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The Dressian Exploder

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Status Replies posted by The Dressian Exploder

  1. I only recently realized that you are not "The Dressian Explorer", but instead "The Dressian Exploder"


  2. How many of you have some knowledge about music?


    Just asking 


    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      I have a bit of knowlege in music, owing to my grade 4 in viola

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. T-6:00:00 hours to go

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      until what?





      also what is a #onlinestones?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. would anyone be at all interested in a JNSQ space race 2: electric boogaloo?

    (just gonna tag original participants now) @Gordon Fecyk @KerbalKore @Ultimate Steve @Machinique @DylanSemrau

  5. would anyone be at all interested in a JNSQ space race 2: electric boogaloo?

    (just gonna tag original participants now) @Gordon Fecyk @KerbalKore @Ultimate Steve @Machinique @DylanSemrau

  6. A masterpiece


    windows XP music needs more attention. This sounds like a friggin' movie soundtrack!

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      also I have a whole playlist of windows XP music. Its 18 minutes long...


      i managed to refrain from adding Windows XP startup sound slowed down to 24 hours

  7. pod_bay_doors.png 
    xkcd brings gold so many times. As a portal fan I’m legally obliged to say this.

    (LEGO Dimensions shifts in eagerness)

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      RIP LEGO Dimensions, that was actually a brilliant game.

  8. Switched to firefox cos why not


    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      and then i downloaded Resource Hacker to change all the firefox icons to Windows 98 IE icons

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Are you able to play KSP on a Laptop?

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      @HansonKermanwhich version of Windows? I'm a bit of a nerd around this stuff

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. I’ve posted moar than 4 times since that other status. :/ whatever though. I INTEND ON GETTING THOSE 5 DOTS

  11. I’ve posted moar than 4 times since that other status. :/ whatever though. I INTEND ON GETTING THOSE 5 DOTS

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder




    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. I have a KerbalX account.

    yaaaaaaaaaayyy. Go check it out I guess. Maybe I’ll add it to my sig 

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Noice. Dust looks like a decent rocket or something

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. wait am I in frickin trouble squad banned all “Kerman” and “Kerbals”

    I know because of my weird habit of looking at old threads

    what do I frickin do I’ve had this name for two frickin years I don’t wanna change it

    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Don't think so. Originally my username was Spacenerd Kerman but I changed it. I joined in August 2018 btw

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Are you able to play KSP on a Laptop?

  15. wait am I in frickin trouble squad banned all “Kerman” and “Kerbals”

    I know because of my weird habit of looking at old threads

    what do I frickin do I’ve had this name for two frickin years I don’t wanna change it

  16. after my dlc business is all done, thinking bout changing my pfp. Still gonna be a Kerbal in an MH suit, still gonna name it Hanson for no reason lol, just something different, cooler maybe

    and less ocd inducing. Those two stars are easy to miss but hard to get rid of. Plus that shot is boring. 

  17. depressed rn and reading “one sentence you could say to annoy an entire fan base” is making it worse. it’s just “so true” and “wow o look a game I want”. Quarantine is warm, KSP is loading slow, and 2020 is crawling by and speeding by at the same time. 


    Lucky dbrhjsahiasjbd


    1. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Never before have I ever seen something that summarises my entire fronking life so fronking accurately.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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