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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Indeed, but you don't have a sample size of 15k. And Reddit doesn't give you a 15k sample size, it gives you Reddit user samples, not the complete KSP 2 communities sample. So the sample is no good in the first place. The question who to believe, Reddit, forum, steam, discord , is none of them. And the majority isn't playing the game, I never said it did. Why you don't know? Guesswork. Same for stating that the majority of KSP2 playerbase is on Reddit, again guesswork based on assumptions. You might be poling some groups, youre not able to pole the group in which you can derive your 15k sample.
  2. Dataset not specified enough to make conclusions, assumptions and gut feeling take over, you don't know.
  3. Asumption, you don't know. Majorities are often silent, you claiming that they are silent because they arent playing the game is nothing more then an assumption and not a fact. I can name at least 10 reasons as to why people may not playing, You can't derive any conclusion on why people aren't playing if you can't say for certain how many people fall in which category. So there goes gut feeling and assumptions again. You said it yourself, an assumption, not a hard fact. Different products, different markets, different people, different way of handling complaints, and if there are a majority? You don't know. If you claim you know, while there is no data in which you can derive your conclusions for certain, that's ingnorance. I'm not that ignorant to claim I can.
  4. You can fill in blanks any way you would like to, and so many do. The facts are however, that they remain blanks, and yo, me or anyone else don't know. Like I said, we know nothing.
  5. People tend to think they are part of a majority and some are thinking they can speak on behalve of a majority. The majority however is silent, and you don't know what they are thinking because they are silent. No discord, Reddit, steam or this forum have a majority of the playerbase, there are probably more than 100.000 sales, you won't find the majority on either of above platforms. We don't know nothing
  6. I for one like the offset and orientation tool in the VAB, the one gripe I have with it is its placement right over the part making the total design less visible because the tool is placed right over it. I'd like to see the tool being offset besides the part so it better shows the results design wise.
  7. LoSBoL

    About ISRU

    Honestly I really miss ISRU, I'm kinda lousy at orbital mechanics and efficiency isn't something I'm any good at. I usually have these kind of contraptions around the kerbolair system just to keep me fueled.
  8. This might not show on normal 16 by 9 screens, but when playing on wide screens there has been a change in where UI elements are placed in the recent update. They were (mostly) neatly grouped to the left (apart from the APP bar.) Now however the bottom elements have been spread out throughout the whole bottom, its giving KSP1 vibes which was a mess with info clutered everywhere. Can you please revert to grouping instead of spreading, I really liked all the elements toghether instead of all over the screen. Or better yet, make them modulair and placeable where we'd like them ourselves. Example how it is now in; How it was previously;
  9. Can't wait till I can finally fire up this evening.
  10. I love how you can change the perspective in the map view by dragging your mouse with the middle mouse button pressed.
  11. That would be Elon Kerman. If he ever spawns again I'm going to stuff him in a 1,25 meter cargo bay and send him off on a one way trip to Eeloo never to be heard from again.
  12. I do agree with you, as in my first post here saying that the game to me doesn't look like it's designed for 16:9, it becomes way to cramped and somewhat unpleasant to play. It's quite common to upgrade stuff like graphic cards, processors, ram or trade in an HDD for an SSD when it comes to play games nicer, but monitors not so much and they get upgraded far less frequently. They do however expand on the user experience and immersion when it comes to gaming.
  13. For me it's not the bugs, but the unfinished base game QOL wise, it's great that they've concentrated on bugfixing and performance optimisations these 8 months getting the game running for many people. But I thought the intentions were to get feedback of every Milestone before continuing to the next Milestone. Yet we have unfinished IVA's, no transfer window planner, we are unable to create a manoeuvre node in an orbit after the current one, have only one cargo bay in which we may determine how far it opens, no TWR readings in the VAB besides Kerbin's and the list of unfinished things go on and on. I can imagine to pressure to take the next step and make more people happy by expanding gameplay, but it leaves quite some gaps that leaves question marks in when (or even if) the gaps are filled.
  14. And that's as to why my suggestion to get an immersive user experience is to go wide to open up the game. KSP wasn't any different with a couple of paws open.
  15. If I recall correct in the first AMA it was acknowledged that there was a wish for scalability and modularity concerning the UI. We've gotten scalability since then, and I'm confident modularity will get in the game as well one day. As some others, I always played with the Navball to the left in KSP1 to get as much screen estate as possible. KSP2 is however still crowding the whole screen with UI, this game wasn't made for 16:9, go wide and the game opens up massively. VAB; 16:9 21:9 32:9 In flight; 16:9 21:9
  16. launch imminent, has already been archived and has been in staging for 9 hours. Probably launch day today. https://steamdb.info/app/954850/depots/ And like the last 3 patches, I'm eater on holiday or just about to go on holiday. So only reading patchnotes and experiences for a couple of days for me...
  17. By forgetting a gravity turn, brute force by expending huge amounts of dV going straight up and slowly reaching high atmosphere, and off course a massive amount of patience. It took me about 1,5 evening to get this up in orbit. Fun? No, but boi did it feel like an accomplishment in the end.
  18. There's going to be bugs, like we have them now and probably even worse ones in the future, we'll have to live with that. But that's not really the point of this particular topic. It's more about if the current development progressed far enough to consider the base finished enough for the next big step?
  19. I can certainly understand as to why the base we have now feels empty due to not having progression or science. I have not been to all Celestial bodies in the Kerbal System, so for me it has plenty right now to build and explore. It's making it hard for me now within the game without a transfer planner or being unable to just make a maneuver in a future orbit. Those things can off course be added through mods (or in future development down the road), but they feel like they should be basic foundations to be added to me.
  20. So, we are being teased a bit that we'll be having our heads in Science soon enough, but to me I'm still missing some QOL features to be in the base we currently have. Just a few examples; I see that artists are working on 'stuff', but I also see non complete IVA's and no IVA view. I'm still missing some maneuver tools like to plan a maneuver in the next orbit instead of just the current orbit. I'm missing a transfer window planner which gives more info than just how much DV would be needed to get somewhere. EVA chutes and EVA lights not available yet or not working. TWR tools that only uses Kerbin as a reference and not being able to plot for other bodies. No reentry heating yet? I explicitly do not mention 'bugs', it has plenty but that's not the point of this pole. I'd like to know how others feel about the foundation we have now. Is it ready for science?
  21. I can't figure it out, when I create a manoeuvre node and want to have it placed in the next orbit instead of the current orbit, how do I do that, is it even possible?
  22. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: 12700KF | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM: 32 GB DDR4 I'm unable to select the native resolution in the game settings. It just provides 16 by 9 resolutions. The resolutions 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 5120x1440 are missing. Can be worked around by manually setting the correct resolution in the settings.json file
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