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  1. Now, I am fine with monopropellent jetpacks, or whatever it's name is, but I think we need some cables to attach your kerbals during Eva, so you can use your Eva-jetpack to go around a certain range and you press a key and the cable retracts to the point where it is attached. Yeah obviously on planets and moons (except inside the Mohole or on Gilly) you don't need a cable, but in space yes. What do you think? P.S: I know about kerbal inventory system but we need stock eva cables
  2. Anyone else having troubles to run on EVA's? I've checked the controls page but when I press left shift on EVA (RCS disabled) I does not feel that the kerbal is running (I've tried both mun and minmus) ... any clue of what's happening?? Thanks in advance! I'm on KSP 1.8.1 and OSX Mojave 10.14.6
  3. I have three kerbals hanging on to the back of a heat shield during reentry. The heat shield is 2.5m, so more than enough room for all three to fit. Yet they still overheat and explode even after many tries. Do they actually have to be in a pod for the heat shield to work properly? Here is the scenario: https://imgur.com/a/Q2FAfSp
  4. I had a stranded capsule. I sent another ship up after it. The original capsule had no dockiing port, so the Kerbals had to EVA from one to the other. I launched, got into orbit. At that point, the ship consisted of a Mk1-3 capsule, TD-25 decoupler, and a little service module with a poodle engine, an X200-8 tank, and FL-R1 RCS tank, some RCS thruster blocks, and a bunch of ladders for the Kerbals to grab onto. At this point, I locked staging (Mod-L) to avoid unfortunate occcurences. So I get the two stranded kerbals clinging to the ladders on the service module and start one to the the capsule hatch. I'm having trouble getting from the service module to the capsule. So I figure I'll let go, use my RCS to move to the adjacent ladder and grab on. At this point, the controls are operating the Kerbal. I have just used W and S to move along a ladder. I hit space to release the ladder and BANG! The decoupler between the capsule and the service module blows at the same time the Kerbal releases! As I watch the service module and capsule drift away in opposite directions, I switch to the capsule using the ] key. Staging is still locked! And yet... So for some reason the spacebar for the Kerbal triggered the staging on the ship, even though it was ostensibly locked. Is it because the Kerbal was close to the decoupler (I was trying to cross the juncture between the two modules)? I mean it shouldn't but maybe the software got confused about whether the coupler belonged to the Kerbal or the ship? Is there some way to switch the ladder release or the staging to some other key?
  5. My kerbal has gone on EVA while his ship was in orbit around Kerbin. (It's still in orbit, just unmanned and uncontrolled now.) When getting off the ship he lost it. When he finally figured out how to manoeuvre with his EVA suit's thruster pack, he tried to catch up with it but found it is impossible. Then he activated his parachute and tried to deorbit. And ran out of propellant. "Huston, we have a problem!" he finally called. Now we are planning a rescue mission as soon as the crew compartment will become available. Meanwhile, could you share your experience with EVA in orbit, have you done it?
  6. EVA Info Pane v0.0.2 @ 2019-05-07 This mod is in a prototype stage. It currently only has very barebones functionality and may be somewhat buggy. It is nonetheless being offered for download as a pre-release as it may be of use even in its current embryonic state. The final product will obviously be much more polished and configurable. Please do not bother me with feature requests at this time. I have already planned this out mod thoroughly and have 3 pages of design notes to work through and implement. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Acknowledgements Thanks to @xEvilReeperx for assistance with a crucial technical gotcha. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ License All rights reserved ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Download EVA Info Pane v0.0.2 for KSP 1.7.x (probably backward compatible, I haven't checked) Dependencies: Community Trait Icons is required and must be obtained separately. Installation: Delete older version, if any. Place contents of GameData into your installation's GameData folder. Source: GitHub Changelog: v0.0.2 ~ 2019-05-07 ~ KSP 1.7.x Prototype v0.0.1 ~ 2019-05-01 ~ KSP 1.7.x Prototype
  7. This is the first time I'm posting any question in this forum. The problem I'm facing has been bugging me for some time now and I can't find any discussions on it anywhere. I'm playing version I don't have any mods installed, I'm strictly against them. I know that in this version single use experiments like mystery goo and materials bay can be reset by a scientist on eva(no need for labs). I've done it already with my mk1 rover. Recently built a mk2 plane with a mk2 cargo bay and loaded it with all science equipment including a goo canister and material bay.I tested the design on the runway, and sanlie was able to restore both the spent experiments(he didn't even have to move. I just eva'd him and left him hanging on the cabin door. He was able to restore from there). However when I flew the plane to a different location (some grasslands near the arctic), the game no longer recognise sanlie as a scientist. The plane is landed and sanlie is standing on top of the materials bay, but still can't do it. When I right click the bay or goo canister, 'restore' is available, but clicking it gives "only scientists can restore inoperable modules". I must admit that between the testing on the runway and actual flight there was a few design changes. One of the change was to assign running of all experiments to a custom action group. Could that interfere with the restore-ability of the experiments?
  8. I think it would be cool if it would be necessary to upgrade the space suits as the game progresses. eg. At the start, the space suits would not have their own tanks and would rely on staying close to the ship to keep a kerbal alive (Maybe have something like a pipe attached to the suit so that the kerbal can't just float away.) The second update would feature an oxygen tank, the next: RCS thrusters. They could be upgraded in the Research Facility. What do you think?
  9. The kerbals are unresponsive on eva cannot remember enter vehicle or move, the option to rescue enter isn't there but the head torch and science can be used
  10. Hi all, Looking for some help. I cannot not get my head around how Kerbals operate in zero gravity. I always end up with them going in directions they aren't meant to. Is there a good tutorial somewhere? I've read the page on the wiki and it hasn't helped me understand it at all.
  11. Hey all, i was wondering how to edit / alter the texts displayed during EVA reports or when collecting surface samples, since I don't really like the standard ones - I'd love to write them myself. Has anybody got a clue how to customize those texts? If possible, without requiring any coding skills :D Thanks in advance :)
  12. I don’t know if it is a glitch but when I eva my Kerbals and turn on rcs the Kerbal will not rotate. He/she moves forward, backward, etc without issues but they refuse to turn left or right. Does anyone else have this problem? I didn’t install/update any mods before then, it just happend randomly.
  13. Update 1.4 added this cool new parachute you can use on EVA, and I was psyched about it. But I investigated it further and couldn't figure it out. How do I use it? Is it a part, or is it unlockable somehow? I just don't know. I would be (please help me now) greatful for your input!
  14. I feel like I suggested this once before, but I can't find the thread. Anyway, with Kerbals getting parachutes, I feel it is time to revisit the idea! The basic idea is to give the player backpack options for the Kerbals, so you choose whichever backpack type suits you. The default backpack is the EVA pack, and if you change the backpack for a given seat on your craft, it will save that setting with the craft. Perhaps you could store extra backpacks in the command module and switch while on mission, with each command module having its own backpack storage limit. EVA Pack: The vanilla backpack. It's excellent for maneuvering in low or zero-G, and can be used to easily fly on the Mun or any body with similar or lower gravity. Comes with a hose that can connect to another EVA pack or a fuel tank to transfer monopropellant. Parachute: Exactly what has now been given to all Kerbals. With my idea, it's an option which carries an opportunity cost. Excellent for a Kerbin or Laythe landing, might even be strong enough to survive a landing on Duna. Jetpack: Much higher thrust than EVA pack, but only provides thrust in one direction and it has lower total dV, meaning the burn time is much shorter. You can use it to travel upwards pretty fast even on Kerbin, and it is strong enough to lift Kerbals on Eve. Despite having thrust in only one direction, the user can twist their body to affect their heading slightly. Comes with a hose that can connect to another jetpack or fuel tank to transfer liquid fuel and/or oxidizer. Storage Pack: It's a backpack for holding things. This would go well with Kerbal Attachment System if it were made stock. Various small items could be placed inside and carried around by the Kerbal to be deployed later. Could be interesting if engineers were given some various tools to use. Comms Array: A medium-range radio transmitter with antenna and battery pack which can be used to relay science reports. Comes with a cord that can connect to another comms array or battery to transfer electric charge. Just for fun: Wingsuit: A folded pair of glider wings which can be extended while falling to enable the Kerbal to do impressive aerial stunts. Also comes with a tiny one-use solid rocket which can be used either to lift the Kerbal off the ground initially or to get a temporary speed boost while in mid-air.
  15. Is there a way to adjust an EVAing Kerbal's pitch, meaning rotate head over heels.
  16. I'm trying to build a Mimnous space station that hopefully, will act as a Kerbin system gateway. This station is vast since it has a lot tanks for refueling outbound Kerbin system travelers. I've built the thing part by part launch by launch with connection ports. However, it has become extremely unstable and it wobbles like a rattle snake making further docking impossible. I've read that that I could solve this problem with EVA struts. Question: So the question is are EVA struts available in PS4 enhanced edition? P.S Thanks for the great game.
  17. The part failure node doesn't seem to work on probecores or command modules. I don't know if this was purposeful or an oversight, but it's a funtionality that I think is missing. I've found a way around it that somewhat accomplishes the same effect but, after doing it more than once in the same mission, it starts to look like exactly what it is; a contrivance. Of course, the Part Fail itself is a contrivance as well but, for storyline purposes during a mission, it works well. Recovery of a Kerbal, or even a ship, seems to be completely disabled for some reason. It says it's been disabled by the mission creator, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do that (or undo it). Since this is an easy way to signal the end of a mission, it definitely hurts not to have the ability. There are ways around this too, of course, but it makes things tougher. EVA's have some issues, as well. An EVA check doesn't seem to register in orbit or when flying. There's also no way to check if a Kerbal has popped his parachute without resorting to other methods. The Take Kerbal node could help, but it doesn't register unless the Kerbal is onboard a ship (Vessel is one of the parameters). This somewhat limits the usefulness of it. Also, although there's an Activate Stage node, there isn't a node to activate a specific part or action group. This would be useful in certain circumstances, so I hope it'll be considered as an added function bat some point. These are some of the issues I've run into and ideas I've had while using the Mission Builder thus far. I'm sure there were others than I'm not thinking of, and so I'll post them if they come to mind. And, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about any of this. For instance, if one of the issues here is just because I'm doing something wrong, it would definitely be helpful to know that.
  18. "Wait... where's Bob?" "Didn't you check on him?" "Hey, I thought YOU checked on him!" The words echoed ominously through the crew cabin of Duna I, the first crewed mission to the red planet. After an initial stop on Ike, the crew prepared to descend to the surface of Duna itself. Jeb, Bill, and Val strapped into the command pod, while Bob took a nap in the crew module. ...Or so they thought. Turns out he was so excited he just had to step out and get just one more rock sample, unbeknownst to his crewmates, who took off and left him behind as they landed on Duna. Now they're in a pickle. They don't have enough dV to land on Ike again and then go home. Somehow... Bob has to get to them, without a ship, using only his EVA thrusters. He's got limited air in his suit, so there's no time to lose! Your mission: Bring Bob to the Duna I, board it, and get them all safely to low Duna orbit in preparation for the trip home. Download Notes Starting conditions The mission begins with Bob on Ike, while the Duna I is parked on Duna's surface. Duna I only has enough fuel to get to orbit-- not to land on Ike again. Bob has enough EVA propellant that he can fly himself from Ike's surface to Duna's. Objectives Bob has to board Duna I within 4 hours of mission start, or he runs out of air and you fail. After boarding, you need to get Duna I to low Duna orbit with at least 140 units of fuel remaining. Strategy It's a kind of "reentry golf": the challenge is to eject from Ike so that you land on Duna reasonably close to Duna I. Your EVA chute gives you a few kilometers of maneuvering room, once you hit atmosphere. If you end up landing a bit too far to walk... there's a rover parked next to Duna I, which you can use to go retrieve Bob. Scoring None. The mission's a pass/fail. Either you make it, or you don't. Would have loved to add bonus scores for various things (e.g. extra points if you land close to Duna I, penalty if you use the rover, etc.), except that the mission builder has virtually no nodes available for tracking an EVA kerbal's actions. "Board vessel" is basically all they have. Achievements (These are informal, not actually modeled as a score in-game because the mission builder doesn't have the right nodes for it. Just my suggestions for things to challenge yourself with. Sorry, due to lack of artistic talent I don't have any "badges" to offer.) Get It Done, Level 1: Just complete the mission successfully. Get It Done, Level 2: Complete the mission without needing to use the rover (i.e. land close enough that you can walk to the ship before time runs out). Get It Done, Level 3: Land within 100 meters of Duna I. Hole in One: Glide down and grab on to the Duna I ladder without actually touching the ground. I've never managed this myself yet, so I don't actually know that it's possible. It might not be; for one thing, stall speed for an EVA parachute at Duna I is around 10 m/s, which I expect will be... problematic. If you do manage to pull it off, though, please let us know! Bragging rights to the first person who manages it. Orbital Rendezvous: Instead of sending Bob down to the surface, send him into low Duna orbit. Then launch Duna I to rendezvous with him there. I've never done this myself, but I believe it to be possible. It'll be very tricky, because you have very little propellant left by the time you get to Duna, meaning that you'd need to aerobrake just right. And you'd better rendezvous on the first pass, because you'll be in danger of passing the four-hour time limit. If you pull this off, please let us know! Bragging rights to the first person who manages it.
  19. Been playing a very long time, ran into a problem yesterday... Upon an EVA on Minmus I attempted to do the routine science experiments. All equipment in the craft worked well but when I right clicked Valentina and clicked on surface sample no dialog appeared and the button disappeared entirely. I tried to do my EVA report and got the same result and now the only button left is Plant flag and I can't get the others to return... I really need help on this one.. Thanks in advance!
  20. Did I dream it, or is there a mod that allows one to keep moving on a surface EVA without holding down the 'W' key and/or shift keys? Apparently not searching for the right thing when I try to search the forums... or maybe I dreamed it!
  21. This is something I just thought of. Custom EVA reports or surface samples... Some of the mods I've had gathered don't include these, if any. The normal surface samples such as the one on Duna seem low in detail. I want to know if there is any way to edit or add surface samples or EVA reports. Not a suggestion, really.
  22. Hi! I was wondering if there's a way (or an existing mod already) that makes it possible for Engineer kerbals on EVA to change some settings on parts that only can be set in the editor for now. For example: Thrust level on SRBs, your engineer walks up to it, and is able to set the thrust level slider. Is there any way of accomplishing this? A smart MM patch perhaps? Any idea or addition is welcome! Cheers
  23. As soon as I perform an EVA while in a vacuum, the ship will spin randomly and accelerate in the opposite direction from the kerbal, sending the two flinging away from each other and rendering my mission as an epic failure. The effect is most prominent when on EVA from a small craft and more subdued on heavier craft and it happens 100% of the time when on EVA in a vacuum. Also, linking two ships together in a vacuum with the KAS tools seems to cause the two ships to wobble until they break each other apart. I suspect this issue to be linked to the KAS or KIS mod, since the issue started after i installed these mods. Any help resolving this issue would be great, because I love the added complexity of performing EVA tasks with the KAS and KIS mods, but the headache of the glitch is making me think about removing the mods.
  24. There is a problem I have frequently found myself in that perhaps you have too. Say you are landing on a surface with low-gravity, but the surface is at a slight incline, you hit it at a weird angle, and your lander tips over. Or suppose you are in a rover on that same low-gravity environment, you get going too fast, hit an uneven part of terrain, go spinning in off the surface and land upside down. Well, you could just over-build all those things so that never happens or can right themselves if they do end up in that situation, but what if you have crew with you? Why not use them? Something I have tried to do, but found it awkward and difficult, is to get a Kerbal under an edge of something I am trying to flip right-side up and either jumping or using an EVA pack to thrust upward, but the force imposed by them is usually hampered because it cannot get a firm purchase on the object I seek to impart that force on, often deflecting off, wasting the effort. It struck me as a little unfortunate because crew ought to be able to use their bodies to perform mission-necessary actions: they already do that with flags, and surface samples, manually deploying solar panels, and fixing broken tires. Why not flipping overturned components? This does not feel like too much. Super-Kerbal levels of strength are not necessary if the gravity is slight, and often all that is needed is a good "nudge" so the reaction torque and RCS (if applicable) can get going. I was thinking, a Kerbal on EVA who is firmly grounded on a surface might be able to right-click a nearby part and perform a "Lift Up" action, which would impart a small force on that specific part in a direction normal to the surface (as determined by gravity.) This would allow clever Kerbals to figure out how to maximize the effect by selecting a part where they have good leverage from the center of mass. If we want to go wild, maybe make this a function of Engineers who have a small jack in their toolbox (they already fix broken tires so we can deduce they have that on hand.) Based on what I know of the engine, this should not be too complicated, but let me know if I am off-base here.
  25. Is it known what the actual heat tolerance of Kerbals themselves is? I seem to vaguely recall something like 700K/1000K internal/external from... nowhere, so I'm probably making it up.
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