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  1. Past hour
  2. I've been working my way slowly on a playthrough using JNSQ and all the Simplex and AngleCan mods. Having progressed further than ever, I'm finding the need to tweak a few things here and therem hence a few smallish updates recently. I do have another balance update in the works for this mod. It is to increase the cost of the Ores by doubling it. The reason is that with JNSQ, getting RareOre back for Profit! From Minmus is rather tricky in a cost benefit with Progression Plus and the cost of Fuel to get them there. So, doubling the cost back seemed to be the right move. For more stockish setups it means not having to grind as much to get the funds to upgrade the expensive parts of the KSC! Also, I hadn't really appreciated how amazing heavy RareOre is. This ain't a big problem, except trying to get a full RareOre Container back. After a number of configurations I've decided to up the crash tolerance to 21 by multiplying by 3. That should mean that you don't need to spam parachutes.
  3. At this point it's safe to assume the worst, they clearly don't care about the mega nuke going off here. If this was all a big misunderstanding, we would've been informed.
  4. Would it be possible to make a stockalike Mars Pathfinder/Mars Exploration Rover System with its Cruise stage,Aeroshell/parachute/heatshell? Because Back it the old days of ksp there was a mod by now has been long dead.
  5. Nate's picking up a shift at his local car dealership, he's made a killing doing it. Probably going to be a while before we hear from him!
  6. Floor 4866: this but its 25 feet tall and proportionately long. (its an ant) the room contains a full colony at the scale listed above the image. 223305112024
  7. I think this theme is now properly designed for the mod releases section. Is it possible to move it there now?
  8. Today
  9. Good luck, hopefully it takes you less than a year to get a job...
  10. Brotha. You don’t know the names of the people who decide the budget, timeline, or fate of this project. Those are the people in charge.
  11. That could be as simple as "i want to tell my side of this dumpster fire" Let us see what kind of pretty pictures we get next month.
  12. @KerikBalm KPBS is the go-to stockalike base parts mod that can do everything, is compatible with several other mods, includes a rover pack, its parts are lightweight and not too big so can be shipped as-is, without needing to build via EL etc. Planetside is an SSPXr-alike base parts pack. It's rather lacking in parts and features and classifies imo as an "outpost" mod, not a colony mod, but its SSPXr-alike looks are great and includes windmills so you have free energy if you land in atmosphere and are in the outer system where solar panels aren't viable. It includes a rover pack too. EL, Global Construction or USI Konstruction are off-world construction mods and not colony mods in themselves. They're pretty mandatory when you want to build big once you've landed somewhere. Shipping parts in from Kerbin gets old really fast if you're ambitious or you play on any system scale other than stock. Kerbal Konstructs was fixed sometime after KSP 1.8 such that off-world KK spawn points don't offset several km into the air... So someone could arrange that if they wanted to. I don't think anyone does this, though. Kinda defeats the point of having planets to travel to if you can just spawn ships and crew there directly from the VAB. Bonus If you're interested in off-world construction procreation then consider Moar Kerbals. Civilian Population and MKS allow this too but they bring a lot of parts or gameplay mechanics with them. I bet you don't want that.
  13. Since update when using RSE - default, engines have no sound at all, when rse default is disabled and I'm only running RSE, engines have sound but no longer have mach effects from camera position, only from vessel fly by in camera tools
  14. I was reviewing the flight 3 footage and thought the interior of the ship looked kind of like a hollowed out zeppelin:
  15. I’m a coward, I’d pick Argon. The major problem is that the nitrogen cycle is necessary for life as we know it. N is a fundamental building block of proteins. You’d probably want lower concentrations of CO2 as well, because high CO2 negatively affects the uptake of Nitrogen and other minerals, making the plants less nutritious per volume (offsetting the increased volume from the CO2). https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/effects-of-rising-atmospheric-concentrations-of-carbon-13254108/ Did I answer this just to dunk on one-dimensional climate change misinformation…? I would NEVER.
  16. The problem is who is in charge of the project. That's why politicians hire specialists.
  17. Cows eat From now on, we are avoiding themed sentences. Historically, they've been this thread's number one source of trouble.
  18. Sorry but i wholly disagree and my pm explains why. Recorrecting and ending to start a new. the spoiler is for @Kimera Industries Rosalyn and Calvin chased Moe Mr. Bun. the sentence is done im moving onto a new sentence. the new: Cows 201105112024
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