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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. That was definitely a shocker especially a week for release, many saw the expectations of getting into KSP2 shatter.
  2. And how many times does one need to hear that console versions of KSP2 will come after full release of KSP2 version It's been stated ever since 2019, has never changed and been repeated over and over. Offcourse one can ask again, and one will be getting the same answer.
  3. I guess people want reassurances, and when they get that, they are comfortable again. even if like you say, it goes without saying they are working on the game and fixes. People sometimes have a hard time reading between the lines. I for one do think it's nice to know what's not going to be fixed in the next update, so there is a form of managing expectations in my eyes, which is good.
  4. That's a nice red herring you've thrown here about use of brackets while I emphasized on the use of the Royal we.
  5. If others find value in the current communications I certainly can't see it as wasted effort, even if it doesn't serve me personally.
  6. I see alot of 'we' in your posts, but you can only speak for yourself, 'we' nor 'you' have entrusted the KSP franchise to T2/IG/ST/Nate, 'We' have no ownership on this game or franchise, it was sold by SQUAD and we're not stakeholders, we're merely potential customers.
  7. No one did probably, but I definitely had the expectation it would run on decent on-board graphics because of a couple of things. First off I expect the orbital mechanic calculations not becoming more difficult in a decade between KSP1 and KSP2. Secondly KSP1 was always considered an unoptimised mess, and KSP2 has always been stated to be built from the ground up. Thirdly time hasn't stood still, and onboard graphics in the course of a decade has developed enormously, I can play GTA V with a low voltage 10th gen cpu and on-board graphics. Yes, it's potato graphics compared to running it on my rig, but it's playable with decent framerates. Graphics can be tuned down to potato quality in just about any game. And lastly, KSP is not a 'gamers' game to me, it played on potatoes and the market it's for is not the gamer, but everyone who has a certain affinity with 'Space', I'd expected that same continuation being optimised for that same market. I did create my own expectations, based on above which I for myself found logic points. Maybe it will still happen and it gets optimised to run of business laptops again, but it would surprise me.
  8. Quite simple, it's clear that reactions very fast go to hyping the game, marketing the game, upselling the game and overpromissing as soon as something is shown which we won't be getting for a while. So it is better to just let actions speak louder than words.
  9. You can see the general reaction to the new formatting for yourself.
  10. So why didn't you refer to the letter in your first post, you know the cause why there are so few mods right now, why be so opaque?
  11. The Nerf will probably have its use within the tech tree progression while the SWERV will be almost end game.
  12. Yes, or else it will end up like with KSP1 with the same result. KSP1 got 'optimized' due to a decade of progression in PC hardware. When KSP1 got released the PC Hardware wasn't even ready for it to run 'optimised'.
  13. Science Milestone is the first Milestone, let communication focus on what's first instead of what we won't be getting for a long time. Why would you even want to know what's in the far future, it will only lead to ' you are hyping the game again' reactions. No sense in that at all.
  14. Jeeze, is it Friday already? It sometimes feels like a blink of the eye and time past by again. Wished it would go a bit slower sometimes. I really do hope we'll be getting a peak at what v is going to entail besides bugfixes and performance gains since it's going to be around the corner and comming within the next few weeks.
  15. Select image, press Cntrl+P, press enter, profit.
  16. I think you know what I meant with my post here. If you want to get technical, in modern society we are no longer successors to our fathers, we choose our own paths in life and do not automatically become a fisherman or baker like our fathers used to be, we're descendants nowadays.
  17. Which should be common sense for every purchase descision one makes. And it goes for EA titles as well, postpone purchase untill one thinks development progressed far enough to be worthy of the offer.
  18. How is KSP2 in its current state considered a succesor? It's not, it may become its successor when development progresses. When they fix a majority of game breaking bugs, get performance up to speed a bit and the first roadmap Milestone Science is reached they become more in line with each other. For now offcourse KSP1 is played more because it's a full fledged game, which KSP2 isn't.
  19. While funny and not exactly a bug to me, I really do hope Intercept turns this into a feature!
  20. Depends on the wife I guess, no better way to spend time on a plane or under an umbrella on the beach with a cold bear shooting up Kerbals into space. Even got a spare laptop battery for 'holidays' That's a great guide which will go straight into the bug workaround thread!
  21. Weekly challenges take month for me to finish, creating a backlog wirth things to do in KSP2 Minmus it is for the Dragon
  22. Another great update, very much appreciated. Working on bugs and performance as expected, some nice new parts and we know the next patch will come somewhere this month. One thing left out though, I'm interested in what to expect from the 'bigger and better patches'. What can we expect from QOL feautures and expansions of the base game we have now? Maybe the next weekly update can expand on that a little?
  23. SQUAD did not get shut down, nor did it have a good reputation.
  24. I don't know, I'd rather be shown what is on the roadmap next so there is something to look forward to in the near(er) future instead of what is in the far future and far out of grasps. I can only imagine what reactions it would cause, like; Why are you hyping the game again, haven't you learned? Why are we being shown stuff that is miles away in the roadmap, how about showing us... Why are we getting shown stuff we're not getting for years, fix the game first! Why aren't you working on what is needed now? Where are your priorities! When are we getting this. We're being scammed... Everybody is different and finds other things important, gather 10 people and tell them they have a meeting Tuesday and ask them to write down 3 questions, share all questions and be amazed at what questions are asked which you would never even think about asking yourself. Communication is hard in reaching and satisfying everybody. What someone needs may cause a rouse from others.
  25. Great update, as I read from someone before in what was needed, you are now taking to us instead of at us and are managing expectations. Please let this be the precedent for future communications.
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