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  1. Hey Guys, i try to land on Kerbin with Landingstruts on my Vessel. But unfortunately there explode on every landing attempt. I use also Heat Shield and four Radiators, if its nessecery i post a screenshot of my Vessel. Is it impossible to land on Kerbin with landing Struts? Bye Kai
  2. Okay, so here is a perpetual problem I have when I play KSP. I like to make my vehicles cost-effective, and that means recovery of useful parts. I have gotten pretty good at getting them back down to Kerbin survivable, but the closer they are to KSC, the more the funds recovered from the craft. This is especially important with spaceplanes, since they often need a good runway to touchdown on. Unfortunately, my attempts to land near KSC from an equatorial LKO position have a bad habit of undershooting the target, often leaving my craft coming down a continent away. Even a spaceplane, that could theoretically make that flight back, often finds itself running out of fuel during the long return flight (fuel budgets are especially tight for such craft.) Can anyone share a best practice method for getting craft down near KSC, assuming equatorial LKO as a starting position? Things like what altitude range above the KSC I should aim for or how far around the globe I should begin my breaking burn would be helpful. I realize there will always be some approximation involved in this depending on the aerobreaking characteristics of the craft and its orientation, but anything that helps me better evaluate my optimal entry would be valuable.
  3. Operation: Mara One Rescue "We Leave No Kerbal Behind" "Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise, oh you got to be kidding me; they pulled a Voyager and a the Martian in the same day. I'm not reading this." - Jeb, Heroic Astronaut of the NASA KSP Program. He survived. The Mara SLA01 - Current Status It was supposed to be an automated probe for a flyby of the Mun. It's test launch of course was manned. Outfitted with some of the most powerful SpaceY engines available and designed like nothing the NASA KSP Program created before, it was to be the first stepping stone to the Mun. "Mun or bust" after all, right. Unfortunately, the Mara SLA01 (Standard Launch Automated) did not turn out as expected. Accelerating to nearly 3,000 m/sec the Mara SLA01 broke Kerbin orbit and before burning out its solid rocket boosters entered into an elliptical orbit with Kerbol. Meet the Mara SLA01: Equipped with the latest technology of the time, the Mara SLA01 was designed for extended long term automated missions. With full electrical charge to sustain the computers and life support, the Mara SLA01 could potentially keep its crew alive indefinitely (or until the food ran out). However, we do not leave a Kerbal behind. In a courageous decision, the survivor of many NASA KSP Program test launches has volunteered to lead the rescue effort to bring our Kerbalnauts home! The Objectives: Intercept the Mara SLA01 with a newly developed spacecraft equipped with the most advanced technology we have: the Mara One; Save our Kerbalnauts! Bring all our Kerbalnauts home What We Know: The Mara SLA01 has no fuel left and is relying on solar energy for electricity. It is impossible to maneuver the vessel; Any rescue ship must be capable of catching up with the SLA01 and either dock with the SLA01 or passengers of the SLA01 must be able to EVA at nearly 3.1 Km/sec; The Mara One rescue ship must be able to accelerate out of Kerbol orbit and will need the speed, power, and fuel to perform several maneuvers to reach Kerbin; Mara One will need to slow down significantly for atmospheric reentry or face burning up before reaching the Space Center It's time to bring our Kerbalnauts Home The current mission status direct from Mission Control Headquarters on Kerbin: Designing the Mara One Tasks that Remain NASA KSP Engineers and Scientists are concerned that if we launch the Mara One too early it may face the same fate or worse. Time is against us as we prepare for a rescue mission. Mara One Launch System Trials Mara One Interplanetary Engine Trials Mara One Planetary Breaking Trials Mara One Spaceplane Trials Mara One Ship Trials Mara One Launch Follow a long as the Mara One Rescue Mission commences.
  4. This Contract....it now took me 1 hour to almost perfectly align my satellite orbit to this contract..but: +-10.000m on a 15 Million Kilometer Orbit... is this game serious? This isnt enough??? Any help? Is this really that absurd, that orbits have to perfectly align, at this orbital speed, where 0.1 m/s makes 10.000m Orbital difference? Holy. Im in career mode and need that money from that contract :/
  5. As a fan of KSP, I would like to post this image of Kerbin I did in PlanetMaker.
  6. Hello fellow kerbals! A new mod has Arrived i have been working on it for a while now and its going very well! The south kerbin flag pack adds kerbal-ish flags too the game like the South kerbin aircraft and space association(SKASA). Jeb head mug kerman industries/JHMK IND is working on other projects so progress will be slow and this mod is for ksp version 1.0.5. but you can still ask about update. Download here Drop box.
  7. I made the main bodies of the Kerbol System, (Kerbol-Eeloo) entirely in PlanetMaker (planetmaker.wthr.us) Reply if you have created models of the Kerbol system of some sort. -made by planet-creations (with a profile pic of Kerbin)
  8. What Is The K-MP?: The K-MP is what it says on the tin, it's a mission from Kerbin to the Mün. I will be using my Münar-B11 lunar rocket, which has the Münar-A6 lunar lander. I will be doing this "mission" from the 1st April to the 8th April 2016. I don't know if we'll find the Mün or just a dull grey rock by Kerbin :]. Joining us on this mission will be sir Jebediah Kerman, a highly trained kerbalnaut. Will kerbalkind make history, or is this Mün a lie? Find out in The K-MP! Reports: 3 April 2016: Today It Begins! Images: Rocket Downloads: PS: The reason why I'm doing this "easy" thing is because I'm making a YouTube channel.
  9. Hello There, today I have a simple task for our Kerbalnauts. Travel Kerbin all the way around in a one plane as fast as possible. RULES: 1) Must use some sort of aircraft. 2) Jet engines only. 3) Must not go Suborbital. 4) Stock parts only. 5) Have to visit both poles, (with evidence) 6) You are allowed to mine ore. (if you really want to for fuel) 7) Do so as fast as possible NO assistance mods, Kerbal engineer is allowed. Will make some sort of badge.
  10. Objective: get to Kerbin orbit (Pe > 70 km) starting with the least fuel (liquid+oxidizer+solid). Stock parts only (sandbox mode), no mods, manual piloting (SAS/RCS/reaction wheels allowed), no cheating, no refuelling. Multi stages allowed but be nice and don't use decouplers for propulsion. All stock engines allowed excepted electric. Payload/reentry not required, just get a pod to Pe > 70 km. Scoring: least fuel at takeoff (liquid+oxidizer+solid) wins. Unused fuel doesn't matter. Tip: you don't need to take off with completely filled tanks. My record (pictures to come): 30.6 liquid fuel + 22 oxidizer = 52.6 units.
  11. Does anybody happen to have a good high res map of Kerbin without any words or anything on it? I'm trying to design my own map system and separate it into continents
  12. This thread is meant to be a parody of the Flat Earth Society and Flat Earth Theory which is a conspiracy theory that has become surprisingly popular among die hard conspiracy nuts. In this thread the goal is to prove that Kerbin is flat. We shall not be deceived by the lies of the Kerbal Spave Center any more! They have constructed an elaborate conspiracy to hide the true shape of Kerbin so people will give contracts and funds to the space center. Logical fallacies are welcome, because real flat earthers use them all the time. Anyone saying that Kerbin is round is a shill payed by the Space Center to defend the conspiracy. There is no other explenation.
  13. For some time now I've had a hypothesis that Kerbol is not in fact a magical tiny G-class star but an old, relatively cool white dwarf (such as a DC9, which is spectrally similar to the Sun). The planets would also be made partially of electron-degenerate matter, making them much denser than any known planets and making possible their high surface gravities relative to their sizes. But today I decided to fact-check myself and look up the lower mass limits for stellar remnants such as white dwarfs, and I found the following: - White dwarf: at least 0.6 solar masses, below which it will convert into a "carbon planet" and expand to a much larger size and lower density - Neutron star: at least 0.1 solar masses, below which it will explode in an event similar to a type 1a supernova, and any core remnant left over will be composed of ordinary matter of assorted elements. Kerbol has a mass of roughly 0.01 solar masses, and Kerbin less than a millionth of a solar mass. So nothing in the Kerbolar system could actually be made of electron-degenerate matter or solid neutrons, which leaves the question: Exactly what might they be made of? So can anyone else come up with some ideas for how to greatly increase the density of a planet or star, so that we don't have to go with "gravity is stronger in the Kerbal universe" or "it's magic"? Yes, I do understand that it IS magic, but for the sake of mental stimulation, I'd like to try to come up with a headcanon that holds water. As an example, say we take a planet like Earth. It has a certain mass, and since it's made mainly of iron, silicon, and oxygen, it has a certain resulting radius and density. But if we converted it into pure gold, it would become denser and thus end up smaller. Can we come up with some configuration of materials, possibly including degenerate matter, that could produce the necessary densities?
  14. Hi, i got a small bug with grass colours on kerbin the grass seems off and darken than ksc grass and it persists in flight scene and in orbit. Here is the picture:
  15. Do you know Halo ? there is a station that is called RimWorld and it is station around whole Moon or something like that. I wil try to do that in ksp :3 EZ Only one mod that adds a station hubs and parts But around Kerbin and it will be smaller in diameter and it will be round
  16. THE PROJECT TO COMPLETE A 100% GROUND-BASED CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE PLANET KERBIN USING A SINGLE VEHICLE, AND TO GET A SHINY BADGE FOR DOING IT: NOTE: I have pretty much stopped work on this project due to a bug. You can read about said bug more here. Meanwhile, I have decided to start another Elcano run, this time on the Mun and in a completely bare-bones stock install. You can read the new run here. I'd like to start off by saying this is going to be an immense project, and I'm not sure I'll actually finish it unless someone is pestering me about it. That's why I'm making this thread. So that you guys can encourage me on my way around the planet. It's also going to be easier if I post a few screenshots at a time for a long time rather than what I did for my last giant mission, the Jool-5 And Then Some project. I'll try to make a bit of a story to go along with it, because stories are more fun than raw mission logs. Especially when the raw mission log goes like: 0d 0h 18m 46s: Drove over hill. 0d 0h 22m 6s: Braked for quicksave. 0d 0h 45m 0s: Avoided tree. etc. So, here goes nothing: INTRODUCTION Kerbalkind had been exploring space for decades. They had visited all the other planets in the system and planted flags. There were stations around Duna, Minmus, and Tylo. Bases on the Mun, Ike, and Gilly. Probes had mapped almost all the bodies. Then, one day, a couple of interns working in the R&D department were looking in the Science Archives for pictures of Kerbin's southern night sky. They looked on every shelf, asked everyone they could. No one knew if there were any such pictures. The interns, Jogy and Kerzy, discussed this strange fact over their lunch break. While they were eating, another Kerbal came running up to them, panting. They recognized him, he had been working in the Science Archives earlier that day. His name was Dereny. He said: "Hi, um, sorry to interrupt, but, you were looking in the Archives earlier, right? For pictures from Kerbin?" "Yeah, that was us," Jogy replied. "What's wrong?" "Dr. von Kerman says he wants to talk to you about that." Kerzy almost spilled her juice hearing that. "Werhner von Kerman wants to see us? Why?" "We'll see him right after lunch," said Jogy. Both girls could hardly contain their excitement and wonder as Dereny jogged away. "What's so important about us not being able to find something in the Archives? Wouldn't he rather talk to someone who actually knows where to find things?" They finished lunch, and went to Werhner's office. Kerzy tentatively knocked on the door. "Come in," said Werhner, who was sitting at his desk, drawing something on a sheet of paper. He frowned and crumpled it up. There were several such crumpled sheets, but a few were not crumpled at all and had been set aside. They looked like drawings of a big, complex rover with crew pods on it. "Sit down, make yourselves comfortable," he said. "So, why do you want to talk to us so badly?" asked Jogy. "Vell, it haz come to my attention that zere is not a single picture from Kerbin's surface in ze Science Archives. Zis has made us realize zat ve have conquered ze solar system, but zat ve have not at all conquered Kerbin itself. So ze engineering team haz come up vith a rover design, and ve have determined zat it should be able to go to vatever place on ze planet. I have decided zat ze best vay to show ze vorld how amazing Kerbalkind really iz, iz to bring zis rover all the vay around ze planet. I propose zat you, Jogy and Kerzy, take zis craft around ze globe. It vill be ze most perilous journey, but you vill be vorld heroes if you return. Do you accept ze challenge to become ze first Kerbonauts to be true Kerbinauts? Jogy and Kerzy looked at each other in awe. "You vould have two more crewmates, to help on your journey," said Werhner. "We're in!" both said at the same time. PART I The full crew was: Jogy Kerman, Commander and Pilot. Kerzy Kerman, Primary Engineer. Tedrick Kerman, Secondary Engineer. Dereny Kerman, Scientist. The ship was tested, they were reassured, and it would be able to go over all the terrain they would encounter. They were given a map, with the path they were to take marked in black pen: The ship had 10 all-terrain wheels, an ISRU unit and 2 drills, jets for the inevitable periods of sea travel, solar panels, SAS, batteries, crew cabins, snacks, everything one would need for a long-duration ground-based mission. The journey would be about 5080 kilometers long, and would take about 130 hours of driving time. Finally they were ready to set out. Kerzy went and planted a flag right in front of the Astronaut Complex for all to see. The team would drive around the planet and return to that very flag. "All right, time to go!" said Jogy. Jogy and Kerzy were in External Command Seats, while the guys stayed in the Mk2 crew pod for the first leg of the journey. They would rotate positions driving over the course of the mission. Jogy planted a flag on top of this hill, naming it "Farewell Hill" because it was the last glimpse of KSC before they came around in the north. They would travel southwest and around the Kerbal Mountains for the first part of their journey. "Good thing we brought snacks," said Kerzy. Everyone chuckled as Jogy turned the rover down the hill. SADLY, PROGRESS WAS HALTED DUE TO A BUG. THIS ATTEMPT WILL NO LONGER BE CONTINUED.
  17. This is the Story of the start of the Ruskerbia Space Program called Interkerbmos it is my first story and i thought i wanted to give it a try (dont be too harsh :D) Mods used: Tantares Tantares LV Kerbalized flags and agencies [Remember to read Werner with an german accent] [Remember to read other characters with russian accents] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 1 Manned by (Frogs) ( фермер ) |Farmer| Igor Kerman: Ehm.. Werner.. How did you build this thingy again?... Werner von Kerman: i found some scrap metal in my backyard Igor Kerman: okay.. so this is how you want to impress Piton?... with an scrap metal brick? Werner von Kerman: YES! And its manned by Frogs! Igor Kerman: Frogs?! i hope for you that Piton Kerman wont Throw you out of Ruskerbia for insulting him Werner von Kerman: that wont happen my friend [The next day] Werner von Kerman: There it is Piton! the фермер!! Piton Kerman: So.. this brick should put us in Space? Werner von Kerman: well its an prototype but i think it will manage to get there Piton Kerman: Launch it! Igor Kerman: Launching in 5.......4......3.....2.....1 Piton Kerman: its fast! but.. how does it steer? is it manned?! Werner von Kerman: Yes its Manned by Frogs... Igor Kerman: *Laughs* Piton Kerman: *looks questioning towards Werner* Very well, you get your money but! make sure we will be the first in space.. [Piton Kerman Leaves the launch site] While the фермер Parachutes down Werner and Igor Celebrate and start working on their New Future Projects Funded by the Ruskerbian Government Mission Succes! Stay Tuned for more!
  18. Guys, please, I need help. I went on science mode, and managed to go into munar orbit and back to kerbin orbit. Thing is, I didn't add any heat shields, and I won't survive reentry. I guarantee, I will die. I have quick saved more times than I can count. Can someone please help? This is my first post, and I don't know why I can't put pictures, but my ship is basically Mk1 command module TR-18A Stack Decoupler Science Junior (Already dead weight) Science Junior Two mystery goo containers on either side of it(All dead weight) FL-T400 Fuel Tank (18.26 liquid fuel and 22.32 oxidizer) 4 Z-100 Rechargable battery packs on the sides of it LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid fuel engine I tried sending out another with a bigger crew cabin to save him, but I can't catch up with the other one. So someone, PLEASE, help me, and save poor Jebediah, and all the important science he has.
  19. Reworked Kerbin System Greetings kerbonauts! This is first beta version of the "Reworked Kerbin System" - small modification that changes space center location, Mun and Minmus orbits. Mod require Kopernicus [included in zip file]. Changelog: 0.0.1 Space center has been moved Added 28 degree Mun inclination Added 14 degree Minmus inclination. Upper limit of the Kerbin atmosphere has been moved to 100 km. Download: KerbalStuff License: MIT
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