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  1. Hello, I've recently started learning to mine! I've made some good strides, but have run into a pair of troubles that have me stuck in the mud. First is, while on Minmus, my stock drills seem to harvest at a constant rate regardless of temp/efficiency. Is this normal behavior or a bug? My Kerbin-based drills became more efficient near their optimal operating temperature, but these don't. I have hyperedit installed for another project, but didn't use it for this. Second is, my survey scanner says there's ~80% ore in this area, my narrow-band scanner says the whole area is uniformly stare-at-the-sun bright with ore, but the actual ore concentration is only in the 5-10% ballpark. What causes the massive discrepancy between different survey methods? Once again, is this normal behavior or a bug? I'm confused. Thanks in advance for any help and advice! Pictures Edit: Huge thanks to @Plusck for the quick, concise answer. I never would have guessed that "Ore rate" on drills was actually max ore rate, and that the surface concentration percentages have a conversion factor between the different devices. Thanks again!
  2. So, I based my mission on the idea of flying into the orbit of the sun, refueling withe an asteroid, then flying to Dres and refueling on another asteroid. However, I don't see any asteroids near Dres. I was wondering if I have to be in orbit of Dres, or maybe just really close to it?
  3. I'd be interested in seeing what others are doing regarding mining on Gilly. Pictures would be ideal if you have them.
  4. I spent a great deal of time recently designing and delivering a number of craft to an ore field in Minmus, I wanted to experience the mining mechanics and get to grips with how everything works. My operation consists of 2 modular miners that can be combined with docking ports. A 3rd vehicle which is also modular acts as movable storage / roving tanker. When parked the tanker is filled by the mining craft whilst adding its considerable reserves of electrical power to the operation along with its reasonable solar power generation. A very simple probe core rocket is used to land and ferry the fuel back to a station orbiting Minmus itself and from there can be delivered to craft in LKO or craft can dock directly and re-fuel at the station. Getting the 40 odd ton craft to Minmus was a considerable design effort and I learnt a lot along the way, designing and building the stations was a lot easier. I have to say I'm not overly impressed with the whole system at all. First of all the docking ports are finicky and it usually takes numerous attempts to get the craft to marry on Minmus surface. My biggest complaint with the entire system however is that craft that are securely docked with brakes on and drills deployed jump randomly into the air when the physics model is applied (IE when I load them) this has on numerous occasions resulted in either damage or complete destruction to the craft themselves. Doubly triply annoying when you have just spent 40 minutes roving at a slow and safe speed over the surface and another 10 minutes faffing about with the docking ports only to find the entire installation goes to hell when you tab to another craft and back. Oh and I can't save while roving, so better be sure to get it right first time. This along with the rest of the surface installations and building mechanics needs to be seriously looked at in the near future in my opinion. Not withstanding squashing the remaining bugs people often report. So my rant over, my question is this. mining, do you even bother with it at all?
  5. So back a few weeks ago I put a mining station on an E-Class Asteroid around Dres. Now I returned and wanted to refuel, but nothing happened. The drill animations are there (including the dust clouds), and they "work", but the ore tank isn't filling up and the ISRU says it is missing ore. The asteroid itself is also not losing any of its resources (90t left apparently). What is actually going on over here?! I thought this may be something that is caused by 1.1.3, but after trying it out in 1.1.2 it still showed the same behavior. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Edit: I have tried mining a new asteroid on a completely fresh savegame (same install, same mods). That worked without a hitch.
  6. Mining is an important part of the game. Early on, you want to pratice mining in the Kerbin system, where to go? Here are the stats - 1.which is easier to get to? The Mun of course! You can easily get to it whenever you want, it follows an perfect orbit around Kerbin and missions take no more than a few days to get there and back! Minmus however; follows an elliptical orbit around Kerbin and missions there and back can take a month! 2. Which is easier to get into orbit of? Minmus because of the low gravity, I have charted that it takes about no more than 100 delta V to get into orbit. The Mun takes about 400 Delta V to get into orbit. 3. Which is easier to land on? Minmuss because again of low gravity, it takes about the same stats above to land on either of the moons 4. which has more ore? This is very difficult to tell but I suspect that Minmus has more ore than the Mun, but the high ore regions on Minmus are a little more harder to land on, while anywhere on the Mun is hard to land on. 5. Delta V stats It takes about 2100 Delta V to get into orbit of Kerbin. It takes about an extra 800 delta V to get to the Mun and you have to burn about half of your velocity, Then it takes another four hundred to land on the Mun, which comes to the grand total of 3,700 Delta V from launch to touch-down on the Mun. To Minmus you have to burn roughly 950 Delta V to get to Minmus and about 50 more Delta V to get into orbit, then you burn about 100 delta V to land, which comes to a grand total of 3,100 This is not totally correct but its close
  7. Does anyone know how to correct this or see something obvious in the attached screen that I am missing? I have this drilling rig and it has worked fine for many, many mission. Now for some reason it will not drill at a reasonable rate at all. Used to fill a tank in no time(less than a day or so) now it would take years. I even slapped on some more radiator panels to try and help, Is this a bug? The one thing that has changed is that I used to use only the drilling rig and attach it with KAS/KIS directly to my refueler rig. The large rover that is attached in the screens is new. However, when I unattach it still does this. I even tried reattaching the old way, still the same. I then moved to a new ore location about 3km away and tried with drilling rig only. Still the same.
  8. Hi All, For the first time in KSP I have stuck with a career game and got as far as mining. So I did my research, read the help and re-purposed my first Minmus base design to some mining. So I have accepted a mission to take 1050 ore from Minmus and pop it into Kerbin orbit. http://imgur.com/gallery/3Dt6MjG As you can see, I have power, radiators, Ore tanks and ISRU. But when I fire up the drill, it says "Ore Full" even though have 1200 spare capacity. Any ideas on what has gone horribly, horribly wrong? Thanks, P
  9. I have what's proving to be quite a difficult mission in career mode to save a Kerbal who's in low orbit of the sun. I designed a refueling station as part of the rescue operation, with the intent of landing it on Moho as a "last stop" gas station before heading inward. However after studying the Delta-V subway maps a little further, I'm wondering if Gilly might be a better spot to invest the resources for a fuel stop (due to it having far less dV requirements to land / orbit / escape). Any thoughts?
  10. I am trying to mine on the Mun, and using the orbital scanner, i set the cutoff to 70% and found a good spot to land. When I landed, I used the surface scanner and it said 2.34% concentration. I tried again with another spot, and it only said 7%. Why is it saying 7% when the orbital scanner said 70%? Is there any way to get the concentration up even higher?
  11. Is there a way (or mod) to find ore on a planet without having to send a scanner over to your destination? This is what takes up alot of my time and it can get boring
  12. My first challenge I've ever made. The principle of mining to gain money is simple. You mine using the drill to gather resources, and recover the vessel with the resource. The resource will be converted into money. Objective: Build a miner (fixed in the ground) to get the most funds in 1 launch in the shortest time. Rules: 1. Start in new career. Difficulty options set to Normal. Only use stock parts. Use of ISRU converter is allowed. 2, Use of alt+f12 or cheat mods are only allowed to give funds, or science to unlock parts (feel free to unlock entire tech tree), but not for anything other than unlocking parts. 3. Time warp is allowed (because I see some electric consumer generates energy instead of consuming energy in high time warp). 4. Use of an engineer is allowed, maximum 1 engineer. 5. Build it in VAB, not SPH. Launch it in Launchpad, not Runway. 6. Breaking the Launchpad means repairing it again, and the repair cost will be deducted from your funds you get from mining. 7. Mine in Kerbin since you will not go to space today. 8. (NEW) Tell me the versions you used. 9. (NEW) Miner must not launch, it have to stay in launchpad. 10. I can't think of anything goes wrong from this set of rules, so have fun! Scoring: Score = (Product ^ 2) / Time Product (F) = Funds required to build the miner - Funds from recovering the miner. Time (in seconds). Be aware of what time you are using (Kerbin or Earth) Background: The KSC got bankrupt. They have no money to build rockets anymore. Moreover, Walt Kerman is away for vacation (so there is no Bail-Out Grant). Fortunately, there are a banks (Kerbin Banks?) that are willing to give us a loan up to 100000000 Funds. However, the money have to be returned after 1 launch or 1 Kerbin years whichever come first, and no more loaning. If the money isn't fully returned (even missing 1 Fund counts), the bank will shut down KSC (forever?). Completing an interplanetary contract would take more than a year. Completing a local contract yields too little money to fend off the bankruptcy. An important meeting is held for discussing on how to save the KSC. One kerbal suggested to start a mining program. How they will make the most of their miners? Will the KSC be saved? There are two KSP versions. That means I need to separate two versions. Scoreboard coming soon. That's it! If there's any flaw (I am not perfect), please let me know.
  13. So how does mining work in KSP? Specifically, once I've mined some ORE on the surface, how do I get the converted ORE into a tank? There doesn't seem to be a way to move things that aren't connected. At the moment, I'm just putting a lander on a surface with ORE tanks and ISRU and a drill all in one package. That doesn't seem very efficient, am I doing something wrong?
  14. I have tried to find this both on the KAS wiki and in general on forums and reddit etc, Im sure its hidden in plain sight but my internet skills don't seem up to the task. Before I land my fuel dump on the Mun, whats the maximum range of the pipes available in KAS ?. Reason I ask is that I'm actually not that wonderful at landing heavy tanker style craft near to my well head. As a possible solution I'm considering providing my engineer with 2 small rovers to act as movable extensions. Thus in circumstances where my landing is a little off I can link a pipe from the drill to a rover and then to the tanker. I have seen lots of examples of tanker that have there own wheels, thats not an option I can use yet as I don't have the tech to use wheels capable of supporting the weight.
  15. Hey guys, I am definitely not new to Kerbal Space Program, but I am new to this update. I have always played the alpha version of the game, and I was quite impressed. As you can imagine, I am quite overwhelmed with all the new features in 1.0.whatever it is. So, anyway, what are your thoughts on all these new things? Good or Bad? What are you confused by? What do you understand and wish to share with us? And, what are your ideas? PIS1211 (Pharaohs in Space)
  16. Stockalike Mining Extension SME adds a number of mining and ISRU-related parts in a variety of form factors. Currently a Work-In-Progress Current Part List: -Mining 0.625m stack mount Drill 1.25m stack mount Drill 1.25m Inline mount Drill 1.25m aircraft Inline mount Drill 2.5m stack mount Drill 3.75m stack mount Drill Mk2 inline Drill 1.25m Stack Oceanic Extractor 1.25m inline Oceanic Extractor 2.5m Oceanic extractor 1.25m Atmospheric Condenser 2.5m Atmospheric Condenser -Processing 3.75m ISRU converter Mk2 ISRU converter Mk3 ISRU converter 0.625m ISRU converter -Storage Mk2 Ore Tank Mk3 Ore Tank 0.625m Ore Tank 3.75m Ore Tank -Power 0.625m Fuellcell generator 1.25m Fuelcell Generator Mk2 Fuelcell Generator 2.5m Fuelcell generator -Utility 1.25m Superheavy-Duty landing Legs Deployable Rover Wheels 0.625m Klaw Radial Klaw Anchorable Docking Port Asteroid Crew Can -Propulsion 1.25m Mass Driver 2.5m Mass Driver 0.625m Mass Driver RCS Download from SpaceDock or GitHub Kottabos Review (Version 0.8) Changelog: Licensing The contents of this mod are distributed a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode' This mod uses Module Manager. Currently a Work in Progress; feedback and suggestions welcome.
  17. Asteroid mining is pretty cool, planetary resources is doing it (http://www.planetaryresources.com/#home-intro) (Or trying to anyway) Around the 2020s, and last year, congress passed a law saying Asteroid miners can profit from their resources (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-law-paves-the-way-for-asteroid-mining-but-will-it-work/). But I want to imagine a bit farther, imagine Planetary resources goes on schedule, and succeeds in putting mining equipment on a NEO, now go 30 years out and imagine a small manned outpost is set up on Ceres (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_of_Ceres|http://www.space.com/28595-living-on-asteroids-dwarf-planet-ceres-infographic.html) Which would be the center of mining operations for Earth, Mars, And (Possibly) Venus, how would such a colony be setup? What resources could we be seeing come in for the 3 planets? Would this be a future you'd like sooner? Will SpaceX want to take at least a small part in it? What about a gov't space agency participating? And what about Lunar mining? What resources could we get from there? Here are a few videos: Testtube+: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JU5Y_2Tr_E ExplainingTheFuture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzO9-hF9Oc&index=97&list=WL Fw thinking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9cLLNpo2f8
  18. I'm trying to mine ore on Moho, but every single spot I land at is apparently devoid of any ore whatsoever despite being right in the middle of the pink zone derived from orbital scans. I know the surface scanner is technically more accurate, but still, you'd think I would have found something by now in my fifteen attempts at surface hopping. Am I missing something super-obvious? Three Kerbal lives are at stake.
  19. So I finished the KSP side of this mission quite some time ago, and have even released the first two videos. With the third video releasing in the next week or so, I figured I would share the journey so far on these forums, as I've gotten amazing feedback from this community. The first is a summary of involved craft and the departure for Sarnus (and eventually Slate) orbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZciIZzx1vM The second is landing on tekto and slate, and the establishment of a lunar mining operation on slate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEvziceJXMM The third, soon to be released will explore eeloo, hale and ovok Hope you guys enjoy! I always appreciate feedback and sharing!
  20. So I'm trying to build a space based operations center using the mun as my source of ore to create fuel. The end goal is having a gas station in space that I can send things to, top the tanks, and then send on to other worlds. I also want to get the hang of using mining operations and ore to fuel conversions to work, eventually, towards a functional (and hopefully fiscally responsible) mothership build. My thought there is that as I get contracts to get data from this planet or explore that planet, it will be cheaper to just send part of my "fleet" to rendevous with that planet rather than launch a whole new Kerbal based mission there. That is a long term goal, though... step one? Figure out mining. I landed a science base on the mun, outfitted it with 900 units of ore storage, a full sized drill, 4 small radiator panels and a small ore to fuel converter. I thought I was doing okay: Here's my question: Should I mine, convert to fuel and then lift the fuel to the station? Or do you mine, lift to the station, and then convert there? Seems that the advantage of converting first is that you can use the ore you lift to fuel the trip up. It also seems like by the unit, there is less fuel than there is raw ore, implying that the better route is to do the mine than convert. But that also means rigging a lander with a converter and required radiator panels to run both a drill and a converter at the same time (or having to manually go in and tell the little guys to change gears every time the ore bays cap). I also ran into the problem that my little base was about to blow up when I left the drill, and the converter, running at the same time. I'm assuming that's because I only had 4 small radiator panels on it, but it's got me a little leery of trying to run that kind of operation as well.
  21. Hello! So my problem is simple; I have sent a scanner to the Mun, put it into the appropriate orbit, and scanned. The overlay showed up on the Mun, but as soon as I go to the Tracking Station, the overlay refuses to show up and it claims 'No resource data available. You will need to perform an orbital survey first', even after I have used the orbital scanner. I have repeated the mission over and over and over, but it just won't accept my scans. On my scansat, I have a M700 Orbital Scanner, two antennas and two M4435 Narrow Band scanners. Please help, this is ruining my plans! My only mods are: Final Frontier and Chatterer.
  22. Hi! I have accepted a (what I thought) juicy contract of extracting Ore from Gilly and "bringing" it to Eve. Little did I know that it actually wanted me to *land* it on eve. I should really start reading the fine print, huh? Anyway, my plan is to make use of this contract to pay for my Gilly mining infrastructure, including a mining station and a lander. I want to land on Gilly, mine the Ore, transfer it to a tanker, rendezvous with a dedicated eve landing module, and transfer it to the landing module. My question is: does this still count? I mean techically it should, because it's still "the ore". But I have no idea how the contracts actually track it, since it's just a number in a config file. Will my plan work, or do I have to do that directly?
  23. http://stgist.com/2015/11/asteroid-mining-and-space-refueling-stations-may-become-a-reality-by-2025-5886
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