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Everything posted by whatsEJstandfor

  1. lmao with the amount of predictions I've made, one of them was bound to be close. I'm surprised it was the one that was purely meant to be a joke, but I'll take it!
  2. I think this is exactly it. My guess is that Intercept really wasn't satisfied yet with the state of the late-game features or with multiplayer, but T2 is kind of forcing their hand because their last few earnings reports had shown that KSP2 would release by early 2023. T2 needs to start getting some ROI on this project, and they probably gave Intercept an ultimatum: release the game in a good enough state to start making money by April 2023. I think, if Intercept had their way, they would have preferred to delay another several months to a year and release a finished product. Intercept is saying this is a way to get feedback on the core gameplay prior to polishing the late-game, but I see it as more of a compromise arising from studio politics. I mean, I'm certain they will greatly value the feedback and will make adjustments based on it. I just don't buy that that's the reason it's coming to EA. To clarify, while I was disappointed at first, I don't really care that much anymore. I've wanted to play this game in whatever unfinished state it's been in for the last 3 years, so this is really just me getting my wish
  3. As a counterexample, I just want to say that I love the retro pixelated look of the PFD so, yeah, it must just be subjective
  4. I don't know how you would portray it, but 100% onboard with enby and trans kerbals!
  5. Here's a link to the 1080p version: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/224860633525518347/1033044631249764402/unknown.png
  6. I think you're right! I don't think we've seen Laythe 2.0 yet!
  7. To be fair, "PC" has commonly meant "computer running Windows" since, like, 1996. I never liked it either, even back then (what, is a Macintosh not a computer that's personal?) but, 2 decades later, I've given up on it.
  8. I actually thought the opposite; I thought it looked so much more performant and polished than previous gameplay clips
  9. Unless this releases on Sega Saturn, I am never buying it
  10. All twelve of my kidneys are crying I kept swinging between hype and disappointment while watching, only because I'm kind of bummed in what seems to be a lack of confidence in their own vision. My only hope is that there won't be, say, another 3-year delta between early access and interstellar/multiplayer/colonies. On the other hand, LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL PFD. I LOVE THE NAVBALL AND TAPES
  11. I do that regularly; today I'm binging ShadowZone's KSP2 playlist!
  12. I wanted to throw in some more speculation since I just had another thought. What if this Friday, the big news is that KSP2 is exactly 5 months away? That'd be in line with big events happening roughly every 5 months, and would put the release date at 3/21, which seems especially appropriate for a game in which you launch rockets (as in 3, 2, 1, liftoff). So I'm amending my earlier prediction of pi day to instead be a 65% chance of 3/21, and a 35% chance of 3/14. I have one kidney bet on each date to be safe.
  13. I still don't see them going beyond March 31. If another delay was in the pipeline, I don't think T2 would have risked putting potentially soon-to-be-wrong info on their last earnings call. My guess will remain pi day for now.
  14. Wouldn't you just, by definition, enter some other star's SOI?
  15. I knew about that one and I think it's the same sort of idea, but the aesthetic isn't what I'm picturing. This is exactly what I'm going for. I want cardboard cutouts, a little spaceship hanging by a clearly visible string, that kind of thing
  16. Something I've been hoping for is that there will be a kind of simulation mode for testing (rather than reverting to the VAB to tweak things after you crash your junk and just pretending that didn't happen). In other words, I'm hoping there's a clear in-game difference between "real life" and "simulation for testing purposes", and it'd make me giggle with joy if the simulation mode is, like, a jankily-built clearly-a-simulator environment. I'm imagining something like the LOLA simulator used during Apollo, which used a closed-circuit TV camera pointed at a mural of the moon to allow the astronauts to simulate maneuvering in lunar orbit: Incidentally, it ended up not being very useful in practice, but I just love the idea and aesthetic. I'd love for there to not only be a clear distinction between "real life" and "simulator" in terms of gameplay, but also visually. Admittedly, if I were developing this game, this would be way down on my priorities list, but, oh man, it would tickle me so good.
  17. I think that's more of a late-game KSP 3 feature
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