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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Can I please have the paws back? I need to fill my screen... But more seriously, I like the parts manager, although it definitely needs some work, especially since you get half your info from the parts manager, and the other half in the resource manager.
  2. I don't think we're in disagreement here and we share almost the same opinion, I mostly was speaking long term as concern. KSP2 needs to prove itself, bugs need to be fixed and the features completed. Short term I don't have to much concerns because even a shoddy EA launch will be forgotten very quickly when 'they get it right'. To me, looking at two things, KSP1's development and T2 in it for the money makes me personally confident they wanting and needing to get it right. That won't be realised in the first update, nor the next couple of updates, it needs time to get there.
  3. What I'm mostly eager to find out, is next to performance and bugs being stated to be worked on, is if we get QOL updates or other small features. There was an interview, either with Matt Lowne or Scott Manley, I don't know which of them it was anymore. But it was stated that it was prognosed we'd get two QOL updates before the next step in the roadmap would be taken bringing Science and Tree Progression. Maybe the patch will shed some light on that, so will it mostly be bug patch? Or are we going into the prognosed update cycle?
  4. I think it's a bit of a glass half full or half empty assessment in how one looks at it, it's also very easy to find confirmation bias when digging through all reactions which may strengthen feelings. One thing is definitely for sure, KSP2 needs to prove itself of being a worthy successor of the original. I guess I'm more of the half full glass type of guy and remain hopefull, there are a few thing I think about when being hopefull. First off how KSP developed after T2 bought the IP from SQUAD and directed which way SQUAD needed to develop KSP further since then. There was quite a rouse when T2 bought KSP and much fears were posted, but in the end looking at KSP when it was SQUAD's is a totally different beast than what it is now. For four years KSP was further developed by SQUAD under T2's umbrella, and some huge vision changes were made. T2 did with KSP what it wanted to do with KSP2, and that was bringing it to the masses. People easily forget that KSP did not give you any tools, there was no TWR of DV calculations in either VAB or Flight, so it was eyeballing, doing the math of getting mods. There was no transfer window planner, no alarm clock, no much needed in flight readouts, no maneuver tool, no burn time indicator, no in flight action group management, no EVA construction, no Steam workshop, no cloud save. Those were not just QOL features, those are features to change the game from a nerdy one, to one that is accessible for the masses. Now why did T2 do that? Not for the love of the game, but like any company, for the money, by making it sellable to the masses, which it did. What we didn't get are micro transactions, just like has been declared over and over that it wouldn't get them. But in the end, it's all about the money. The same goes for KSP2 which needs to sell, that's why I think that T2 comitted for the long haul, they know that when they get it right, they will keep selling KSP2 for the next couple of decades like KSP did. T2 has every reason to hang in there and let it prove itself, only that way there will be a guaranteed continuous revenue from it, which T2 wants more than anything. My biggest concern in this is not the bugs, nor the features, my concern in T2 getting KSP2 where it needs to go, is its performance. If they don't get the performance to a level that at least an budget level game computer, it will affect the potential market they need to be selling KSP2 to.
  5. Ah, I mixed up scalable and re-sizeable. Yes, you are right, scaling would be preferable to please everybody.
  6. The menus are scalable, it currently does not remember its previous state after you close them.
  7. Everybody handles disappointment or dissatisfaction differently, even more so when being a fan. It's dealing with feelings and emotions. Everyone wanted, and wants the game they are attached to to flourish.
  8. Off course there are 'people' who bought KSP2 with just expectancies due to its price, and I fully agree that what we've got now it isn't worthy of the 50 dollars and many have buyers remorse. I think surely everyone can agree that it needs to get better and the early release of the EA of KSP2 was to early. But in all honesty, I really do think that many people that bought it, bought it in mind of the given roadmap, and did buy it for what is prognosed, and not for its current state. Many people have been through this already with KSP1, and are familiar with the update cycle it had, KSP2 does not differ from that. They just have other expectations than you are having. I'm also not to happy that it was released to get short term income before T2's fiscal year ends, but T2 isn't crazy, they knew what they were doing and assessed that the short term rouse would not affect its long term income from the IP, they know that when they get it right its early release of KSP2's EA will be forgotten fast. When the EA trailer was released 4 months ago I was saddened, I wanted 'the whole shebang', to be enduldged by everything the the full release had to offer, like KSP did for me. An updated and polished KSP2, not built on top layer after layer. I didn't want KSP's update cycle. But there at that moment, It set the expectation that it would. I really do emphasize with everyone that went in head first, missed the video, missed the EA content creator video's, missed the EA trailer and EA gameplay video, missed the roadmap and missed all the warning signs that were even on the page containing the buy button, they engaged to soon, mostly due to expectation only on price. And therefore my advise to just put the game away for a while, because what you have now, is a timesample, not the end product. Every update will bring something, like it did with KSP, what will tick your box to feel comfortable, is again personal. The bad reviews now and the 'non recomendations' it has now on steam reflect KSP2 in its current state, another big 'buyer beware' flag has been rissen since the game's release, which is a good thing, I think in this point in time everybody that's new and investigates what they are buying, know what they are getting in to when they hit the buy button. That's why I said it's up to personal opinion, I would happily pay 50 Euro for an updated KSP1, and the first big update (Science and Progression) would bring it to that point, for me that is. I would be thrilled when colonies hit KSP2, and it would exceed what I expect for 50 Euro. Maybe it's because when I started gaming, I payed 45 to 50 Euro for Nintendo NES games, and thats more then 30 years ago. 60 to 70 dollars for a fully fledged game in 2023 does not sound bad, to me.
  9. Maybe you should put the game away for a while, many have done so looking at the concurrent players on Steam. The state KSP2 is in now is no more than a timesample, and it won't stay like it is now forever. There will even be a time coming that 50 dollars for EA access for KSP2 is going to be a steal, where that tipping point will be is personal.
  10. If KSP learned me anything, it's perseverance. In KSP it's mostly me failing, but with KSP in its current state, it adds the game failing on top of me failing. So you can play the game, if you can handle and work around the failures on top of your own. I'm having fun with working around it, but I can imagine that others aren't. I'm eager to find out what the updates bring, it should have an effect on the amount of concurrent players. We'll know within a few days.
  11. I love the new UI, especially with wider monitors than just 16/9. I do agree that scaling would be needed to make everybody happy and what would be even nicer, is that all the UI elements would be modulair, and you would be able to drag them where you want them. On a sidenote, is it new that in the Map View, you are able to pan wherever you want to go by clicking and holding the third mouse button? It's awesome and I don't remember you are able to do so within KSP1.
  12. I'm really looking forward to the patch notes, I only see performance and bugs stated as being worked on, I'm also very interested if it also brings QOL updates. I think it was the either the Scott Manley or the Matt Lowne interview which mentioned that it is prognosed that KSP2 would have 2 QOL updates before taking the first step into the next big future update bringing science and progression. Naturally I would like to know if the patch we are getting is within that prognosed update cycle?
  13. Maybe thats a bit up to personal perception? I've spent 50 bucks on KSP2 and will be getting a very long time of continuous development and updates for it, not needing to spend another dime.
  14. New player to the kerbal franchise; 'what do you mean with you put the engine and decoupler in the same stage, shouldn't that explode?'
  15. With the old versions of unity games you could try starting the game with the startoption; '-popopwindow' I've used that to span KSP1 borderless window over three screens. (no need for this anymore since I got a 32:9 monitor.) If that doesn't work anymore maybe a Google search on borderless window Unity to check if there have changed startupoptions.
  16. 6000 People sharing that in this point in time it is not recommended to buy KSP2. I don't see a problem, they are right, I wouldn't recommend either, again, at this point in time. KSP2 won't be ruined because of that, when bugs get fixed and the game being updated, reviews will turn and KSP2 will be selling like hotcakes again. If current price scares casual player away right now, that's not a bad thing either, KSP2 in its current state does not need a big player base. It will grow again in time.
  17. KSP2 in its current state does not utilize either CPU or GPU very well. As for your GPU it is yet to be seen if it would be sufficient as development of KSP2 progresses, but you'd probably be on the low spec if it does. Your CPU however can be considered ancient, no optimization is going to solve that. It's safe to say at this point in time it will never get KSP2 in a playable state.
  18. So, what really happened? Well, Star Theory kept theorizing and when T2 got word of a theory that entailed Kerbals being replaced by tigers they stepped in. Nate was reprimanded for not noticing those theories as he was to busy building weird planes with his daughter, he really shouldn't have asked for a test build for this sole purpose. So Intercept got things rolling again, but the QA team was stuck in interstellar space and while Nate spent 75% of his time scrolling screenshots, 35% of his time still playing on the test build with his daughter, and a mere 15% tracking development he didn't notice that all the developers were having a laugh with multi-player instead of developing. But then it went completely south, Jim pressed time zoom and here we are... All this can be found on a platform with a bird, and must be true, because the account giving this insight had a blue tick.
  19. Congratulations on the launch, it was a rough ride to orbit.
  20. You might have misinterpreted, I didn't post a reason as to why KSP2 was released now or in its current state.
  21. Actually, KSP2 at this moment does not need a big player base, it's the hardcore players that give enough feedback and bug reports to get the game fixed. There is a big 'buyer beware' flag right now, and that actually is a good thing for this moment. Somewhere some dev mentioned that they rather have updates and bug fixes tested thoroughly instead of quick and dirty bandages. There is something to say doing it like that.
  22. Opinions vary I guess, I don't need more information, I need the UI to be readible and for wider screens the size is perfect for me. At a meter distance on a 49" I can easily read all the information given to me by the navball and the info it is surrounded by, I just need to glance. It does a whole lot better then KSP1 and resizing the elements which just become blurry when scaled up. I do hope that KSP2 will have scalable UI in the future so everybody can have it the way they want. As for seeing how much hydrogen you've got left, use the resource window. It would indeed however be nice to have that opened when right clicking the fuel tank.
  23. It's a bit bigger, but oh boy does it open up both the UI and immersion. In the screenshot above of KSP1 the poster did not bother to scale its UI, while he could to make things bigger and better usable. KSP2 however does not give you the opertunity (yet) to scale the UI yourself, but they sure did have Widescreen users and 4K users in mind. The UI is scaled nicely and big enough to be usable, even with a 32/9 screen ( 2 normal 16/9 wide screens side by side). Below a comparison between 16/9 and 21/9 (3360x1440) and you can really see that the game opens up by giving you a much better view on the main subject, while leaving planty of space for part action windows. 21/9 16/9 The problem with 4K monitors is it just makes the pictures sharper, and therefore the UI needs to be bigger which leaves you again with a cramped space. For at least KSP i'd really sugest, 'go wide' instead of more pixels. You don't need the sharpness, you're much better off with width. On top of that, even an Super Ultrawide 32/9 5120x1440 monitor has about 10% less pictures to render then a 4K monitor. If you want some more 16/9 21/9 32/9 comparison pictures;
  24. KSP2, if they get it right, will continue selling for the next 15 years, it will keep attracting new players. T2 knows that, it's why they acquired the KSP IP in the first place.
  25. May I suggest reviving this much requested thread to centralize KSP2's social post communications and content?
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