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  1. I'm really hoping that KSP2 has steam achievements, and that one of them will be "return a kerbal from the surface of Eve". I did this in KSP1 but it was a huge (fun) struggle that consumed my weekends, all free time, and 6 failed Venera spacecraft. The whole time I was like: dang I wish I could just build a launch pad on the highest peak! Well guess where I'm building a colony in KSP2... Anyway, while Eve will still be challenging, the colony buildings and enhanced engines will probably demote Eve from "the final boss" to simply "really hard". I was thinking... if Ovin has an atmosphere, it may become the same monster that Eve was in KSP1. To be fair, we've only seen a few celestial bodies so the new "Super Eve" may be unrevealed or non-existent. It may be possible that Ovin fills a completely different role - maybe it doesn't have an atmosphere or is so huge that nothing is expected to reach orbit from the ground.
  2. I am a complete beginner to making custom EVE content, and I want to use clouds to enhance my planet pack Precursors. I've been looking for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make an EVE cloud map for a long time, but I haven't been able to find anything. Every custom texture I've tried to make fails to load in-game. How do I make a cloud texture for use with EVE? What file type should I use? Do I need to use alpha channels? How exactly do I do that? Is this process supposed to be really easy? Where are some additional resources I can look at? I'm very stumped and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. I'm playing KSP for a while now and I once did a trip to Eve and back, learning some stuff on the way. I see a lot of people struggling with Eve return missions and I noticed that I have a few tips that would be helpful for many of those people, so I decided to write a guide about it. If you see any errors in it, feel free to ping me. Who is this guide for? Before following this tutorial, you should have already done other manned interplanetary missions (with safe return to Kerbin) and you should be able to put a few hundred tons payload to LKO in a single launch. Useful mods: You might be able to complete the mission without these mods, but I highly recommend using them since it will make stuff easier. Trajectories RCS Build Aid Kerbal Engineer Redux Where to start (and where to not start) The challenging part of the mission will be the journey from Eve's surface back to Kerbin and not the other way. You should begin by designing a vehicle that can get away from Eve's surface. Don't worry about landing on Eve yet. (We'll place parachutes, landing legs and heat shields on decouplers and eject it all after landing on Eve.) For now, just pretend the KSC is located on Eve and you want to design a rocket for a one-way trip to Kerbin (or just to Eve's orbit if you want to do an Apollo style mission). You can do test flights from Eve's surface by teleporting your vessel to Eve using HyperEdit or the cheat menu and hit "Revert Flight" afterwards. Important: Do not start dealing with how to land on Eve before you're completely sure that your vehicle can get away from Eve, otherwise you'll probably waste time designing a landing system for a ship that doesn't work. Apollo style makes lander design much easier since you'll have to carry much less mass from Eve's surface to Eve's orbit, but it is possible to do it without Apollo style (I did this myself). Vehicle design You can refer to the Community Delta-V Map for the delta-V requirements, but the delta-V readouts will not replace a test flight! The Wiki says the following about rocket engines at low altitudes on Eve: However, I remember that this was already written on the wiki before the Making History DLC was released, so it could be possible that some engines from this DLC are also well-suited, but I haven't done further research in this direction. I decided to use the Vector engine because my vehicle quickly became quite big and therefore needed a lot of trust and the Vectors are more compact than the Mammoth. Just pick the one that suits your design the most. For more efficiency you should use asparagus staging. Feel free to put the capsule under a fairing. You can later attach a command pod at the bottom (on a decoupler) and use crew transfer instead of ladders. How to land your vehicle on Eve For landing, we'll need to add a few stuff. Place it on decouplers so that you can dump it before taking off again. RCS Build Aid can display what the touchdown speed will be with the current ammount of parachutes. This may be helpful. Since your design is probably quite big, you'll want to use 10 meter heat shields. You can also clip multiple of them into each other if one isn't big enough. Large heart shields at the bottom will probably cause your lander to flip around during reentry because they act like a very big parachute and force your ship to face prograde. This will lead to your ship being destroyed by reentry heating. You can compensate this by adding even more heat shields at the top of your vessel. These won't serve as heat shields but they'll stabilize the vessel during reentry. If you still have problems, you can try if a prograde reentry works better since you have heatshields on both prograde and retrograde side. You'll have to drop the heat shields before touchdown. You may have to experiment a bit until you find a way to safely separate them. Don't forget to attach the landing legs on decouplers too. Eject them at the moment you ignite the engines for takeoff and you should be fine.
  4. Hello all I'm having really bad trouble with AVP, scatterer, etc. I have tried everything I know, including deleting Kopernicus+OPM (where this all started.......) So, the trouble is that the clouds are inverse and black and the sky is white at the night side of Kerbin and the terminator is blue... also Jool and the other planets look very strange. KSP.log- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVD8N3pVjtjPhhPnIhb3rxRTDh2UYXjB/view?usp=sharing Photos- https://ibb.co/Z2smQrK https://ibb.co/HtTMJBD https://ibb.co/r2KsGx7 Thanks SOOO much for your help, I have been trying to fix this for 3 days now.
  5. I was installing my mods on KSP 1.12.2 when I saw that the atmosphere looked weird. Also, upon flying slightly above the atmosphere (around 100km up above Kerbin) there would be weird discoloration on my craft which would suddenly disappear when flying above about 130km. I tried switching out AVP for BoulderCo's stock EVE configs which solved the atmosphere problems, but I would still like to use AVP. I recreated the issue on a fresh install of KSP 1.12.2 with only AVP and its dependencies. Mod List: Astronomer's Visual Pack version 4.11 with the 2k texture pack Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux version Module Manager version 4.2.1 Scatterer version 0.0825b Screenshots: Picture using the listed mods. Kerbin's atmosphere seems to extend far beyond what it normally should using Scatterer. While this looks pretty, I don't think it's intended and it seems to cause other problems. Picture using BoulderCo's stock EVE configs. Notice how the atmosphere is much shallower and sharper Screenshot showing the discoloration effect using the listed mods while in LKO. (yes I used cheats, didn't want to fly another orbiter to recreate the issue) Steps to reproduce: Simply looking at Kerbin from the map view and flying a craft from 70-130km above Kerbin are the steps I took to show these issues using the listed mods.
  6. I am using parallax and eve visuals, and this issue has never happened before, My specs are a AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and a AMD Radeon 5500XT 16GB of DDR4 Ram, Windows 10 Here is the log report https://www.dropbox.com/s/rpn6x08fbsa2x8z/Player.log?dl=0, this has not happened before, nor am I on steam version. Not using AMD Freesync. Any help?
  7. Here is the error for you guys, including specs, do any of you know a fix? [LOG 20:01:13.937] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) ru ******* Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) ru OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor (12) RAM: 16294 GPU: Radeon RX 5500 XT (8152MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, BGRA32, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16, BGRA10101010_XR, BGR101010_XR, R16 Log started: Fri, Oct 29, 2021 20:01:13 [LOG 20:01:13.955] ActionCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928 [LOG 20:01:13.955] AppCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928 [LOG 20:01:13.956] MainCanvas MASK: 3458764513820540928 [EXC 20:01:14.099] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\Al\Documents\AGFY-Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.1\AGFY-Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.1\Kerbal.Space.Program.v1.12.1\GameData\4th Step - Optional Features\Essential Features (still optional though)\0MB Atmospheric Scattering (tinted glow)\#U25b3 More\GameData'. System.IO.__Error.WinIOError (System.Int32 errorCode, System.String maybeFullPath) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].HandleError (System.Int32 hr, System.String path) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].CommonInit () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1[TSource]..ctor (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.IO.SearchResultHandler`1[TSource] resultHandler, System.Boolean checkHost) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableFactory.CreateFileNameIterator (System.String path, System.String originalUserPath, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames (System.String path, System.String userPathOriginal, System.String searchPattern, System.Boolean includeFiles, System.Boolean includeDirs, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption, System.Boolean checkHost) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (System.String path, System.String searchPattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles (System.String searchPattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs(System.Collections.ArrayList,string) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs(System.Collections.ArrayList,string) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs(System.Collections.ArrayList,string) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs(System.Collections.ArrayList,string) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs(System.Collections.ArrayList,string) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFilesSubdirs (System.Collections.ArrayList l, System.String pattern) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles (System.String searchPattern, System.IO.SearchOption searchOption) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(string,System.IO.SearchOption) FontLoader.FindFonts () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e>:0) FontLoader+<LoadFonts>d__18.MoveNext () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) FontLoader:StartLoad() <LoadSystems>d__11:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) LoadingScreen:Start()
  8. The Caveman Challenge involves playing without upgrading any facitilies. With these restrictions, maybe the most difficult task is to land a kerbal on Eve, plant a flag and safely return the kerbal home to Kerbin. But I take the challenge and will give you updates about my progress. You can find the original caveman challenge here: Rules I set for myself: No facility upgrades No mods No DLCs No cheats after starting the challenge Assembling on ground and in orbit via docking and EVA construction mode is allowed Normal difficulty settings Starting with level 0 Kerbals Crafts should be visually connected (offset wheels connected only by struts are OK) Save and reload is allowed All Kerbals must survive and be brought back home Using external launch window calculator is allowed Deviation from the rules of the original caveman challenge: All twenty technology nodes reachable in the caveman challenge already unlocked via cheat menu Sufficient money cheated via cheat menu Challenges with this Eve return mission: Best engines for Eve not available No maneuver nodes No patched conics 30 parts and 18 tons limit on launchpad Kerbals cannot exit command modules unless on Kerbin Kerbal must be on a ladder or on its own until landed on Eve Kerbal can enter a command module though Probes core can only hold position Limited information about orbit Only height of apoapsis and periapsis No information about inclination or time to apoapsis/periapsis Eve is out of reach of CommNet Unmanned craft can only switch on/off SAS or enable/disable engines at full thrust Transfering fuel is not possible: Fuel tanks must be launched full on fuel to orbit No ISRU possible
  9. PARA-SCI HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATMOSPHERE PACK For use with KSP 1.2 and the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements mod Since many of us are sometimes, or always, forced to play KSP on laptops and other devices with weak GPUs or otherwise not optimized for gaming, I present the Para-Sci High-Performance Atmosphere Pack, wherein I have done my best to combine good visuals with minimal graphics demand. FULL PREVIEW ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/pKsCk Notes: - Most bodies, with the exception of Kerbol and the particularly lumpy minor moons, include a "glow" layer that enhances their appearance at long distances and fades away on approach. - Many of the glow layers make use of the original KSP planet textures; naturally credit goes to SQUAD for these and I advise against attempting to redistribute them or use them for things other than KSP, KSP mods, or KSP fanart. - None of the cloud layers have a "layer3D" (volumetric clouds) component. While this does cause us to miss out on that feature, the numerous large particles it involved rendering tend to be a major performance drain and thus they have been left out. - None of the cloud layers cast shadows either. - All bodies have a maximum of three cloud layers; most have only one. - The pack currently does not include aurorae, noctilucent clouds, or dust storms, although some of these may be added in the future if I feel up to it. - Some textures are the original textures packaged alongside the main EVE installation. Like the SQUAD textures, I advise against violating their licensing terms, etc. - Jool's glow layer uses the beautiful Jool texture painted by @Felsmak. Naturally credit goes to him for that, don't steal it, etc. etc. etc. DOWNLOAD
  10. We don't know much about Eve. Let's change that. Evenera will require 3 relays in Eve orbit (must be able to get a greater than 50% connection to Kerbin 40 days after a transfer window) a lander, (must land on Eve) a rover, (Also must land on Eve), and a Gilly probe (Must land on Gilly). The rules are: no mods that affect gameplay and/or add parts, no Kraken drives, the cheat menu can't be used, 100% re entry heat, and normal Commnet settings. Entries will be judged by how many launches were used, how long it took (in game) to complete the requirements, how many parts the craft(s) were, and also bonus points if this is done crewed. When entries will be due is TBD.
  11. So I was just casually watching YouTube, specifically this video, \/ and I thought, couldn’t you terraform Eve? Given that Eve’s Explodium oceans are probably hydrogen peroxide, which has a freezing point of 31.23 F, -0.42777778 C, or 272.72222222 K, you would need giant space mirrors which are typical for these sort of things, and after the Explodium oceans are frozen and the atmospheric pressures are lowered, you would need a giant effort to get all of the Expodice* off the planet. I’m not sure what you would do from there, but I think it would be more about mirrors and stuff like that. It also doesn’t have a super long rotation period either, about 3 Earth days, or 12 Kerbin days. Eve has a rotation period about 223.666666667 times longer than Kerbin. (This sounds wrong but that’s what I got) Where I got my information:https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Eve
  12. Kerbal lore foretells of a great battle of the gods. Eve and Moho will engage in the most epic battle of all. Moho's speed will allow him to evade Eve's attacks, but he is no match for her purpleness. The Kerbals, after long being oppressed by the wicked giant, will intervene. The most courageous and stupid of the Kerbals mount a daring mission to steal a huge load of her precious ore as a distraction. As Eve is about to crush the bandits, Moho strikes and ignites Eve's explodium blood. She burns brighter than the sun for a week and the Kerbals rejoice in her anguish. This contract was my first Eve contract and first outside Kerbin SOI. I had no idea when I accepted it about Eve's high gravity and pressure. Full album, showing the development story, with captions: https://imgur.com/a/QRmHdyg Craft posted: https://kerbalx.com/Krazy1/Ragnarock-4-final
  13. Hi, I have a specific question. Do wings always provide lift in KSP? Take a look at my specific case...oh, looks like I can't add photos. I got that screenshot for nothing then...Well, just imagine an awkward looking spacecraft. It is short and fat with multiple parallel stages (like the Soyuz launcher, not like Falcon 9). On its bottom is one of those inflatable 10m heat shields. On its top is a tail fin. The tail fin is attached to the spacecraft via a grabbing unit. The tail fin is composed of three "Big S Delta Wings" spaced 135 degrees from each other. Overall the whole assemblage looks rather like a bomb that is meant to point down as it falls. The purpose of the spacecraft is to enter Eve's atmosphere. The heat shield is supposed to detach and fall away eventually, and the tail fin will also detach and fall away. Unfortunately this setup does not always work. During atmospheric entry (say around...50km? 40km? 30 km? altitude in Eve's atmosphere) the craft flips around so the heat shield is not facing the direction of travel, said craft quickly disintegrated. That is -- this is USUALLY what happens. One time the setup worked. The tail fin kept the craft pointing in the right direction the whole time, and it would have "landed" except it was heading for Eve's ocean (at that point I just reverted to an earlier save). What I'm wondering is if those Big-S Delta Wings are providing lift? I don't want them to provide lift; I just want them to provide guidance and stability. I was looking for an option to change the curvature of the wings to eliminate lift, but didn't find any. I've tried a couple of other things trying to keep my large-ish spacecraft oriented properly as it heads to Eve's surface. I tried adding more and larger reaction wheels (didn't work) and I tried adding a weird parachute/heat shield thing. The weird heat shield parachute thing was three of those 10m inflatable heat shield facing the wrong way, attached to the top of the spacecraft like the tail fin in my current setup. How do I keep my big Eve Ascent Vehicle (which obviously has yet to even attempt said ascent) from flipping over during landing on Eve? Thanks, Ben PS I'm playing on Xbox with no mods. I made a website in Google Sites to upload this picture of my spaceship.
  14. The history of Eve SSTOs and reusables For a long time it was said, Eve SSTOs are impossible. Even going there and back reusable was unthinkable. But then a hand full of brave Kerbonauts put all their efforts in proving this wrong. This is their story. 03.09.2015 - V1.0.4 - First SSTO plane from Eve's surface to Orbit @astrobond was the first to do the impossible. He created this SSTO which was capable of getting from surface to orbit using stock parts and physics. To stay in the narrow margin, the control was given to KOS. 05.07.2016 - V1.1.3(?) - First reusable trip from Kerbin to Eve's surface and back @Stratzenblitz75 was the first who managed to do the entire trip from Kerbin to Eve's surface and back completely reusable. He is using a spectacular and never seen before suborbital catch of the lander, as well as massive SSTO launch systems. 19.08.2016 - V1.1.3 - SSTO rocket from Eve's surface to Orbit @Kergarin (I) was inspired and motivated by @astrobond's SSTO to start playing around with different SSTO designs. Coming to the conclusion, that SSTO rockets actually seem to work better than planes, giving a larger margin and payload. 23.08.2016 - V1.1.3 - First SSTO Lander from Eve's orbit to surface and back @Kergarin (I) was then able to scale it up to a bigger version, with enough payload to equip it with isru and seats for all our 4 brave Kerbals. Resulting in the first ever SSTO wich can not only launch from Eve but also land on its own in one piece. By being refuelled in low Eve orbit, this craft could have done the entire trip Kerbin to Eve and back reusable. My plan was, to do a reusable trip to all landable bodys in the Kerbol system based on this lander plus an orbiter, but this plan should be crossed soon... 11.10.2016 - KSP 1.2 release - an increase in Eve's atmospheric pressure changes the rules The pressure of Eve's atmosphere was increased, resulting in even higher drag and giving all engines lower thrust and Isp, making Eve SSTOs even harder... it seemed. The change in the Mammoth engine thrust for example: For reference Eve's atmospheric pressure in 1.2.2: After this change my SSTO lander stopped working, at least with the needed payload for ISRU. While the change in pressure made SSTO rockets harder, it will soon turn out that SSTO planes now work better again. 29.10.2016 - V1.2.2 - the first asteroid refuelling assisted SSTO plane from Kerbin to Eve's surface and back @EvermoreAlpaca built this craft initially in 1.1.3., and when 1.2 came out, this plane worked even better, opposed to SSTO rockets. This craft can get from Kerbin to Eve's surface and back to Eve's orbit independent. It then needs orbital refuelling, to get back to kerbin, which is realized by the craft itself moving an asteroid to low Eve orbit in before, which is then used for ISRU refuelling. 28.01.2017 - V1.2.2 - SSTO rocket from Eve's surface to orbit achieved again @Kergarin (I) managed to make my small SSTO rocket work again in 1.2.2. But scaling it up did not work as good as back in previous versions. The ISRU lander would have become unhandleable large. So I cancelled this concept. 20.05.2017 - V1.2.2 - infinitely reusable trip to Eve (and first ever to everywhere else) and back Since my Eve SSTO lander doesn't work in 1.2.2 anymore (and I didn't want to do this in an old version), I adoptet @Stratzenblitz75's concept of suborbital docking and developed it to a single ISRU ship wich splits in two for the Eve landing with his friendly permission (thanks again!). (Creating the first ever ship which can independently and forever travel between all 14 landable bodys. But that's on another page.) Skip to 3:40 for Eve landing (caution: flickering scenes in fast forward) 07.03.2018 - V1.3.1 - smallest ever SSTO plane from Eve's surface to orbit @astrobond the creator of the first ever Eve SSTO comes back to the game. Presenting us the smallest ever seen Eve SSTO. Also it's the first not to use the Mammoth engine, but the Vector with a slightly lower twr. 11.06.2018 - V1.3.1 - reusable two stage plane from Eve's surface to orbit and back to surface @OHara created this reusable two stage plane, which can be used for crew rotations of 4 Kerbals per flight. It launches horizontal and then transitions to vertical ascend pushing the ap far above Eve's atmosphere. The second stage then undocks and accelerates to orbital speed before the first stage reenters and glides back to its starting position. The second stage can also be landed and then redocked to the first stage. The craft then needs some external refueling to be reused. 29.10.2018 - V1.5 - First completely independent SSTO plane from Kerbin to Eve and back SSTOs to Eve's surface and back to orbit were now proven to be possible, and they seemed to be the limit of possibilities. All of them need some kind of orbital refuelling or catch to escape from low Eve orbit. But then @EvermoreAlpaca did the unthinkable. A massive independent SSTO from Kerbin to Eve's surface and back to Kerbin. He managed to raise the payload on Eve ascend that much, that there was enough margin to fit an ion drive with enough dV to escape Eve's gravity and then send the ship back to Kerbin using some gravity assists, without any dependencys. 04.12.2018 - V1.5 - First stock electric prop SSTO plane from Eve's orbit to sea level and back to orbit (plus from and to Kerbin by external refuelling) @EvermoreAlpaca continues doing the impossible by presenting us this stock electric propeller assisted Eve sea level SSTO. It ascends from sea level to above 19km sole on electric props, then continues its way to orbit on conventional rocket engines. It can also launch and land at Kerbin, but needs external refueling to do so. This craft uses clipping for the stock props as well as engine clipping, but is honored in this list for being the first of its kind. 28.01.2020 - V1.8.1 (+ Making History + Breaking Ground) - First Breaking Ground electric prop multi engine SSTO plane from Eve's orbit to sea level and back to orbit @realseek was the first to show us a working sea level SSTO using electric rotors and blades from Breaking Ground, packed into cargo-bays to reduce their drag, after switching to rocket engines. It reaches 16km on electric props (two EM-64S rotos with 16x R25 blades on each. The rotors run at 60% power and a max RPM of 400). To escape Eve's still dense atmosphere, it uses a combination of 3 Vector engines and 2 Nervs to circularize. As if an Eve sea level SSTO would not be enough, this craft can land fully fuelled from orbit , also carries the extra weight of ISRU quipment without even needing it, because it can launch from Eve below 100% fuel and stiff make it to orbit with hundreds of m/s dV left to spare, while the craft even looks good. This is just insane! More pictures and details: https://imgur.com/gallery/afVyAv1 15.02.2020 - - V1.8.1 (+ Making History + Breaking Ground) - minimalistic Breaking Ground electric prop single engine SSTO plane from Eve's orbit to sea level and back to orbit (+ to and from Kerbin with a separate tug) @Kergarin i was a little to slow on this, and humbly take the second place. Props alone work great, and rockets alone work great. But in combination the drag of props after igniting the rockets is horrible. The way to deal with this, is placing them inside cargo bays, to shield their drag when they are not used. It would be beautiful to use hydraulic cylinders to make them stick out, and while this would be possible in term of weight and drag, they sadly the flex way to much to even lift off. I've tried a lot of designs for this since BG came out, and while @realseek found the mixed engine design work best for him, I found a single enige design work best for me. This craft uses two EM-32 Rotors with 6 R25 blades on each which run at 100% torque and max RPM to climb to 17km. To escape the dense atmosphere, this craft uses a single vector Engine on full thrust, and then carefully throttle adjustment to not overheat and circularize. This was done as grand finale in my reusable career playthrough: 28.05.2020 1.9.1(?) First stock (no DLC) electric prop SSTO helicopter rocket to sealevel and back without clipping (+ from Kerbin and back) @Stratzenblitz75 returned to Eve, almost 4 years after he was the first to do a completely reusable roundtrip from Kerbin to Eve and back using suborbital docking. This time he uses an SSTO rocket which is first lifted by insanely large counter rotating koaxial like props to 39km, and then ignited to get to orbit on rocket power in a single stage. The props consist of stock bearings, but they are not powered by the usual way of using reaction wheels. To reach the record height of 39km, large rover wheels power the props, which is obviously way more efficient. The craft features ISRU, and can therefore land and launch unlimited often and completely independent on Eve. The craft takes of from Kerbin using a single reusable launcher, and is pushed to Eve and back by an orbiter. This far Kerbalkind conquered the purple monster as of the middle of 2020. Can they go even further? Disclaimer:
  15. Recently I created a new 1.10.1 modded install that uses the following (significant) visual and other mods: RSSVE v1.6.1-RC1 Quarter Size Real Solar System v1.0 Scatterer v0.0723 EVE v1.8.0.2 PlanetShine v0.2.6.2 I have the problem where the sun appears way (and I mean blinding amounts) too bright. The issue occurs only when the sun is inside my FOV. I've included a link to multiple screenshots so you can see what I mean. I'm guessing it has something to do with the full size sunflare not getting rescaled back down to quarter size, but other than that wild guess I have 0 idea where to look or what to do. https://imgur.com/a/9znHnzW
  16. I’m planning to do a Gilly mission/Eve flyby and will return in a Mk 2 lander can. I’m wondering how much ablator I should bring for my kerbin re-entry. That’s all.
  17. Hello! I'm Johnster Space Program who created the DLMAB challenge, and I'm rebooting the reboot of the eve rocks challenge! Older 0.90 Thread [CLOSED]: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/86265-the-eve-rocks-challenge-v090-only/ Old v1.2.x Thread [CLOSED]: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/156505-eve-rocks-challenge-12xrebooted/ In An Alternate Universe, JFK Said: I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this century is out, of landing a kerbal on eve's surface, and returning them safely to planet kerbin. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to kerbkind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. But we must do it, we can not fail this task, for if we do, we will never win... This is how the challenge will go: Your challenge is to land on eve, collect a surface sample, and return back to kerbin. Landing on eve is easy, but returning is a whole other challenge! You will have to build very large rockets if you are going to return from eve! Scoring is based on how quickly you complete the mission, how much the total mission costs, and how much the total rocket weighs in tons. There will be varying levels you can do, starting from level 1 and moving your way up in difficulty. For those that complete it in any level, you will get this badge: (Its an updated version of the original badge, made by Ziv) These are the levels (in order): Level 1 (I Did It!): Land on the surface of eve, collect a surface sample, and return and land back on kerbin safely. Level 2 (Back For Seconds): Land on eve 's surface, but at a surface altitude of 2500m or less, collect 2 surface samples, and return back to kerbin Level 3 (Eve AND Gilly): Land and collect a sample from eve, then land on Gilly and collect a surface sample, then return back to kerbin safely Level 4 (Ore From Eve): Land on eve and collect 25 ore with mining equipment and then return to kerbin safely, surface sample optional Level 5 (The Ultimate Challenge): Land in eve's oceans, collect a sample, then collect a sample from the surface, and return to kerbin safely, gilly sample optional The Rules: No Cheating (Mod Menu, Infinite Fuel, Etc.) Must Provide Video or Photographic Evidence of Completion No Seats, Must Have Kerbals Onboard In A Pod Multiple Launches For Refueling Allowed (Images or Video Of Each Launch) Docking Allowed (You can leave a orbiter in eve orbit, and have a separate eve lander that redocks) No Mods Except Mechjeb, KER Allowed Must Be Stock KSP 1.6.x, KSP 1.7 or higher and MH Allowed Cost And Weight Of Rocket Includes Cost and Weight of All Rockets Used Combined In Challenge ISRU allowed Scoring: Level 1 Complete: +300 points Level 2 Complete: +550 points Level 3 Complete: +825 points Level 4 Complete: +1250 points Level 5 Complete: +1500 points Rocket Weighs 0-500 Tons: +250 points, Rocket Weighs 500-1000 Tons: +175 Points, Rocket Weighs 1000-2000 Tons: +100 points, Rocket Weighs 2500+ Tons: +50 points Rocket Costs 0 - 250k funds: +250 points, Rocket Costs 250 - 500k funds: +175 points, Rocket Costs 500k - 1 million funds: +100 points, Rocket Costs 2 million+ funds: +75 points Mission Completed in under 300 days: +250 points, Mission completed in 300-400 days: +125 points, Mission completed in 500+ Days: +25 points ISRU Used: +225 points, ISRU not used: +325 points Participants: @K3rb0dyn3 @Aeroboi @GRS @purpleivan Leaderboards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To everyone that does the challenge, have fun! And if you have any questions ask me. Edit 42219: Updated For 1.7 KSP Update
  18. The steep learning curve of KSP means that most players never make it to orbit, and that only a tiny fraction of people who download the game ever make it out of Kerbin's gravity field. People need help! So I made this tutorial is about how to send a probe to the surface of Eve. Here are the required skills: Be able to use these instructions to download this craft from KerbalX. Be able to open the craft in the VAB and click launch (not right away, though). Pretty much nothing else. Here is a list of key bindings if you get yourself confused. The helpful controls are in Flight Controls. You don't have to use the NavBall; you don't have to use WASDQE at all; you don't have to make maneuver nodes; and you don't have to design a super complicated rocket. I don't even say the word "transfer window". Perfect for brand new players! Following are the instructions. Important parts are bolded for extra emphasis.
  19. Compact, lightweight propeller plane, with near infinite range. Possible recharge while flying, control via relay network or kerbal. Able to survive signal loss inflight until next relay satellite in reach, due to its low minimal speed. Built for eve. Up to 10km, 128m/s, recharge inflight, 37 parts, 948 kg. Breaking Grounds mandatory, no mods Controls: 1: enable thrust / main thrust: rotor speed Download: https://kerbalx.com/Tahib/Eve-Flieger-bbq
  20. С дальнейшим прохождением внутриигровое время ускоряется, миссии и контракты становятся длительнее, все чаще проматывается время, требуется тщательное планирование. Сейчас у меня летят 3 миссии: Облет Мохо-перелет к Еве-возврат, Перехват кометы, облет Дюны-возврат. Все миссии очень длительные и где то через 2/3 года откроется прямое окно к Еве. Если с Муной и Минмусом я особо не заморачивался (всегда можно добросить недостающее оборудование или новый корабль), то с дальними планетами такое не прокатит и нужно иметь готовые корабли к одновременному запуску. Пока в моей голове есть укрупненный план группировки: 1. Орбитальная станция с запасом топлива и 2 лабораториями (в одну все данные не помещаются уже на орбите Минмуса. Предполагаю на Еве будет больше данных.) 2. Рудокоп на Гилли + челнок на орбиту +орбитальное хранилище/переработчик + челнок на п.1, возможно + маленький посадочный модуль для исследований. 3. Рудокоп/заправщик на Еве. В моем представлении обитаемый летательный аппарат, не способный к выходу на орбиту, заодно пристегнуть к нему науку, пусть собирает попути. 3. Посадочный модуль на Еву. - это самое сложное. Мне хотелось бы иметь 3+ мест и полное повторное использование для автономности миссии. В вики написано, что для выхода на орбиту с уровня моря нужен запас Δv 11.300м/с. С учетом моей криворукости нужно на треть больше. Но когда я накидываю баки на KR-2L+ уже на Δv 3000 м/c TWR падает ниже единицы. Попробовал соорудить электролет (скриншот чуть позже подгружу ниже,если будет нужно выложу .craft), он на батарейках забирается на 13км с остаточной скоростью около 120м/с , соответственно запаса топлива не хватает для выведения на орбиту. Поделитесь своими наработками и идеями в этом плане. Буду признателен за дельные советы, подсказки, тыканье мордой в стратегические ошибки.
  21. As we have made some rocket first stages land by, aggressive lithobraking, it's now time for us to adopt an aggressive aerobraking maneuver. In brief: land a craft on Eve, with no heat shields, radiators or TCS. That includes both ablative ones and inflatable one(s?). Stock parts only. Rules: Scoring: Submission guide: Leaderboards: Feel free to submit your entries as always! (This challenge is basically for creativity and craft building skill.) Tips:
  22. Tutorial: Setting Up EVE Cube Maps In this tutorial we will be looking at how to take advantage of EVE's Cube Map system to layer up to 4 textures onto a single cube map to reduce file size within mod distributions. This method will be outlining the process of taking 4 Equirectangular Cloud Maps, converting them to a single image by putting them into the Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels, converting it to a Cube Map and setting it up for use in-game with EVE. ***Please Note: All the images below are clickable thumbnails to 1080p images*** ---- 1. Source your Cloud Map (or whatever you want to use) images from wherever. Google Images, NASA, your own creations etc. and ensure that they are all sized correctly in an Equirectangular format; as what has always previously been used in EVE & KSP i.e. Width = 2 x Height. You can use up to 4 image maps at this stage. Below, I have shown a 8192px x 4096px cloud map that has a transparent background. 2. Your images will need to be converted to Greyscale, flat images where the light portions will be the clouds and the dark portions of your image will be the transparent parts in game on your cloud layer i.e. the opacity of the pixel scales with brightness. Therefore, at this stage just edit your cloud map to have a black background with your cloud map layer over the top. 3. Do this for all 4 of your textures and save them as .bmp. For ease of use, I'd recommend naming them something simple like red.bmp, green.bmp, blue.bmp and alpha.bmp or 1.bmp, 2.bmp etc. 4. Open your Equirectangular to Cube Map conversion software, I recommend CubeTheSphere or Hugin (I will be using CubeTheSphere in this tutorial), and load in and convert your images to Cube Maps. In CubeTheSphere open your Equirectangular .bmp image and then select the individual cube face image size to be 2048px x 2048px under the Options toolbar. This will result in the output Cube Map to roughly equate to the same resolution as the 8k Equirectangular image. 5. Extract all the faces of the Cube Map to give you your 6 individual images being the Front, Back, Left, Right, Top and Bottom sides of the map. Do this for all of your 4 cloud maps. This may take some time as your computer is rendering out the images for each face of the cube. Be patient. 6. Now you need to rename the faces to correlate with EVE's naming conventions. In EVE the following sides of the Cube are given as X Positive, X Negative, Y Positive, Y Negative, Z Positive and Z Negative. Seeing as we will finally be outputting the textures for KSP in .dds format, we will need to name the sides of the faces upside down as .dds flips the image vertically when saving. For ease of use, use the following guide to help you rename the files: Xp : Right Xn : Left Yp : Bottom Yn : Top Zp : Front Zn : Back So you should end up with something like the following list of files for each of your cloud maps: redXp.bmp (Right Image) redXn.bmp (Left Image) redYp.bmp (Bottom Image) redYn.bmp (Top Image) redZp.bmp (Front Image) redZn.bmp (Back Image) 7. Once you have your cube maps for all your 4 cloud map textures, go back into Photoshop and load the first 3 X-Positive face images. i.e. redXp.bmp, greenXp.bmp & blueXp.bmp 8. Convert each of the images to Greyscale. Confirm to 'Discard' when asked. 9. Ensure that each of the images is flattened. 10. Navigate to the Channels panel and select the 'Merge Channels' button from the drop down menu. 11. The Merge Channels menu should pop up where you can select the RGB option from the drop down menu, select the 'RGB' option and 3 channels and click 'OK'. 12. In the next menu select the appropriate image for each of the corresponding colour channels. Click 'OK' to merge the images into one image. 13. As a result you will end up with something similar to what is shown below. By toggling the visibility of each of the colour channels you can see you individual textures appear on their separated colour channels. 14. To add the 4th cloud map, cube map face texture to the image, we will be putting it into the Alpha Channel. To do this, in the Channels panel click 'Create New Channel' to add another channel to the image. This will by default apply a solid black mask to this channel which will act as the alpha channel. 15. Open up the 4th appropriate cube map face in Photoshop (in this examples case the alphaXp.bmp), convert it to Greyscale as before and select all the image and cut/copy it. 16. In the Channels panel with the new Alpha channel selected as the Active Channel, paste the image into this channel. You should see it appear similarly to what is shown below when only the Alpha channel is toggled visible. 17. At this stage, toggle the RGB channels on and the Alpha channel off and save the resulting texture as a DXT5 .dds texture. I have shown my nVidia dds configs below during the saving process. When saving the .dds texture, make sure to name them '******Xp.dds' for ease of use later i.e. cloudsXp.dds 18. Repeat steps 7 through 17 another 5 times for each side of the Cube Map and you should end up with 6 .dds textures with your 4 cloud maps appearing on the 4 separate channels named: ********Xp.dds ********Xn.dds ********Yp.dds ********Yn.dds ********Zp.dds ********Zn.dds These are the final textures that will be used in-game. Copy them to your Textures directory inside your mod directory. 19. EVE requires a separate config to know how to handle cube maps. This file can be located anywhere in your mod directory but must be named 'textures.cfg. I always recommend the use of the EVE GUI to edit the configs as no syntax or parameter errors can be made but for this demonstration I will be listing the config structure below as I assume the knowledge and familiarity with EVE's GUI. The Textures config can be found in the TextureConfig panel in the GUI. In this config, you will be required to list the following information: Cube Map = True and paths to each of the cube map faces. i.e. EVE_TEXTURE_CONFIG { OBJECT { name = Mod/Textures/imageName isCubeMap = True texXn = Mod/Textures/imageNameXn texYn = Mod/Textures/imageNameYn texZn = Mod/Textures/imageNameZn texXp = Mod/Textures/imageNameXp texYp = Mod/Textures/imageNameYp texZp = Mod/Textures/imageNameZp } } 20. Once EVE knows to recognise the 6 images as a Cube Map, you can navigate to your Celestial Body's Cloud Manager in the CloudManager Panel in the GUI and add a cloud layer. You can name this layer whatever you wish and input your specific settings for altitude, speed etc. 21. Toggle the MainTex option and input the path to your texture; this will be as specified in the Texture Config section i.e. Mod/Textures/imageName 22. Change the RGBA setting by default to AlphaCubeMap. If done correctly up until this stage, the image path should be displaying as white text. 23. Scroll down the GUI and toggle the 'layer2D' option so that it renders the cloud texture as a graphic in ScaledSpace/PQS. 24. At this stage you can hit Save and Apply and EVE should now render, by default, the cloud map you specified to be in the Alpha channel of your Cube Map. If following my instructions above with regards to the alignment of the cube faces using CubeTheSphere it should be aligned correctly. If using other software or this is not the case, you may need to play around with the sides of which your textures are appearing on the Cube Map. 25. To change the rendering of the cloud map to that of the Red, Green or Blue channels, cycle through the 'alphaMask' option to switch between your 4 cloud map textures. 26. At this stage you should be finished and able to choose between 4 different cloud maps by using only 6 cube map textures. Hooray! From here you can go back into your cloud layers and edit the parameters of them to how you wish to configure your EVE Cloud Layer to appear. ---- For reference, if you were to use 4 separate 8k DXT5 .dds textures for the 4 cloud maps, the resultant total file size would be 170MB. By combining these 4 maps into a single 2k DXT5 .dds Cube Map the resultant total file size is only 24MB... more than a 700% saving! Imgur Album of the above Tutorial Images for your reference: A big thank you and shout out to @rbray89 for making all of this possible with EVE and the continous support that he has given when we badger him with questions. EVE Forum link: I hope that you found this helpful and will be an aid in your endeavour to create better and more efficient visual packs for EVE. If you have any queries, feel free to ask by pinging me with an @Poodmund tag in this thread.
  23. After my last mission to Moho, land with science and Kerbals and return (the deltaV to slowdown at Moho was insane), I decided my next stop would be Eve as that was the next launch window and is the next planet in. I probably don't have the tech for it, but I am trying to land with science and Kerbals and return. The main tech needed that I am missing is the inflatable heat shield or even the largest std one, and most of my designs are based around mitigating this. This will actually be my first atmospheric landing and lift off from playing nearly 440hrs, I am probably nuts for trying it, especially from reading up the difficulty of ascent and the thickness of atmosphere. I am trying out different parts in sandbox, so as to not have to cheat in career, or risk my precious Kerbals (I am fine sacrificing them in sandbox). In my trials I am cheating things to orbit, or whatever place I need to be to test out various parts. So far I am around 2 weeks or so of casual playing. For now, I will just add my old and current designs with a little bit on each. My current progress is, I have a lander with science that can land and take off with a success of around 25%. (Low, I know) I am currently still optimizing this part. The Poodles are just to de-orbit when cheating into Eve orbit. The heat shield arrangement is 1. to keep me stable in Eve atmosphere and 2. to protect my final stage terrier from going boom on descent. When in lower atmosphere, it does some interesting wiggling about. This like most of my screenshots is a slightly older version, but it is still mostly the same. I have an interplanetary stage with enough deltaV to get me there (and back when the lander is ditched). Though I have not tested this yet with my current version of lander. Std interplanetary type stage? This is an earlier version of both the lander and the interplanetary stage, but I don't seem to have a more recent screenshot. The 2 pods are so I can take a scientist with me to reset experiments in Eve space. I have also managed to get the full thing into Kerbin orbit. No screenshot of this, but I dare say it looks like any other std heavy lifter. It did look like it was going to cost 600k to launch the monstrosity. I am closeish to the full mission and it is looking possible, but really difficult (and expensive). I cant find many screenshots of my failures, but here is my first attempt of something that would escape Eve. I gave this up pretty quickly as it was too heavy and SRBs don't seem like they are a good idea to haul to Eve, lots of research after this failure. which lead to my current design. Extras, I met my first real Kraken last night, due to issues dumping my top heat shield I quick saved under parachute power, when I reloaded, things started accelerating randomly. I tried to stage to see if this would sort it, and parts ended up heading out of the solar system at 10milion+ m/s. Bonus pictures of my Moho crafts. I will try and keep this updated and detail my trials and tribulations to be able to achieve it in my career save. I do not want any advice yet (unless I ask for it) as I like to work things out myself and research myself (Hope I don't offend anyone here, I know you are all awesome helpful people). Once I am done, any advice or constructive criticism for a try in the future will be welcome, or even learning for future missions. Wish me luck! Edit: I totally forgot to add that I am not using mods, I didn't use them even when deltaV wasn't calculated and made a nice spreadsheet to calculate for me. I want to add the graphics mods some time, but I am happy with struggling with the various game play struggles... especially with some of the quality of life changes since I last played.
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