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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. 1.80 GHz AMD A6 APU with Radeon R4 6 GB RAM not so potato never used that btw it gone slow after the loading bar is on the halfway to the end
  2. yes, i know this question has been asked many times, i have tried the solutions i get around reddit and this forum but this one's serious problem MY KSP LOADS IN 4 HOURS yeah my modlist is pretty high, but in 1.3.1 i have much more mods and it's just 30-50 minutes long regards
  3. basically an old jeep bruh i'm indonesian too
  4. *polkka intensifies* *christie suspension intensifies* a bit louder pls
  5. nope, but we have another very rare car
  6. virgin picklerick poster vs kerbal chad
  7. compared to the previous version which is using heat parts, thee HP system seems pretty legit rn but, it seems the HP is too much, making it's harder to gun down an aircraft the HP editor seems to be removed, how bout y'all make parts have less HPs?
  8. get the Grounded parts and make a van paint it white, add lights and put a sticker
  9. the ambulance and the firetruck is in the KSOS
  10. BUMPED REEEEE but srsly now you can find it in the "Manufacturer" tab
  11. i used the mobilelaunchpad that used in the MH Mission Maker
  12. how am i supposed to do for making a launchsite? the "make launchsite" button seems to be inactive when i try to put an object
  13. one thing i'd like to be added/rearranged tech tree, we started from making basic planes, then we get a probe core, making small rockets, then we make an unmanned orbital rocket, then a crew capsule, etc etc... RnD add other features so we can do science and upgrade parts in it
  14. duna is so boring rn followed gonna download then
  15. eh? it's not built for swivel yet? that's different from the BDFPS mod i've seen on youtube
  16. not kinda sure but is this compatible with 1.4.x rn? not gonna risk my laptop's life
  17. oh man i think all of my manned fighter will lose against them DAT HYPER-MANEUVERABILITY DAT MISSILE AND GUN SPAM kek
  18. long time no see lul just rescale the model in unity maybe? also it seems that the stock BDAc's abrams turret is kerbal sized
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