonMonoxideResourceName= LqdCO HeliumResourceName = LqdHelium Helium3ResourceName = LqdHe3 HydrazineResourceName = Hydrazine HydrogenResourceName = LqdHydrogen HydrogenPeroxideResourceName = HTP MethaneResourceName = LqdMethane NitrogenResourceName = LqdNitrogen OxygenResourceName = LqdOxygen TritiumResourceName = LqdTritium UraniumTetraflourideName = EnrichedUranium WaterResourceName = Water RadiationMechanicsDisabled = True ThermalMechanicsDisabled = False SolarPanelClampedHeating = False LimitedWarpTravel = False RecieverTempTweak = True MatchDemandWithSupply = False MaxThermalNozzleIsp = 10000 GravityConstant = 9.80665 IspCoreTempMult = 22.371670613 ElectricEngineIspMult = 1 BasePowerConsumption = 5 PowerConsumptionMultiplier = 1 MaxPowerDrawForExoticMatterMult = 1 GlobalThermalNozzlePowerMaxTrustMult = 1 GlobalMagneticNozzlePowerMaxTrustMult = 1 GlobalElectricEnginePowerMaxTrustMult = 1 MaxAtmosphericAltitudeMult = 3.61912 MinAtmosphericAirDensity = 0.000001 ElectricEnginePowerPropellantIspMultLimiter = 1 ElectricEngineAtmosphericDensityTrustLimiter = 0 OrsResourceMappings = LiquidFuel, LqdHydrogen, Hydrogen, LqdHydrogen, Oxidizer, LqdOxygen, Oxygen, LqdOxygen, Helium, LqdHelium, Nitrogen, LqdNitrogen, Methane, LqdMethane, CarbonDioxide, LqdCO2, CarbonMonoxide, LqdCO }
  13. Yesterday I'd almost finished a mission. Then I restarted KSP to edit Texture Replacer's configs. When I relaunched KSP Interstellar decided not to load - despite the fact that I changed absolutely nothing other than Texture Replacer's settings for kerbals removing their helmets! As a result my mission got deleted, as it had radiators from KSP Interstellar on it. Today the problem's escalated to crashing. I have absolutely no idea why. I've been unsuccessfully troubleshooting for the past hour. EDIT: Crashing gone, I think it was just Module Manager choking on the sheer number (21,355) of patches it had to apply.
  14. Just wanted to share this with you guys (That is, a lot of legacy)
  15. I have a 3 GB GameData folder and I usually only use 5 or 6 mods.
  16. Perhaps plugins, but a mod consisting almost entirely of config files and models like NovaPunch should transfer pretty nicely.
  17. It's probably one of those "treat it like a rendezvous" transfers. In this case, I'd probably recommend shooting out into an elliptical orbit of Sonnah to change your orbital period and waiting for either an encouter or a near-encounter. You might want to temporarily raise your orbit above Kerbin and Aptur's to prevent Kerbin assists from throwing you off. Note: I'm guessing from my knowledge of fancy orbital maneuvers; I haven't been to Aptur yet.
  18. There is one. Admittedly it's in a weird place, but keep looking.
  19. I don't think I've said this yet, so here you go: If I had to pick one of KW, NovaPunch, BAE, and SpaceY to keep and get rid of the rest (as if), I'd probably pick SpaceY.
  20. If my analysis is correct (which it very well may not be), it should go away. And I also have the same problem with mods, just not nearly as badly as you it would appear. Can I recommend NovaPunch? It adds a rather interesting and unique variety of engines, its own command pods, a good number of structural parts, and utility parts like inline chutes and parachute-loaded nosecones. The aesthetics aren't stockalike, but they mesh decently if you're careful enough about it. It actually has almost enough variety to serve as a replacement for stock (though not quite enough).
  21. Okay, I've finally gotten around to a theory. Sorry for taking so long; my life got extremely crazy and I haven't had much free time. IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at ActiveTextureManagement.TextureConverter.TGAToTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean mipmaps) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActiveTextureManagement.TextureConverter.GetReadable (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean mipmaps) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActiveTextureManagement.CacheController.RebuildCache (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean compress, Boolean mipmaps, System.String hashString) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActiveTextureManagement.CacheController.FetchCacheTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo Texture, Boolean compress, Boolean mipmaps) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActiveTextureManagement.DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM.UpdateTexture (ActiveTextureManagement.TexInfo texture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActiveTextureManagement.DatabaseLoaderTexture_ATM+<Load>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) :MoveNext() I'm suspecting this is related to your problem; it's consistent with ATM's occasionally slightly breaking stuff. If this were the case, my limited knowledge of ATM tells me that you'd probably run into crashes when loading a particular texture (keep in mind that "texture" can mean anything from a skin to an ore distribution). If you manage to figure out what texture it is, I think you can force ATM to keep the original tga(?) loaded. If the problem isn't that, I've absolutely no clue. (Also holy **** that's a ton of mods. As in I deliberately stopped installing my mods at about half of what you have because KSP was taking so long to start up.)
  22. Phantom overheat's usually inline batteries. Probably best to use radial ones instead.
  23. I don't see why not; Ven's seems to work with near everything (there was an issue with the fairings and FAR and some other incompatibility (DRE?) last time I checked though), so the only problem would be that the RLA parts intended to look like stock parts won't look like Ven's versions.
  24. I've pretty much got it done; there's minor parts clipping. Fuel cells, drills, and jets are clipping into the cargo bays slightly; the fuel cells are unavoidable due to weird placement parameters on the interior of the cargo bay, unfortunately, and for the jets I'm hoping that the fact that the clipping only occurs when the cargo bays are open will forgive me. I've got more cargo bay clipping further back, but I have no plans to open that cargo bay. I'm just using it as a service module. EDIT: Those are not the images I was looking for. Stand by while I fix this. EDIT 2: Fixed. EDIT 3: Derp. Forgot to mention that I was asking if this is okay. EDIT 4: Embedded album refuses to update to include the last image. See the whole thing here.
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