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  1. Hi there, I'm currently working on a mod which reparents Kerbin to a new solar system which orbits a star which orbits a black hole which in turn orbits the stock sun. However, upon creating EVE and Scatterer Configs i have found that when I run both I get black EVE Details on every body. I have fiddled around with settings, my scatterer is set to follow the new star and my configs all run okay when I play with just the stock system, but seem to give these black details on every planet when i run both the scatterer and EVE. I can run just the EVE config and find that detail colours are normal, but whenever I run both the scatterer and EVE config I get these horrible looking black clouds. I've been stuck with this problem for several months and am really stuck in development of my mod. Any help would be really appricated as i have asked many other mod developers and scoured numerous forum posts for a solution. https://imgur.com/sLa32XC Here's the logs https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xm5ljTJXz1AnbAwdHOer348RiuH-0qpp I'm running version of ksp with both DLCs at versions 1.7.1 breaking ground and 1.2.0 making history I'm running the latest versions of both EVE and Scatterer (for 1.7.x), at 1.7.3-0 and 0.0540 respectively Thanks in advance. I hope I've provided enough information
  2. The ugly black ring from the surface of Tekto I recently started playing KSP with OPM. but while playing I noticed that the Kopernicus rings don't get affected by the Scatterer atmosphere of Sarnus or Tekto, this bothered me a bit.. Is there a way to fix this? And if I can't fix it myself, when is it getting fixed then? (sorry if i'm a bit impatient ) I would really like to know what and why. My apologies if there is already getting worked on it. Thanks. RJ. oh and I have KSP 1.7.3
  3. What Is EVOLUTION? Evolution is a planet pack that aims to push everything to the limits. From the star itself to the outermost regions, experience 4K quality planet textures and 8K quality cloudmaps, as well as planets created with realism and beauty in mind. Revolutionary Features Every planet in Evolution has been created with both uniqueness and realism in mind, as well as providing players a beautiful, yet fun and challenging experience. Preview of EVOLUTION Download EVOLUTION Special Thanks @SQUAD for Kerbal Space Program @Thomas P. for maintaining Kopernicus, the building block of all planet packs out there @Galileo for inspiring me, giving me advice and helping me out @Waz for maintaining Environmental Visual Enhancements, a mod that truly lives up to it's name @blackrack for Scatterer's amazing shaders and Kopernicus' epic new ring shaders @CaptRobau for inspiring me to get into the planet modding business, and for OPM, from which I have learned the basics of Kopernicus myself back in the day @Sigma88, @KillAshley and @Thomas P. for having the patience to help me out every time @OhioBob for explaining to me the wonderful (and complicated) subject that is atmospheres @linuxgurugamer for LoadingScreenManager, a mod that allows even the loading screen to be given a unique touch. @HaArLiNsH for TextureReplacerReplaced, because you'd be surprised how much a custom skybox can do.
  4. Hello Kerbonauts. I see you have found your way here. Welcome to NTSP2, or Noah the Smol's Planet Pack. This is a heavily indev pack adding 3 planets, 1 dwarf planet, and 9 moons. It currently only uses Kopernicus and KittopiaTech for the mod, but compatibilities and actual test builds will come soon. The NTSPP first draft is now out, including only Daki. Test it out and give me some feedback! Object list is here: All scale is measured in this way: Mini: 0.01> Nano: 0.01-0.1 Micro: 0.1-0.5 No Prefix: 0.5-1.5 Super: 1.5-5.0 Mega: 5.0-10.0 Ultra: 10.0-30.0 Hyper: 30.0< Noah The Smol’s Planet Pack Planets centered around Kerbol. Kerbol Moho Daki- new moon for Moho. Very dull brown, a Micro-Mun. Eve Kerbin Ettren- new ice giant between Kerbin and Duna. Technically an Ultra-Kerbin. Deep red near poles fades to more orange and tan near equator. Eynen- Super-Gilly, pale pink, orbits quite close to Ettren to the point where halving its orbit would place it within the Roche limit. Yurref- Munlike, about three times Eynen’s distance. Very slight pale teal with a very thin set of rings close to the surface. Werron- Super-Mun, 4/3x Yurref’s orbit, pale red with lots of very prominent, small craters. Looks almost like red cheese. Duna Dres Tirnitt- Haumealike object, Dreslike in size, darker purple near equator than near poles, no rings, one moon. Rennios- Gillylike, very deep cobalt blue, from the actual cobalt on its surface. Jool Teddest- Super-Jool, mild blues and greens colour range. Thin rings. Griessk- Minmuslike, mild purple. Ilnur- Micro-Mun, deep yellow and red from major sulfur stains due to volcanoes Uljinn- Dunalike, except it’s a pale green due to strange surface chemicals. Covered with shallow, yellow craters Eeloo Yttrel- Hyper-Kerbin, though technically a gas giant. It is a pale purple with a small blue polar storm. Enmir- Yttrel’s only moon, it is a Nano-Mun covered in shallow craters, overall a very dull blue.
  5. I keep on getting errors using Flare Exporter on Kopernicus and I can't fix it, I've already tried changing unity versions among other things but to no avail. If anyone has a clue, then any help will be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hello! This is Tekcate, a small, simple planet pack that adds three new bodies to the Kerbol System. Keep in mind that this is the first mod I have ever created, so it does have flaws. Kopernicus is necessary for this mod to function. This mod also features full Science Definitions. I would greatly appreciate hearing your feedback! Thanks to KottabosGames for the review. New Worlds Tekcate- An oversized asteroid (or undersized dwarf planet?) orbiting Kerbol between Kerbin and Duna on a moderately eccentric, slightly inclined orbit. It is the size of Minmus at 60 kilometers in radius, and is a dark gray ball of rock and ice. Tekili- Tekcate's primary natural satellite, orbiting quite to its parent. It is a tiny, smooth, and pink moon even smaller than Gilly. Tekili is roughly an eighth the size of Tekcate at 7 kilometers in radius. Tekova- The second, smaller moon of Tekcate, only half the size of Tekili. It orbits much further from its parent on an inclined, elliptical than Tekili and can be called a miniature version of Minmus. Installation Instructions Simply extract the entirely of the .zip file, and insert the "Tekit" folder into KSP's GameData folder. Changelog Thanks to Gameslinx for helping me with terrain scatter. Download Here License is MIT
  7. Billions of years ago, Urlum and Neidon were joined by another ice-giant. However, this ice-giant was unfortunate enough to encounter Sarnus very early in its live, and it was ejected into the inner solar system, well within the orbit of Moho. Scientists on Kerbin were extremely curious as to why Moho has such an inclined and elliptical orbit, but a suspicion led to the discovery of a new planet, called Heidon (It was named after the evil twin of Neidon). The planet is scorching hot and has a pretty ring system. Requires Kopernicus: Download here: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/heidon-mod License: All Rights Reserved
  8. Skaian System Planet Pack First, I want to thank @The White Guardian for letting me use his mods to learn and @Thomas P. for the Kopernicus Examples, and also Andrew Hussie to make the webcomic this mod is inspired on! This is my first planet pack so there might be some issues with the developement and I might need some help if someone is kind enough to comment (With all the credit). So, this mod is based on the different planets of the webcomic Homestuck by Andrew Hussie, with Skaia being the center of the mod. Spoiler alert for those who are interested in Homestuck. So, let's meet the planets shall we? (Btw I have no idea how to do the posts) First: Skaia! This blue, gassy marble somewhere in the orbit of Duna has the characteristic of being exactly like Kerbin at some point, being a semihabitable planet with no soil. This planet baffles Kerbals by its blueness, and the mysterious influence the planet has on it's moons, changing lumps of rocks into good ol' habitable planets. Next: Typheus, also known as the Land of Wind And Shade! This even bluer marble is one of the satellites of Skaia, scoured mostly flat by past storms, thought to have been provoked by the influence of the moon's primary. It's thought that before these winds cleaned the planet, this moon used to be rainy and cloudy, and maybe it had life, evidenced by the lakes of pure oil dotting the surface of the planet; and it has old ruins of a sewage system, evidencing sapient beings. It's the most coveted planet of the Kerbol system, specially by the United States of Kamerica. So, this it's waht I have managed to make! Future features I want to include (Green mostly done, orange being worked on, red still not made, blue maybe not included) Lands of Heat and Clockwork, of Light and Rain, and Frost and Frogs. Prospit and Derse The Nobles and Trolls planets. So, this is my planet pack! I hope you like it and I would be so grateful if someone reports any bugs (I'ts my first planet pack so it's likely there are) or could help me out writing the code! -Download the mod: -Dropbox Thanks for reading! :o)
  9. Hello, UranianBlue here from Delta Sigma Mods!! I have been starting a new project that will create extra star systems. Because of the extreme distances, I recommend using the Interstellar Extended mod. Also, if you have not seen my Heidon Mod, try it out! Pics will come soon. Release will be in May or June. Post your suggestions down here; this is your chance to alter the mod to your preferences.
  10. Kerbal Exoplanets is a mod which aims to add strange new worlds to the game. It will add in some new star systems, all with exoplanets and moons orbiting them! Screenshots: New Star Systems added: Keldo System Metaris System Kendulon System Downloads: Dropbox (VISUALS): https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6ozin1jc1y7zer/Kerbal Exoplanets v0.3_VISUALS.zip?dl=0 Curseforge: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbal-exoplanets?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=265958 Also, download the patch (v0.3.1) if you want some bugs from 0.3 fixed! Installation instructions are in this post. Thanks! How To Install: 1. Get Kopernicus here and install it and/or delete any older version of Kerbal Exoplanets. 2. Unzip the zip directory titled "Kerbal Exoplanets (current version number)" 3. Move the folder named "Kerbal Exoplanets" to your GameData folder, or if you are installing visuals, move "BoulderCo", "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements", and "scatterer". 4. Enjoy! Changelog: Thanks to: @Thomas P. for maintaining and updating Kopernicus @The White Guardian for his amazing tutorials on how to make planets, and helped me out on some issues with my own @OhioBob for his explanation on how to make realistic atmospheres, and his excel spreadsheet @blackrack and @Waz for making scatterer and EVE @Artyomka15 for making some awesome mods that have inspired me This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please keep in mind that this is my first mod and is still in dev, don't expect something perfect
  11. So, I've recently decided that since the old Antares Solar System really, really, reeeally sucks, and I've gained some experience in modding and want to revisit the mod, it'd be a pretty good idea to completely remake it from the ground up rather than reviving it. It's really just that bad. (Plus the acronym Antares Solar System spells out is ASS, so...) Now, I hear you asking: "Well, what's this mod going to be like?" What A:R is going to be is an accurate representation of what red giants and their surrounding, aged solar systems could be like. This means that not only will everything be really hot and really bright, but there will be planets veeery close to the surface of the star (Those close-in planets aren't destroyed because red giants are really super mega hyper uber omega undense. Like, we're talking way less dense than literally the Earth's atmosphere, especially near the outer edge of the star). This also means that Antares will finally have a realistic-looking color! That also means there will be no habitable planets or moons in this solar system. Also, Antares in this mod won't be representing the actual star in this mod, unlike last time (This mod's Antares is only a little more massive than the stock Sun, ~1 scaled AU in radius, no companion star(s) unless they're wanted, etc). So it'll be a pretty difficult-to-survive destination for the most part. Also, Antares is far away. Like, reeeally far away far away. Like, literally 0.0214 IRL light-years away from the stock system far away, so I'd definitely recommend that you use some kind of part mod(s) to get there. I also hear you asking: "Well, how does this improve on the old ASS in any way?" Well, for one, the textures aren't made in literally MS Paint and/or ripped from Google Images this time around. And for two, I'll actually be asking around a little for help with this thing instead of going alone and making a pile of crap. And three, I've learned how to make normal maps that actually work right with KSP so that the starlight hits the planet/moon right. There will also be more things to explore in Antares: Remade, with the current planet total being 5 and an escaped moon (so like, 5 1/2 planets, I guess). That means there's more of a reason to actually visit this solar system! I've also rescaled the stock system--all planets, as well as the stock Sun (aside from Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe because I don't know how to change the ocean height right now ) are 1/10 size and 1/100 mass, and the planetary (and moonary(?)) distances are all 1/10 scale too, rather than 1/11. I can also also hear you asking: "Well, how far along are you in making this? When's the release date?" Currently I have the two outer gas giant planets, Akete and Anterrie, in a somewhat finished state. I'm currently working on the many moons of these two planets before moving on to the three inner, rocky planets and their moons. Currently in a bit of a roadblock with one of Anterrie's moons, but hopefully I'll figure it out without needing help. I've found a workaround for the pictures. Pictures are of Antares and Akete, a gas giant significantly smaller and less massive than Jool: (Note: the weird lighting on Akete is because of the stock Sun lighting it up. I've fixed that now, planning on taking some more pictures soon) I don't have a specific release date in mind, but hopefully I can put out a first version sometime before KSP2 drops. Finally, I can hear you asking: "How can you hear all these things I'm asking? Are you in my house or something?"
  12. Knossos - A moon completely covered in a maze Knossos is a mod that I created while experimenting with various maze generation algorithms. I ended up successfully mapping a maze to a sphere, and imported the thing into KSP. And now, due to popular request, I'm releasing it for everyone to enjoy. Download available on GitHub: https://github.com/89Mods/Knossos/releases/tag/1.0 This mod requires Kopernicus to also be installed. You can download Kopernicus here: Description This mod adds a new moon into orbit around Kerbin, which is completely covered in a huge maze. The walls of said maze are high and steep enough to prevent most rovers and Kerbals from walking over them. So you'll just have to cheat with rockets instead solve it properly. There is a solution to the maze, as it stops around the poles, which could be considered the "end" of the maze. The moon itself is half the size of The Mun, but its orbit around Kerbin is behind Minmus', and is also highly inclined and eccentric, making it difficult to get to in the first place. More screenshots License This mod and its source code is distributed under the MIT License.
  13. CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT Screenshots coming soon
  14. Hi Mates, GRS here... I'm working on this Planet Pack, I call it "Kronos Planet Pack", it'll envelope up to 20 Bodies in total. Red = Not started yet. Yellow = Working on it. Green = Finished. Underlined = Hard Worlds Bodies : Spade = A Ridiculously Inclined Eccentric Moon with mostly Green and Dark Gray. (6 Km, 0.002 Gees) Arkanus = A Super Mohonian that's Super Close to Kerbol/Sun.(400 Km, 1.7 Gees) Lotus = A far away Planet with the size of Minmus .(40 Km, 0.0385 Gees) Orbin = A Desert Super-Kerbinian world with Super Dense Atmospheric pressure.(675 Km, 1.5 Gees, 14 Atm Max Pressure) Nuuma = Moon of Orbin with roughly the size of Mun, maybe bigger...very likely.(225 Km, 0.25 Gees) Kronos = Large Massive Gas Giant with Borderline Mass and Red Colored.(9000 Km, 5 Gees) Shrek = A Minmus sized moon that orbits very closely to Kronos.(75 Km, 0.07 Gees) Aleph = A massive moon of Kronos that looks covered in Lava.(700 Km, 1.2 Gees) Zeruel = Large Super Kerbinian moon with Ocean and Oxygenic Atmosphere.(750 Km, 1.4 Gees, 1 Atm Max Pressure) Terriblis = A Giant world with High Gravity and rich of Copper Sulphate that makes it Very Blue. Baduraks = Largest Moon of Terriblis, and is a Super Tylo type. ---More Spoilers Coming Soon--- Spade Orbin Nuuma Arkanus Lotus Kronos Shrek Aleph Zeruel Thanks for all of you that helped me on these things... And Don't come here to say First !!!
  15. Help me stay motivated in my endeavors to create more interesting and diverse mods for KSP. Every little support helps! What is KASE? A complete re-work of the stock planets, KASE aims to bring out the native beauty of the stock worlds, without taking away from what made them great in the first place! For a long time I have been completely disappointed by the stock planets, from negative terrain issues, barely functioning meshes, drab colors, sloppy ground textures, and ultra-low resolution scaledspace textures. I decided these things need to be fixed, and have been slowly working on them in secret for a while. With it currently in a stable state, I felt it was ready to release into the world. Experience the stock planets in a new light! Screenshots: Download: Download from Github Dependency: Kopernicus Install Instructions: Please ensure you delete ALL files from previous version when updating, or else serious issues can and will occur. A fresh KSP install is recommended if you are unsure what files need to be removed. Simply Download the .zip file and merge the contents into your KSP game directory. Planned Mod Support: Scatterer Known Bugs: Hopefully none at the moment Changelog: v0.3 -Muted Mun to a greyer look (so no more complaints) -Tweaked Jool's map -Tweaked Duna's atmosphere gradient give it a "Mars" look v0.2 -PQS brightness, & saturations levels tweaked -PQSMaterials refitted to 1.1 types. -Tweaked Moho to have a dull specular shine to imitate it's heat v0.1 -Initial Release- Credits: Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager Kcreator for making KittopiaTech Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on. Thomas P (again) for all his amazing work and support Sigma88 for his help when I got stuck GregroxMun for his support and feedback in the dev stage License: KASE by KillAshley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  16. I have created a spreadsheet to help with Delta V calculations for rescaled stock systems. It is a rough draft and I would bet real money that the atmosphere numbers are way off but here it is anyway. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J76UA50pjSaA0YjlYB_RR6ZwK0FBFYqQEfQpivR_-K0/edit?usp=sharing
  17. The only system rearrangement that makes you think "Eh, this is pretty ok I guess"! (pics for clicks!): imgur album NOTE: all pictures right now were taken in v. 1.0, not in v.1.1. Reviving this mod, now the only mod that thought the Mun was so uninteresting that it put a ring around it--and a moon, too! This system rearrangement keeps all planets and moons from the stock game, but completely revamps it to create an entirely different, yet almost stock-ish game experience! Do note that all solar system bodies, while their sizes, masses, gravities, having or not having rings, and orbital positions may change, they still look exactly the same as in the stock game. I'm not that good at Kopernicus, y'know. ...Anyways, with the help of that Imgur album at the top of this page I'd like to take you on a little tour of the new solar system: NOTE: Due to the distance between Valentina's Star and the Sun there may initially be some floating-point (?) glitches on the planets/moons orbiting it. I'd recommend to complete at least one orbit around the planet/moon you'll be landing on. You can download the mod from here: https://spacedock.info/mod/1616/electricpants's "Eh" System Rearragements Changelog:
  18. Hello KSP Forum! During the last week, I have been scouring the internet and looking for instructions to create my own personal KSP planetary system. So far, almost nothing has worked. Even copying over a planet from a mod, and customizing the surface textures just a little (changing the color, that's it) makes the planet just pitch white. or just plain non-existent. I have no idea what is happening, or what is wrong with my script. So, I think I really need a step-by-step response on how to deal with this. Any help or response is highly appreciated! In this scenario, I tried to edit one of The White Guardians objects, Vahn. All I did was edit the surface texture with GIMP to see how it would fair in the game. But, as you see, there is absolutely nothing here. The script is pretty much the same as the original, other than the different directories. I have no idea what is wrong. @Kopernicus:FOR[MySystem] { //PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THIS CODE COMES FROM THE WHITE GUARDIAN'S EVOLUTION PLANET MOD. I AM IN NO WAY DISTRIBUTING HIS SCRIPTS TO OTHER PEOPLE. THIS ENTIRE SCRIPT IS ESSENTIALLY A LIFE-BOAT FOR ME TO BASE MY FUTURE PLANETS OFF OF. ALL CREDITS FOR HIS CODE AND WRITING IN HERE GO DIRECTLY TO HIM. Body { name = Loe cacheFile = MySystem/Cache/31_Loe.bin randomMainMenuBody = true flightGlobalsIndex = 3021 Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } Template { name = Gilly removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = Loe Desc radius = 50000 geeASL = 0.2 tidallyLocked = true timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 5000 5000 10000 25000 50000 75000 100000 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 4 inSpaceLowDataValue = 3.5 inSpaceHighDataValue = 3.2 recoveryValue = 1.5 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 } biomeMap = MySystem/PluginData/31_b.dds Biomes { Biome { name = 1 value = 1.2 color = 1,1,0,1 } Biome { name = 2 value = 1 color = 0.2,0.4,0.2,1 } Biome { name = 3 value = 1 color = 0,1,0,1 } Biome { name = 4 value = 1 color = 0,0,1,1 } Biome { name = 5 value = 1 color = 0,1,1,1 } } } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = MySystem/PluginData/31_c.dds normals = MySystem/PluginData/31_n.dds } } Orbit { referenceBody = Kerbin semiMajorAxis = 1480684.43822977 inclination = 4.38035510480404 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 215.374474525452 argumentOfPeriapsis = 139.502956867218 eccentricity = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.15 color = 0.2,0.5,0.3,1 } PQS { minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 10 Material { saturation = 1 contrast = 1 deepTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock3_Tex deepMultiTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock3_Tex mainTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock1_Tex mainMultiTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock1_Tex highTex = MySystem/Textures/Gravel2_Tex highMultiTex = MySystem/Textures/Gravel2_Tex snowTex = MySystem/Textures/Sand1_Tex snowMultiTex = MySystem/Textures/Sand1_Tex steepTex = MySystem/Textures/Cliff_Tex } Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = MySystem/PluginData/31_h.dds scaleDeformityByRadius = false deformity = 8500 offset = 1500 enabled = true order = 50 } VertexVoronoi { deformation = 100 frequency = 30 seed = 1 enableDistance = true displacement = 0 enabled = true order = 60 } VertexSimplexHeight { deformity = 500 frequency = 2 persistence = 0.2 octaves = 5 seed = 100 enabled = true order = 80 } HeightColorMap { blend = 1 LandClasses { Class { name = Core altitudeStart = -1 altitudeEnd = 0.15 color = 0.2,0.4,0.2,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Core2 altitudeStart = 0.15 altitudeEnd = 0.16 color = 0.3,0.38,0.35,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Rock altitudeStart = 0.16 altitudeEnd = 0.4 color = 0.4,0.4,0.4,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = DustLerp altitudeStart = 0.4 altitudeEnd = 0.45 color = 0.15,0.15,0.15,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Dust altitudeStart = 0.45 altitudeEnd = 0.75 color = 0.15,0.17,0.16,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Frost altitudeStart = 0.75 altitudeEnd = 0.8 color = 0.7,0.75,0.8,1 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Ice altitudeStart = 0.8 altitudeEnd = 2 color = 0.8,0.85,0.82,1 lerpToNext = false } } enabled = true order = 200 } AltitudeAlpha { atmosphereDepth = 11500 invert = false order = 999999999 enabled = true } AerialPerspectiveMaterial { atmosphereDepth = 150000 DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = True globalDensity = -1E-05 heightFalloff = 6.75 oceanDepth = 0 order = 100 enabled = true } LandControl { altitudeBlend = 0 altitudeFrequency = 1 altitudeOctaves = 1 altitudePersistance = 1 altitudeSeed = 1 createColors = False createScatter = True latitudeBlend = 0 latitudeFrequency = 1 latitudeOctaves = 1 latitudePersistance = 1 latitudeSeed = 1 longitudeBlend = 0 longitudeFrequency = 1 longitudeOctaves = 1 longitudePersistance = 1 longitudeSeed = 1 useHeightMap = False vHeightMax = 10000 order = 999999 enabled = true altitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } longitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } landClasses { Class { alterApparentHeight = 0 alterRealHeight = 0 color = 0,0,0,0 coverageBlend = 0 coverageFrequency = 1 coverageOctaves = 1 coveragePersistance = 1 coverageSeed = 1 name = Base latDelta = 1 latitudeDouble = False lonDelta = 1 minimumRealHeight = 0 noiseBlend = 0 noiseColor = 0,0,0,0 noiseFrequency = 1 noiseOctaves = 1 noisePersistance = 1 noiseSeed = 1 delete = False altitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0.15 startStart = 0.1 } coverageSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeDoubleRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } latitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } longitudeRange { endEnd = 2 endStart = 2 startEnd = -1 startStart = -1 } noiseSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } scatters { Scatter { density = 0.25 scatterName = Big } Scatter { density = 0.55 scatterName = Small } } } } scatters { Scatter { materialType = DiffuseDetail mesh = BUILTIN/boulder castShadows = True densityFactor = 1 maxCache = 512 maxCacheDelta = 32 maxLevelOffset = 0 maxScale = 7.5 maxScatter = 20 maxSpeed = 1000 minScale = 0.15 recieveShadows = True name = Big seed = 231123 verticalOffset = 0 delete = False collide = True science = False Material { color = 0.6,0.6,0.6,1 mainTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock3_Tex mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 detail = MySystem/Textures/Rock1_Tex detailScale = 25,25 detailOffset = 0,0 } Experiment { } } Scatter { materialType = Diffuse mesh = MySystem/Models/Pebble.obj castShadows = False densityFactor = 1 maxCache = 512 maxCacheDelta = 32 maxLevelOffset = 0 maxScale = 0.09 maxScatter = 50 maxSpeed = 1000 minScale = 0.01 recieveShadows = True name = Small seed = 231123 verticalOffset = 0 delete = False collide = False science = False Material { color = 0.6,0.6,0.6,1 mainTex = MySystem/Textures/Rock3_Tex mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 } Experiment { } } } } } } }
  19. Eve Moons Mod (1.7.3) What Does this Mod Add? The Eve Moons Mod adds two moons to Eve. Scarab: A world that is considered to be Eve's twin. Containing the same explodium oceans and a similar atmosphere, the only thing less vicious about this world is it's weaker gravity. Vurn: An orbiting ember, a cooling ball of Magma, formed from the collision that created Scarab. Before long it will cool entirely into a gray dud, might I suggest visiting its poles before then? Pictures Download Dependencies: Kopernicus https://spacedock.info/mod/2224/The Eve Moons Mod?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> All Rights Reserved
  20. Development Thread for Ramesses System Overhaul (RSO) What is RSO? As the name suggests, the mod will replace all of the planets and add a bit more. RSO will be situated around a K-type star which is orbited by 14 planets (3 minor), with an early L-type orbited by 5 planets. All of which are listed below The Planets Ra System Seker System Pics Click for Imgur album Keep in mind that this mod is still a work in progress and will not be uploaded until I feel like it's ready for release.
  21. Hello KSP Forum. Recently, I followed instructions on how to create a planet. When I finished up my script and went in-game, I was met with nothing but a few red rings where the world was meant to be. There is an image below, and my script. @Kopernicus:AFTER[KOPERNICUS] { Body { name = Stratastrophe cacheFile = StratastropheSystem/CacheFiles/Stratastrophe.bin flightGlobalsIndex = 10 Properties { description = Stratastrophe Description radius = 950000 geeASL = 1.67 rotationPeriod = 27500 rotates = true tidallyLocked = false initialRotation = 0 isHomeWorld = false timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 300000 300000 400000 700000 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 2 splashedDataValue = 1 flyingLowDataValue = 11 flyingHighDataValue = 8 inSpaceLowDataValue = 7 inSpaceHighDataValue = 6 recoveryValue = 7 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 65000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000 } } Orbit //Orbit properties { referenceBody = Sun color = 0.35,0,0,1 inclination = 0.5 eccentricity = 0.02 semiMajorAxis = 27000000000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 2000000 fadeEnd = 2100000 Material { texture = PluginData/stratastrophe_color.dds normals = PluginData/stratastrophe_normal.dds shininess = 0.1 specular = 0.6,0.0,0.0,1.0 rimPower = 3 rimBlend = 0.2 Gradient { 0.0 = 0.7,0.0,0.0,1 0.5 = 0.0,0.75,1.0,1 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1 } } } Atmosphere { ambientColor = 0.7, 0.00, 0.0, 1 lightColor = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5 enabled = true oxygen = true altitude = 90000.0 pressureCurve { key = 0 121.59 -1.32825662337662E-02 -1.32825662337662E-02 key = 2850 70.45212 1.08101766233766E-02 -1.08101766233766E-02 key = 6700 38.35164 -6.61608311688312E-03 -6.61608311688312E-03 key = 12550 19.50828 -3.70578701298701E-03 -3.70578701298701E-03 key = 16400 9.81708 -1.89074805194805E-03 -1.89074805194805E-03 key = 20250 4.94952 -9.4665974025974E-04 -9.4665974025974E-04 key = 24100 2.5278 -4.7371948051948E-04 -4.7371948051948E-04 key = 27950 1.30188 -2.38877922077922E-04 -2.38877922077922E-04 key = 35000 0.68844 -1.20685714285714E-04 -1.20685714285714E-04 key = 37650 0.3726 -6.2212987012987E-05 -6.2212987012987E-05 key = 41500 0.2094 -3.29298701298701E-05 -3.29298701298701E-05 key = 47850 0.11904 -1.80935064935065E-05 -1.80935064935065E-05 key = 52200 0.07008 -1.02857142857143E-05 -1.02857142857143E-05 key = 57050 0.03984 -6.21818181818182E-06 -6.21818181818182E-06 key = 61900 0.0222 -3.63116883116883E-06 -3.63116883116883E-06 key = 66750 0.01188 -2.07272727272727E-06 -2.07272727272727E-06 key = 71600 0.00624 -1.13766233766234E-06 -1.13766233766234E-06 key = 76450 0.00312 -6.07792207792208E-07 -6.07792207792208E-07 key = 79300 0.00156 -3.42857142857143E-07 -3.42857142857143E-07 key = 86150 0.00048 -2.02597402597403E-07 -2.02597402597403E-07 key = 90000 0 -1.24675324675325E-07 -1.24675324675325E-07 } pressureCurveIsNormalized = false temparatureSeaLevel = 288.15 temparatureCurve { key = 0 288.15 -0.008333333766 -0.008333333766 key = 9240 212.4633208 -0.001180336104 -0.001176697662 key = 16170 212.4633208 0.001176697662 0.001176697662 key = 23870 266.5252345 0.0006431355844 0.0006431355844 key = 43120 266.5252345 -0.0008869198701 -0.0008869198701 key = 61600 183.9579481 -0.001180336104 -0.001180336104 key = 69300 183.9579481 0.0006152915584 0.0006152915584 key = 77000 226.2245352 0.0009020832468 0.0009020832468 key = 115500 0 -0.0005839079221 -0.0005839079221 } temparatureSunMultCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 5923.076923 0.5 -0.00007792207792 -0.0001333050649 key = 6526.656231 0 0 0 key = 11883.45738 0 0 0 key = 28045.35461 0.2 0 0 key = 42527.78708 0.2 0 0 key = 54071.53228 0 0 0 key = 77000 0.4 0 0 } } PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = PluginData/stratastrophe_height.dds offset = -500 deformity = 3000.0 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 100 ridgedAddSeed = 123456 ridgedAddFrequency = 12 ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 ridgedAddOctaves = 4 ridgedSubSeed = 654321 ridgedSubFrequency = 12 ridgedSubLacunarity = 2 ridgedSubOctaves = 4 simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263 key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418 key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985 } simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexHeightEnd = 6500 simplexSeed = 123456 simplexOctaves = 4 simplexPersistence = 0.6 simplexFrequency = 12 enabled = true order = 200 } HeightColorMap { blend = 1 order = 500 enabled = true LandClasses { Class { name = Bottom altitudeStart = 0 altitudeEnd = 0.7 color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Base altitudeStart = 0.7 altitudeEnd = 0.75 color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Low altitudeStart = 0.75 altitudeEnd = 0.85 color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Grad altitudeStart = 0.85 altitudeEnd = 0.95 color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = High altitudeStart = 0.95 altitudeEnd = 2 color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0 lerpToNext = false } } } } } } }
  22. Hello! Welcome to my second planet mod, Planet Dunope Revamped! Download it here: https://www.spacedock.info/mod/2093/Planet Dunope Revamped Planet Dunope Revamped is my second KSP planet mod which brings back the old Planet Dunope mod in a new and revamped form! Kopernicus is required for this mod to work correctly. Dunope is a small ringed planet located between kerbin and duna. Besides having a nice ring system, it hosts a small green moon orbiting close aswell. Explore this new world with many biomes, and custom scienceDefs! Enjoy a great view of Dunope from its small close orbiting green moon! LICENSE: CC BY-ND 4.0
  23. The Greegus system mods is a mod that is in early development it is intended to add another solar system to go to with lore scattered around it. List of planned objects. Greehgohs (Star) is a medium sized blue star that will be the star that most new planets will obit around. (satrting to be developed.) Grid (Hellish firey world) will be the closest planet to Greegus with hot gaseous carbon and silicon in the upper atmosphere. Grid B (Molten asteroid moon) will be Grids Moon, it will be a small asteroid with most of its surface covered in molten iron. Grisus (Large Brown dwarf) is a Large brown dwarf in a semi binary orbit with Greehgos, it has a very large number of moons even with one being a small gas giant with it's own sub moon. Grisus D (large gasous moon with a sub moon) Gregus (large habitable world) orbits within the habitable zone of it's star, it has green water with blue plants and a sentient reptilian race (not in game just in the lore) s it supports a number of moons and also also has a large ring system. Grim A (Hot, Binary moon 1) Grim B (Habitable, Binary moon 2) This is my first mod so if I am having trouble I will post my files, and if you see the problem tell me.
  24. This mod has been superseded. You can access it by clicking here. - - - - REAL EXOPLANETS All rights reserved WHAT IS THIS? Real Exoplanets is an expansion for Real Solar System that adds several new confirmed exoplanets into KSP. As the name implies, all of these exoplanets are real, and all of the planetary systems are located exactly where they are in real life. All of the planets have accurate characteristics and the visual appearance and texturing of all exoplanets are based off of our current understanding of planetary science. The only area where realism is being sacrificed is in the distances to the planetary systems. Due to the limitations of KSP and other factors, all planetary systems are located 1/10th of their real life distance. This will make the exoplanets more accessible, while still maintaining the incredible size of the universe. SCREENSHOTS MORE ADDITIONAL MODS DEPENDENCIES Real Solar System Kopernicus Module Manager ModularFlightIntegrator RECOMMENDED MODS Realism Overhaul KSP Interstellar Extended BetterTimeWarp COMPATIBLE MODS Distant Object Enhancement RSSVE (required for REX Visuals) DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK CREDITS CHANGE LOG
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