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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. Oh, interesting. I am a fan of failures mods. Up until now dangit is my favorite, but this one has the merit of integrating the stock eva repairs mechanic, which is alwaya preferable. I will check this out Tell me something @Angel-125, how do engineers relate to the mod? Same as with stock eva repairs?
  2. Wow this thing is from 2014! Can it be carried in the stock inventory and attached with the stock construction gizmo?
  3. I've been using it with kerbalized suits for the past few weeks, was also using it in 1.11. It is indeed the best around
  4. @Tanner Rawlings not trying to butt in, just to share what I have been doing: insofar KIS is going through some redevelopment. But stock inventory system works fine. KAS parts are good to go as they ways were, and the stock build kajigger works great paired with KAS parts. So.... KAS parts + stock attachment + stock inventory, is the current best combination imho. Until IgorZ comes up with his updated stuff, which I expect to be far superior that stock's stuff.
  5. No, it could be that. It is also a visual enhancement mod. In fact I will try removing it and see if it makes a difference.
  6. Hmm.... I dont use scatterer, but do use EVE. Still, no part I use keeps bouncing above the water. Not even tantates capsules, actually. Only capsules with tantares heatshields.
  7. Hmmm since you guys are talking about "soyuzes".... Is the soyuz heatshield too buoyant? I think it happens with other tantares heatshields too. If you jettison the shield, the capsule settles half-way into the water as with any other capsule. But if you hit the water with the heatshield attached, the capsule+heatshield will keep "basketballing" over the water. It is a strange behavior. Yes I know... "Just jettison the heatshield" or "its supposed to land on the ground". Maybe so, that's not the point. All capsules plus a heatshield have a weight/volume ratio so that they settle nicelly on the water, but tantares capsules + tantares heatshiels when used together, they just bounce over the water in a weird way. That can'y be right. Edit.: or maybe its just me? Anyone else notice this?
  8. Yeah. It has been a must-have on my mods list since forever and it never caused me problems. In I set my CKAN compatibility to very old versions of KSP because of it and some other usual suspects. But indeed as someone else said above, stock KSP changed a lot of things over the years but tanks + engines seems to have waltzed through that with unscratched.
  9. LGG maybe he is not making himself clear. Yeah there is something a bit weird happening, easily explainable in words. Less than a bug, more like an oddity. It is harmless and I just ignore it, but it is indeed weird. Let me explain. Imagine jeb is recovering. In his portrait in the astronaut complex it says so clearly, and the time it takes for his recovery to end. Sofar so good. And since he is recovering, in the editor he doesnt't appear as available for assignment, right? Wrong, he does. If you click on him to drag him into the ship, he then disapears. Thats what is happening. It is no gamebreaking issue. It is slightly enerving as most people dont go to the astronaut complex first just to see who is available, they just go to the editor and check there who is available. It is strange to see everyone there, click on a guy to put him into the pod, just to see him vanish and think "oh thats right, I just used him a few days ago".
  10. allright @IgorZ now we're going somewhere. May I suggest you add some lines on the second thread post, with instructions? It is not immediately clear that there is a Kis2 part you are supposed to test against the other stock parts - I mean yeah its kinda obvious when you think of it but my eyes just glanced over the part without seeing it since it is the same model as the stock one. Well, I did the testing in the parameters you requested. Will go item by item: Any item or a group of items can be moved between any KISv2 inventory windows - WORKS FINE; In editor, a part can be dragged from the editor's panel into a KISv2 dialog. - WORKS FINE; In editor, a part can be dragged from the editor's working area into a KISv2 dialog. And vice versa. - WORKS FINE; In editor, the parts can be moved between KISv2 and the stock inventory dialogs. - WORKS FINE; In flight, any changes to the STOCK inventory dialogs should be reflected in the KISv2 dialogs. I OPENED STOCK AND KIS DIALOGS FOR THE KIS PART, THEN STOCK DIALOG FOR A STOCK PART, AND MOVED THINGS AROUND IN SEVERAL AND EXAUSTING WAYS. WORKS FINE. INDIVIDUAL AND TOTAL VOLUMES AND WEIGHT SEEM TO CHECK OUT TOO. In flight, any changes to the KISv2 inventory dialogs should be reflected in the STOCK dialogs. THE TEST ABOVE COVERED THIS In flight, KISv2 and STOCK inventory are not cooperating. If you pick a part from the STOCK dialog, it will ONLY be recognized by another STOCK dIalog. This also applies to the KISv2 dialogs. YEAH. IN EACH WAY I MOVE THINGS FROM A STOCK PART TO A KIS PART, IT WORKS FINE AND THE RESULT REFLETCST IN THE KIS DIALOG, BUT I CANT MOVE TO AND FROM THE KIS DIALOG ITSELF. Interaction via KISv2 respects the stock inventory settings in terms of stack sizes and the overall number of slots (in the stock module). SEEMS TO WORK FINE FOR ME TOO. So, if you wanted to have those findings cross-checked on another machine, they all check out. My coding knowledge is close to null, but if it helps, I can re-do all testing you have already done yourself, for proof-reading, so to speak. Or test for the first time some time-consuming chore that you don't have the patience to do. Now throw me something else to do!
  11. Finally sat down to start some testing. Game doesn't recognize the mod. Hehe it requires the usual module manager doesn't it? Before I go on, what else? Clickthroughblocker, things like that? EDIT: now I am not entirely too sure anything else was necessary other than the mere KIS2 folder within the GAMEDATA folder. I was thinking something was missing because inside the editor, no evidence of KIS could be found anywhere, so I thought KIS hasn't been installed. Turns out it was, but I can only access its functions in flight, and from an EVA'ed kerbal's interface, where a button for KIS interaction will appear. Is that supposed to be right? In fact the only place I am being able to open, simultaneously, both a stock and a KIS2 inventory screen, is during EVA. Everywhere else, It seems like only stock inventory systems exist, and I am left in doubt whether I am lacking the installation of something else. Before I proceed, let's review the dependencies!
  12. "What I like has to be mandatory for everyone, what I dislike has to be forbiden for everyone" type of thinking huh? @enewmen you are not only right, in fact that is true even for much closer distances, let alone such far away distances as other stars. KSP1 never tackled signal delay and no wonder, even in a decade there is only so much you can do. Must be a hard thing to program as there isn't even a mod that does it competently. I use "smart parts" for some "meh" results in some limited situations. So yeah, I am looking foward for more usefullness for crews, they have been slowly brougth into more useful roles over the years (engineers amd repairs for instance, scinetists and surface experiments is another) but I expect KSP2 to expand on that. The impossibility to remotelly command over long distances should be one such case, I am hoping. And then the guy who wants it easier just goes to the settings screen and tones down the game realism. Boom, everyone is haopy.
  13. I have no problem with a story mode as long as it is "one more" play mode.
  14. Another sheep brought into the 1.12. fold. And an important one too. Thanks @JPLRepo!
  15. If you ask me, KIS/KAS are far superior than anything that stock can come up with. So it's my pleasure.
  16. DEAR LORD, IgorZ js trying to make KIS and the stock storage system talk to eachother. I'll be sure to give it a try and report here what I see.
  17. Hey there y'all! Any good suggestion on a good spacesuits pack compatible with texture replacer that can be used both in IVAs and EVAs? And of course, work well under 1.12?
  18. I installed benjee 10, and pasted your new files over the mod - it overwrote some 25 files or so. Still, no change. Sorry. Hm... am I supposed to use texture replacer, or texture replacer replaced? (edit: nevermind, I tried with 'replacer replaced', it is the same thing, plus 'diverse kerbal heads' doesn't work). You know @DirtyFace83 I realized I am being inconvenient. It is stated in spacedock, quite clearly, that this mod is EVA ONLY at the moment, so, I am at fault here asking you this. You see, up until 1.11 it was an automatic thing, the suit you chose would apply everywhere and you wouldn't think about it, I guess 1.12 must have changed that and I didn't stop to read the OPs and the descriptions in spacedock. Edit: although... in 1.11. I used texture replacer replaced, not texture replacer. I stoped using it in 1.12 because it doesnt work with diverse kerbal heads anymore. Maybe that's why previously I had no issue using your suits both in iva and eva? Anyway, it turns out that I am being a damn bore. Sorry. But if sometime the suits do become available to both IVA and EVA, do drop me a PM, will ya? Thanks, your work looks great.
  19. Oh great! You see my ocd deals pretty poorly with kerbals changing clothes every time they get through an airlock hehehehe. Thanks. Just to be clear, do I need benjee'a suits and your configs? I make no point on having any of in. You see in 1.11 I used nothing but kerbalized suits. Back then the red suit you see in the EVa pic above would show both in IVA and EVA, no benjee, no nothing. Why was that now in 1.12 it doesnt, thats the mistery.
  20. Interesting. So it is to be used sparingly. Taking a very small engine and scaling it up to huge proportions should progressively "boost" (no pun intended, but perhaps yes) the effect in a cumulative way, every time you oversize a bit more the same engine. That could be considered "gamey". Thanks Lisias you're a ksp treasure.
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