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Everything posted by notJebKerman

  1. Tough it's not specified to be ICBM fairing, since T-II's warhead had no fairing (AFAIK it was exposed during launch). However, it does look like the warhead if you shape it properly.
  2. I've been using this mod for a while and have flown quite a few missions, but after switching to 2.5x system and nerfing control systems (RCS to 25% and RW to 1%) reentries are nearly impossible. As soon as I point away from the prograde vector the shuttle either starts rotating uncontrollably or is torn apart by aerodynamic forces. I've moved the center of mass by moving fuel and increasing authority of control surfaces but nothing helps... Is there a way to avoid this?
  3. Nice. One fairly simple suggestion I'd have would be a double or even triple long steel Atlas tank for use on A-III, since it's first stage is way bigger than on early versions. The entire rocket is just a few meters short of A-V...
  4. Beautiful! I'm planning to use this for pretty much every unmanned payload above Delta II (aside from maybe an occasional Delta III-Centaur) up to it's max capacity (where Saturn takes over) so it's gonna fly a lot...
  5. Just want to point out that according to KE his TWR was high enough for a normal flight which makes the whole thing even weirder... From my experience (I've had problems like that before) the best thing is to just add mods one by one to figure out which one is causing this. It's usually some minor plugin that shouldn't do much in the first place but somehow causes issues like this...
  6. The white version was actually flown on Skylab missions and the service module was the same as on lunar flights (aside from being partially fueled)
  7. If I remember correctly, Luna and Venera, as well as some other probes were included in one of the previous releases
  8. Ok, so I figured out the textures but I'm having problems with stock texture switch. If anyone could help me out with this... For some reason it works only on aero cap and the structural adapter (the last two). @PART[bluedog_Gemini_Crew_A,bluedog_Gemini_Crew_B,bluedog_Gemini_Parachute_A,bluedog_Gemini_Port_A,bluedog_Gemini_Structure_A,bluedog_gemini_cap] { %MODULE { name = ModulePartVariants primaryColor = #000000 secondaryColor = #000000 baseDisplayName = Default baseThemeName = BlackG VARIANT { name = TantaresGreen displayName = Blue themeName = BlueG primaryColor = #5d8aa8 secondaryColor = #5d8aa8 TEXTURE { mainTextureURL = UKAF/Textures/Gemini_crew_blue } } } }
  9. At some point texture switch for white Apollo CM was included in this mod, so that'd be nice EDIT: Found the demo vid. (Also shows how far BDB has come. Old CM was looking completely different...)
  10. There is no end cap, but a special version of the Mir node is already included for those modules.
  11. Imo it's pretty well balanced. It's meant to be used in orbit, so efficiency is more important, but if you want more thrust out of it, you can just change the value in .cfg file
  12. @damonvv Are you still planning to add Antares and Cygnus? They'd be great competition complementation to F9 and Dragon... Btw, love the new B5 textures!
  13. 1) Thought I'd need to add more, but turns out that's enough (tough they are set to 150%) 2) That's coming in the next version
  14. This isn't a CA issue. I've been experiencing the same thing on all parts since 1.4.
  15. Just a small suggestion for the future... With the addition of a single segment SRB this mod could make both versions of 1st and 2nd stages of Orbital ATK's OmegA.
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