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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. The better lesson is that price may set expectations, but when gaming concerned its just like in the real world, price does not set a precedent. Yes, people get burnt when basing their purchase decisions set on price as expectancy, for some its a lesson, for some it isn't.
  2. Although it would be a nice 'thank you' to the ones that 'endured' the EA release, it would be interpreted otherwise by everybody else. How about the signal to people that didn't endure EA and refunded? 'You ain't getting it because you didn't stuck with it'. Not the signal you'd want to send out, but will be interpreted as such. I'm guessing it would be more bad publicity.
  3. Based on an earlier statement from Nate that there will be 2 QOL updates before the science milestone update I'm guessing we're half a year away from the science update, and maybe another bug fix will drop after that before Christmas. Bugfix patch, 3 weeks Bugix and performance patch, 4 weeks First QOL update, 6-8 weeks Second QOL update, 6-8 weeks Science Milestone, 6-8 weeks Bugfix patch, 3-4 weeks
  4. We're not going to get an answer to the question what happened, ever... When science hits will be a first glimpse of how finished they are with their parallel development in my opinion.
  5. What you got now will be different from what you'll have in a few years, what you've got now isn't the end product. Only thing you can do is indeed, wait.
  6. And that's why I'm not worried at all, I expect over 90 updates yet to come. T² didn't buy the Kerbal IP for nothing, they did for the long haul, as a continuing cashflow cow for 2 decades to come.
  7. Huge warning for 7000 series AMD CPU's went out the door yesterday, update your BIOS or risk frying your CPU.
  8. Another good addition, I'll update the OP this evening. I've had the issue trice, last occasion it was the controls being borked with a spaceplane, SAS expected 'normal' controls and went haywire. When shutting SAS down I could stear the plane again with WASDQE still being borked.
  9. Had fun building, needed a bit more time to get it to space which I didn't have.
  10. Good tips guys, keep em coming Scrolled a bit through the bug reports and added a few workarounds in the OP.
  11. I don't know anything about coding or developing, but you guys are giving me as layman a grasp of how things come toghether! Thanks, I've learned again today. I thought the and versions branches are for 'us' to download earlier versions of the Game through the Steam's 'Beta participation' options? This goes for KSP as well, where you can revert back all the way to v1.0.5.
  12. Well, I don't know how it is with other games development, it does look like multiple development branches being worked on in the same time if you look into steamdb https://steamdb.info/app/954850/depots/
  13. My second SSTO 'ever', never bothered with KSP due to building wings being finicky, but having a blast with the procedural wings in KSP2. Loved the experience in building and flying. A nice flyby of Kerbin was the result; .
  14. In either the EA event interview of Scott Manley or Matt Lowne Nate spoke about 2 QOL updates before the Science milestone. We haven't seen a real QOL update yet, so it could be that these two are coming, but who knows.
  15. It makes perfect sense, even for KSP2 and any other game no matter in what state it is. Any communication will be interpreted by a notoriously sensitive, emotional and impatient group known to have pitchforks in their backpockets, those groups go by the name 'gaming communities'. Every word will be weighted and even then there is no guarantee the pitchforks stay in the backpockets.
  16. Disney employees took the challenge a tad to serious... https://youtube.com/shorts/SgZAAPKM-5w?feature=share
  17. Docking in timewarp might indeed prove very difficult, so a very good adition to keep above 25KM!
  18. It certainly isn't for everybody to enjoy a game which bugs out, but at least some of us are able to enjoy the failing of the game on top of failure of the player itself. KSP to me always was about perserverance and learning from failure, launching, crashing and launching again! When looking at the community challenge topic's or the What did you do in KSP2 topic I'm not the only one that sinks in hours in playing and working around bugs and glitches. So how do we do that? The game is at v0.1.2.0 currently and over 500 fixes and changes have come since v0.1.0.0, Intercept is doing their part to get KSP2 up and running, in the mean time it's an effort of endurance. I thought it was time for some sort of repository in how to overcome the game's bug challenges. Let's try to keep this thread positive, we know the game's current state and (lack of) feautures, I like to hear your bug workaround so we can all profit from it, got a mod that fixes your experienced issue? I'd like to hear! So here's three to start off with from a Real Life Bughunter; Unstable low orbit's across bodies? Hit physical timewarp to 2x speed, and you're Ap and Pe become stable, or keep above 25KM Launchbutton not working in the VAB? Select launch vehicle, press CTRL+C, select new workplace, press CTRL+V and launch! F5 and F9 are your companions, often when a bug occurs, F5 and F9 helps to get rid of it. @GalileOh-No made a great small guide to have some fun while avoiding bugs, which can be found here Have you got a workaround for landers falling through the surface of planets after loading the game? Or have you figured out how to stop uncontrollable SAS behaviour? Found somebody who posted other workarounds? Share 'em! Repository links; A whole topic about Interplanetary Transfer Methods and Avoiding the False Trajectory Display Bug Get disapearing orbital lines back by editing the savefile Trouble with fairings? here's a tip Unable to EVE from your craft? Extremely huge save files? Use this cleaning tool Kerbals and landers falling through surfaces? Keep your Kerbals and landers within physical range Craft exploding when coming out of time warp while descending? Mission Failure while craft is ok? Double click your vehicle to take back control. How to fix stuck rocket stages in flight. Struts disapearing in the VAB, Here's are a few tips. Camera zoomed out or in when returning from map view? Use the onscreen Map button instead of the 'M' key. Here's @ShadowZone with a few good workarounds, posted when v0.1.1.0 was live; How to prevent your creation from disapearing through the VAB floor How to prevent the skittles of doom and parts falling of your creation on the launchpad Wronly placed struts destroying your creation.
  19. And quite franky, that's the only way they can prove they are taking ownership. There are no words that can be spoken to fix the game, only actions will get the game where it needs to go and regain trust. They are keeping calm and continuing.
  20. That might be a bit of a wild guess if you look into Jeb or Val level challenges; Jeb Level: Land a vehicle at as high an altitude as you can on Eve (your screenshot should show the altimeter set to Sea Level mode) Val Level: Land a crewed vehicle on Eve and return that crew safely to Kerbin
  21. Interesting, can you share a bit of the viewing conditions (where were you looking at) when getting these FPS scores? And can you share the craft file in any way? I would like to set the performance off against my 12700KF.
  22. Indeed a known bug, when in low orbit, time warp to 2x speed to keep a stable orbit as workaround till fixed.
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