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Everything posted by LoSBoL

  1. Yes, I'm sure, I have no idea how Scott Manley would come to such a conclusion.
  2. Where did you get that from? The GPU is not doing the part physics calculations. I'd hold off on recommending any upgrades for KSP2 in its current condition, because at this point in time there is no telling what will be the bottleneck in KSP2. I see a H81 motherboard mentioned, we're talking 4th generation Intel, that's 10 years old and already bottlenecked KSP1, if anything that needs to be upgraded and for now, the only safe advise for KSP2.
  3. I think the decision not to pause when hitting ESC is a feature helping the immersion. When do people hit ESC, mostly when the excrements hits the fan, and instead of just 'stopping' the game before it happens, you can now see the disaster unfold in full glory.
  4. Last post on the subject Those numbers are indeed, statistics, not copium or personal guestimates. And like I said before, Steamspy does API polling; "Estimates are made based on the API polling user profiles from Steam to determine what software titles (primarily video games) they own and using statistics to estimate overall sales. Software developers have reported that Galyonkin's algorithms can provide sales numbers that are accurate to within 10%, though Galyonkin cautions against using his estimates in financial projections and other business-critical decisions." Good thing we aren't the ones needing to do financial projections or business-critical decisions.
  5. GameSpy poles Api's Yes, your story, but that's just a story, not analytics
  6. https://steamdb.info/app/954850/charts/ Link from OP, scroll down to 'owner estimations'
  7. I'd rather go by steams analytics then by someone's gut feeling.
  8. Check your staging, I mean numbers, estimated sales for KSP2 on steamspy alone exceeds 400.000 copies.
  9. I rather like seeing the game progress when pressing escape. You can still pause by setting time warp to zero, so it's just some muscle memory that needs developing. I do have questions on being able to configure parts when the game is paused, it comes across as cheating somewhat.
  10. At this point in time, 3 days after release, there is no telling in what hardware really is needed to play the game. Sure you can get yourself a high performant gaming rig if you have money to spare, but if the game needs it in a couple of months from now is a question nobody can answer. So if you got a computer that runs other games just fine, my advise would be, keep your money in your pocket right now untill there is more insight. Did you already opt to upgrade and KSP2 is not the only game your going for, go ahead, buy yourself a performant gameing rig. You got yourself a laptop with integrated GPU? That will probably not become playable ever, don't just buy yourself a new gaming laptop, if you got room to spare consider a PC in the future, and just stream the game to the laptop you already have.
  11. Google windows 10 (or 11) screenshot
  12. There is a Dutch saying that applies here, sit still when being shaved. On a sidenote I hope they are working their bottoms off creating a 1st day patch, which is late already.
  13. Interesting link, owner estimation on there is a lot higher then the 25k of concurrent players
  14. I feel the same, said as someone who did buy the game while knowing it wouldnt be offering me $50 worth, maybe it will later, maybe it won't.
  15. Multi monitor support would be awesome, I'd second that in an instant.
  16. Yes, I can't however really imagine how I would give feedback on colonies if they drop through the planet's surface, or its orbit decaying into the ground, or giving feedback on interstellar if flight paths disapear. I understand what you're saying, and that's why I said that I hope Intercept gets the opertunity from T2 to go for the long haul.
  17. Look into T2's investments into KSP's franchise, they are public information in T2's financial reports. Furthermore you can triple sales for KSP1, I didn't say out of the blue that KSP1's market keeps expanding and it keeps getting sold.
  18. So, when is T2 going to pull GTA IV? It's canabalizing GTA V and it's online cash cow.
  19. Were running around in circles, you may call KSP1's market depleted and no more users to sell it to, it isn't and it won't. Potential players, not gamers! keep coming, and shall be served by T2, that's market differencation. The original KSP and KSP2 serve a different maket and clientbase, you think T2 would drop one for the other, I don't think so, let's just agree to disagree.
  20. Yes, indeed they are, yet you keep arguing that T2 will drop a market which they profit from and which is basically a completely different player base. Not going to happen.
  21. No, you don't, you keep missing markets from which profits can be made from.
  22. gaming is one of the largest markets within technology and entertainment... its great that KSP might help in STEM, but that market is much smaller..... and how many schools have a PC with a 4090 They don't, that's what the original KSP serves at, now, today, tomorrow and 5 years from now. Yes, gaming is a very large market and KSP2 will serve well in that market. Both markets bring T2 money, and will continue to do so.
  23. Wrong perspective, this isn't just a computer game, it's a niche, the potential cosumerbase is much larger then 'gamers'. And no, the guy or gail that is interested in STEM or Space is not going to buy a game rig. That's the market which made KSP great, and will keep getting served by the original. You're looking at it from a gamer's perspective.
  24. They won't, maybe some system specs will drop a bit for KSP2 but they will always be different beasts, serving a different set of customers from which money can (and shall be) made from.
  25. Here is your differentation in the market, the two have completely different users to sell the game to. Even if KSP2 gets as good as KSP1 both have their own consumer base which don't bite each other. KSP2 killed the 'I can play kerbal' on my thin and light business laptop, old potato without a dedicated GPU. T2 will skimm both markets.
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