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  1. Landing a first stage booster is hard, but this guide will help you with it. The picture below shows what can happen when there is an unsuccessful landing attempt. Picture above show that during landing, the rocket can run out of fuel. This picture shows when the landing attempt failed. So the rocket crashes. before we start. you need to know how to: Get to sub orbital trajectory. Get to orbital trajectory. Know how to use fast vessel switch ( using " [ " and "]" ) and map switch. ready? let's start! here i'll leave a rocket.so you can download it . https://kerbalx.com/Jeronimo/Dragco (p.s. i'm too lazy to add pics.) So now that we have an a craft. let's Begin! Ok. when it's on the launch pad. check the staging. after all stages checked (showed in the pictures below), you should launch the rocket. When you reach the speeds of around 100 m/s. start turning from ~90° (degrees) to around 80-70° Keep the throttle at maximum throttle. Note, you need to be sure that you'r sub-orbital Apoapsis doesn't go beyond 110,000 Meters. after you reach ~100,000 M above Kerbin . Put the throttle at 0 power. Switch to rocket mode view Decouple the first and the second stage. After you decoupled, press "[" or "]" to switch to the second stage. Put the throttle to the first line on the throttle-meter. Then when it reaches a safe enough distance ( 20 m above the first stage) put the throttle on full. Fly up until you reach ~230,000 m above Kerbin or more (the reason behind this is that you will need as much time for the first stage). Use fast switch (reminder "[" and "]") or map switch (click on the first stage, then click switch to) and switch to the first stage/orbital booster. After you switched, make a retrograde maneuver node, and make it on the line with the island airport (or a little further, in case of what, you can add Delta-V (short Dv) ). Use RCS. Start the maneuver burn at half the time shown. Ex. if it's showing 18s. burn at T - 9s. After the maneuver is finished, turn the orbital booster prograde. When finished turning. open the A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S by pressing the brake button (or "B"). When the rocket is at 70,000m above Kerbin, adjust the landing position so the end of the trajectory will be a little in front of the space center (where the Airport island is located or the water near the space center) We do several landing burns to slow down the rocket, after what we will wait until it's time to do the "suicide burn" which slows down the rocket to landing point. This part isn't going to have a lot of pictures, eyeballing will help ( in case eyeballing isn't gonna help, use landing lights, so you can see how close you are to landing, preferred to use MK1 landing lights). Next, try to eyeball the landing, here i can't give any advice except try to keep the throttle down no more than half of the throttle, so right before landing, you could put as much throttle needed to bring the rocket to full stop. Also, important, do not turn of RCS at any point in the flight after turning it on. When you land, do not turn off the RCS, until you sure that the rocket is stands stable. Result you might get. Now, when we finished landing the first stage, we go to the map, and using the map switch, we switch to the second stage. Next, we turn on the throttle on and get the second stage to orbit. Congratulations! You landed the first stage back to Kerbin, and got the Second stage into a Kerbin orbit without quicksaving. Special thanks to one and only moderator : @Vanamonde
  2. I think I found an American landing site on the mun. It's a large obliesk with an American flag with a small lander. Anyone know the history of it, why its there? Thanks in advance :) Also to confirm finding it was an accident. I've never heard about it before, and happened to stumble across it on my second mun landing
  3. Does anyone have a table or list of calculator with the upper limits of the Delta-V require to go from say a 50-100km orbit to a safe landing. I get it wrong too often. I just landed a base segment on Minmus with literally 10 times the Delta-V it needed. I ended up just throwing away all that fuel because it was late at night and I had to get to bed. It would also help if the resource you supply me with also listed optimal acceleration figures for landings. That's been on of my problems in these 155 years too. Help me improve my game, please.
  4. Hello All, New to this forum and would like to suggest a challenge. So, I looked for videos of anyone that has landed on the Mun on the default "To the Mun" training/mission and couldn't find any! (share link if you know one)This one guy tried it and successfully got to the Mun but exploded on landing,... as have I multiple times now. Now, the mission may seem like quite a simple one to the more advanced players,... and it might well be. But i think maneuvering with limited fuel for the landing might present an added challenge. It could also be a great contribution for novices like me to learn from, and for the person who does it, to flaunt their awesome skills and be hailed as a hero by the community for their awesome accomplishment So without further ado, I challenge anyone to: Land the Landing Module on the default "To the Mun - Part 1" training/mission, and post a link to the video on this thread God speed and good luck!
  5. In this thread, you can post your first ever Mun landing, your proudest Mun landing or any landing of that type. RULES: - It has to be a manned vessel. - You have to have an image. - It has to be YOUR photo and landing Listen, this thread was not made for me as no matter how hard I try, I either crash on the Mun or do not have enough fuel to return... I wish I could land on the Mun, and maybe someday I'll be able to, but for now, this thread is for the amazing Kerbal Kommunity and not me. Some people might know about my tries, such as @Orb8Ter , @Monkey Taylor and @Eveeloo , two of which have left the forums. Hope you all enjoy!
  6. I really want to know how to decelerate efficient for landing. example, landing to mum, If I decelerate too early, my vessel will drop down, and I have to decelerate again, this will waste some fuel. If I decelerate too late, It's dangerous to crash. so, How to know, what altitude is best to decelerate can save fuel? I see MechJeb didn't have this Item that can display this information. But I use its auto landing function, I see its operation, it's good, very efficient. no more redundant action. But, I don't like auto-operation, I like to control by myself hand
  7. I wish to land near a supply depot that I landed before on the Mun. The problem is, no matter how I try, I land some 3 kilometers away from the target. How do I land within a 100m of the target?
  8. My stubby little plane bounces like crazy on the front wheel. I've tried numerous combinations of spring strength and dampening, and I cannot solve this. Ironically, I've had a bit better luck with the rear gear (though it is also problematic), and considering it is really oversized for this aircraft, I would assume I would have more problems with it than the medium one on the front. The video is with the front gear a 1.3 spring and .9 damper, but I have tried extremes at either end and cannot seem to tame it sufficiently. Thoughts? I realize this is a light aircraft and my approach was a little steep, but this seems a bit over the top.
  9. **Before I start, a little about me; I've played KSP for a long time, I can't remember exactly which version, and I got into it thanks to Robbaz' YouTube series. I've restarted several playthroughs and been a part time lurker on these forums, but now that's changing. With this career I've decided to become more active, particularly with the Mission Reports and general conversations, I might even take on a few challenges within my career. In my entire time with this game I haven't left Kerbin's SOI, but again, I'd like to change that. My mission reports may be inconsistent in their formatting and style, but one thing I'll try to keep throughout is a track of the money earned from each mission (space exploration is a business, after all), and the science earned from each mission. Without further ado, here is the first instalment, landing on the Mun.** Mission Report: Year One, Day 16. ** OPERATION MUNSTRIDER ** After the successes of the Space Program thus far, the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society has allocated funding for the next milestone; to land on the Mun.The recent flybys and sightseeing launches have piqued interest in the planet's closest natural satellite, and it's time we landed on it and returned safely. Mission Objectives: PRIMARY - Land 3 Kerbals on Mun's surface and return them to Kerbin safely. - Gather scientific data by performing every available experiment we have currently developed; Materials Bay, Mystery Goo, Barometer, Thermometer, Surface Samples, Crew Report and EVA Report. SECONDARY -Proof of concept and test run of a reusable lander, able to land on the surface and return to orbit capable of docking with another craft for refuelling. -Plant flag for FLOOYD Dynamic Research Labs. We've been allocated a 70,560 advance in funding to develop and construct the lander and launch vehicle. The launch vehicle and lander came in a a total of 54,353. *Mission Updates* - Launch went off without a hitch, and Bob, Bill and Val settled into an 85km orbit, before burning out towards Mun. - An uneventful transfer between Kerbin and Mun, tensions began growing as Mun grew bigger. - Orbital insertion burn to Mun was nominal, and the ship settled into a 20km orbit. - Landing Sequence began, targeting the western edge of the East Farside Crater. - Bill reported concerns regarding fuel levels, we ran the numbers and there was cause for concern. - Touchdown on Mun! - Bob took samples from the crater, performed an EVA report and planted the flag as per the mission objectives. Bill inspected the craft for damages and areas of concern. Val's mental state deteriorated, Bill's concerns over the fuel pushed her into a state of panic, she refused to leave the cockpit for fear of being stranded. However, she did manage to fill out a crew report of the situation. - Bob decided to go sightseeing, being a surfer in his spare time he decided to visit a wave-like formation at the edge of the crater. Flight Control was not impressed. He retrieved a surface sample and returned to the ship, spectacularly wiping out on the way, proving the resilience of Kerbalkind and the spacesuits. **CRITICAL MISSION UPDATE** Low fuel levels, insufficient for return. Develop refuelling drone to perform orbital rendezvous in Munar orbit. Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society provided additional contract and funding to bring the mission home. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE - Rendezvous and dock in Munar orbit, then return to Kerbin. - Val managed to get the ship into a stable 8km orbit, Flight assured them that they had a solution for their fuel shortage, and that this was part of the secondary objective, and they could use this time to gather more data from orbit. - Refuelling drone launched into orbit with no issues, sitting at 90km before launching towards Mun. - Bob performed several EVA's in orbit, setting a new record. - Refuelling drone docked with Munstrider with no issues, a testament to the capabilities of our probe technology. - Refuelling drone undocked and launched itself into the surface of Mun. **END OF CRITICAL UPDATES** - Val brought the crew home, touching down on the deserts of Kerbin. *Mission Summary* Primary Objectives. Moderate Success. Further development of lander needed, fuel issues need solving before further Mun Landings. Science returns outstanding, can use returned info to develop technologies further. Secondary Objectives. Docking capabilities adequate. Current model is unfit for re-use, development required. Flag planted for FLOOYD Dynamic Research Labs. Space Program reputation increased, public opinion tracking at a record high, funding will be more readily available, providing we can continue to push, to innovate, and inspire. **Funding Breakdown** - Initial Contract - Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society 70,560 - Advance 332,640 - Reward -54,353 - Cost --------------------------------------------- 348,847 - Total Earned -Additional Contracts -FLOOYD Dynamic Research Labs 69,000 - Advance 191,400 - Reward ------------------------------------------------- 260,400 - Total Earned 609,247 - Running Total -Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society 124,992 - Advance 589,248 - Reward -24,985 - Cost ========================= 1,298,502 - Total Earned Official Images:
  10. I think that question is scientific enough, i just started Microsoft Flight Simulator and tried to fly from Okęcie, Warsaw Poland (EPWA) to Schönefeld( EDDB) i managed to fly to Berlin but failed to land, even trough programmed ILS and set autopilot into approach mode i just wonder does only i had graphic issue on MFSX Steam edition ?
  11. Hi everyone! I'm experiencing the following problem since the last patch has been installed (not experiencing for sure before Making History). The landing struts keep exploding even at very small velocity, in conditions they were working just fine in the past. They explode landing on the Mun or even on the launching pad. Anyone having the same issue? I've the Making History dlc installed and the custom Kerbal Engineer Redux installed (https://github.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/releases). Thanks for your help!
  12. I've often wondered what the deploy function was for on winglets and tail fins. They didn't seem to have much use at all. So I've never, ever bothered binding that function to an action group. This is my current "Science Plane" - It's got an octo for stability control - a load of science bits a couple of engines and two tail fins, the reaction wheel is not necessary, I just like it for making "on the spot" turns instead of faffing around taxiing in a circle. Its ugly but it flies pretty well and it does the job. The wing section at the front is for a kerbal to stand on when they climb out of the cockpit. As long as you are doing less than 80m/s you don't get blown off the wing. Though I wouldn't recommend "let go" or "climb out" or you will disappear into the distance which is why everything can be reset from the cockpit door - no the wing is to stand on to take surface samples when landed really. Anyway back to my point - I've always had to slow down to do EVA's in flight and to reset the science stuff. This has led me to wish I had air brakes. Today though I thought "I wonder?" so I went back to the SPH and bound the deploy function to RCS toggle because I only have basic action groups available right now. Lo and Behold a PAIR, you must have 2 or things will go very bad for you, a PAIR of fins turn in on each other and produce a massive amount of drag working just like an air brake!. This resulted in my first ever successful landing at the abandoned island air field. As you can see the tail fins are turned inward this allows me to really control my speed on approach to a runway and indeed on the runway itself to aid in braking. I would highly recommend this kind of setup (2 fins or winglets ) to anyone making planes because it's just so useful. The first deployables you get are in Aviation ( Tail Fin ) and Flight Control ( AV-8 Winglet) - Obviously you need Aviation for making planes anyway but there may be a use for deployed winglets in aerobraking maneuvers.
  13. Does anyone know where I can find the exact dimensions of Falcon 9's Fairing, Stage2, interstage, Stage1, and dragon? I'm trying to build a perfect replica in RO
  14. Hi everyone, I'm trying to figure out what is the most efficient way, fuel-wise, of landing on a celestial body. What are the equations that I must plug my values in? What is the T value that I should start retrograde burning so that just when I'm going to touch base I'll have a velocity of 1 m/s or so? How to figure out this physics problem?
  15. Hello, and this is my first post here! I hope this is not too much of a noob question, but is there anything like a VOR to help landing an aircraft, SSTO, or shuttle? If there is then I missed it, if there isn't then what else can I use to help make landing a bit easier? Is that too many questions? Any and all advice will be gratefully accepted. It is needed. Thanks you in advance, but I must attend to my clockwork band.
  16. This is where you browse for useful information for your planet/moon and some helpful tips to not die. Please share your own useful information, that would be so great!
  17. So I've just finished construction on what I hope is my first unmanned mission to Eve, but the thing is quite expensive, and I play with revert off, so I need this thing to succeed. Anyway: Lander parts, bottom to top, according to descent orientation: Heat Shield (43.90 Ablator) Decoupler Fuel Tank w/ 6 Landing Struts Service Bay w/ Rechargeable Battery inside Probodobodyne OKTO w/ 2 Communotron, 4 Photovoltaic Panels, a Barometer, and a Thermometer, all attached radially Fuel Tank with 4 Parachutes, and 4 Tail Fins, attached radially. Terrier Liquid Fuel Engine I use the scaling mod, so here is a screenshot: Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  18. I'm a noob in the SPH and working on only my second (2nd) airplane. This one is a supersonic transporter (named Aquila Ursa) All was going well with previous development versions including a number of short-field landings and take-offs, which is its primary mission. Then I extended its body to insert a short cargo bay in which to load the Prospector 1 (stock) rover. Gross weight is now 75t. It takes the whole 3km to reach Vr = 120m/sec, but with half tanks it will do it at 40 m/s and climb solidly. Cruise is Mach 3+ and range is 75% Kerbin circumference. Problem is that I cannot land it any more without the wings breaking off. (Maybe I just need to get better at landing but this one is palpably fussy about it compare to my SSTO (which is a good deal lighter)). I've moved the engine close and equally-spaced to the gear and moved all closer to the wing root. I tried aligning the main gear as best I could. I tried using Toggle Snap for alignment as well. I can accept not being able to land it with full fuel and that's fine. (Do the mission or don't come back!) But I want to be able to land it reliably on half tanks or less. I will really appreciate any help on this because I am so EXCITED: who needs to go into space when there is all of Kerbin to explore!!?
  19. Nothing to see here. Move along. Maybe go install "Trajectories" and, in map view, zoom out.
  20. While landing a rocket near a target is very simple, because you see the "anti-vector" () of the target position on the navball, landing precisely near a waypoint it's impossible. When you set the navigation, in the navball only appear the waypoint vector and not the "anti-vector". So when you are landing, and of corse your rocket is facing the sky, you don't have any clue if you are going in the right way, because you don't see the direction (the marker is in the other half of the navball, and you can see it only pointing the spacecraft "nose-down"). Anyone knows a mod that add it? I've searched for a while now, and it surprise me that there isn't a plug-in out there for this simple problem. I've tried waypoint manager, that add the waypoing on flight mode, and searched for a non-exsisting uptated version of enhanced navball
  21. Just wondering. Can you land using drag alone? Parachutes don't count here.
  22. I know others have done it and I won't be the last either but I was particularly please with this result. Having rescued Parey from the suface of The Mun and Oremy from orbit of the same I let them have a few hours R & R and snacks aboard the space bus docked at Babylon K ( Only Parey was granted access to the K proper due to the all female crew, no boys allowed! ). Once refreshed they were taken by Space Bus ( previously Level Up Bus in another thread but renamed ) to Kerbin Orbital Station where they transfered to a rocket bus flown by Valentina. As Valentina had a go at throwing the ship at the KSC. The results were better than expected. At 7km up things were looking very promising! Then at 1100 meters she remembered that she should probably open parachutes at this point. The final result being a gentle touchdown on the landing gear just 1.8km from the VAB
  23. 16th July 1969 was the launch of the first crewed lunar LANDING mission. Exactly this day, 48 years ago. Due to the anniversary I decided to recreate Apollo 11 lunar landing mission in STOCK KSP (KER was used to help with orbital data). NOTE: This is not 1:1 accurate, I was limited by the stock ksp parts and physics. Thanks
  24. Elon Musk said that he will land first stage of the ITS back on the rocket holder (don't know what it is called) and that is what this challenge is. Show that it is POSSIBLE. Design a ITS-like rocket that can have the first stage land on the pad Level one: land the booster back at ksc. Score is 100times(Launch mass/distance to the pad)/dv used to land. Level two: land the booster back on the pad. Score will be Score will 20Launch mass/Dv used to land. Level three: land the booster back on the launch holder (Dock with the launch holder using engines). Score will be 30 times Launch mass divided by Dv used to land. Docking ports are recomended for the launch holder. Dv will be measured in m/s in a vacuum, distances in meters and launch mass in tonnes. Rules 1. No f12 menu, hyper edit, cheating, or exploiting glitches. 2. You can use the landing guidance in Mechjeb as an informational tool, but not the autopilot. 3. The only three part adding/changing mods allowed kerbal reusabitity expansion, any life support mod, and deep freeze. 4. Must have at least 100% re-entry heating, plasma blackout, kerbnet enabled, have it so the signal is required for control, and must have no partial control allowed. 5. Must have no kerbals on the booster. 6. FAR, FMRS, and deadly re-entry are allowed 7. NO PARACHUTES 8. NO DROPTANKS/ASPARAGUS. Must be Two stages. 9. Modded. Only mods that don't offer a signifigant advantages over stock are allowed. If it adds fuel tanks with a better full to empty mass ration than stock, it is not allowed. Prohibited; Procedural parts and near future propulsion. Obviously, no using the ITS mod (It is WAY overpowerd). Tweakscale can be used if it is not abused. Bonus points Second stage goes into orbit +1 Second stage lands back at kcs +1 Second stage lands on launch pad +2 Booster can refuel +.1 Multiply final scor by ten Documentation Have informational tabs and Dv stats open (Mechjeb, not KER for dv) Keeping the landing guidance tab open with the information tab is highly recomended Video is great. If you take pictures, use an imgur album; when to take pictures; Pre launch (on the pad). Gravity turn. Stage seperation. EVERY BURN. Re-entry Take plenty of pictures in during landing for level three and two. Refeuling (If done). Leaderboard; Stock; Modded; My exemple entry on level one. Score=1000*266.924t/75.2m/1995m/s+1=1.178
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