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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. KSP 2 will (hopefully) be created from the ground up, making it faster, overall better and will increase what they can do in future updates (though the fact that it's reportedly being created in Unity as well does somewhat bring that into question). i.e they said it would include interstellar travel which isn't really possible in a practical sense in KSP 1. All these DLCs and now a sequel to the game does come off as greedy to me as well (and i probably won't buy KSP 2 unless it truely lives up to its hype), but it's by definition not fraud.
  2. It would be cool if they supported raytracing.
  3. Even if they did re-implement redshell (which they almost certainly won't because of the backlash from last time they tried to), you could just delete the redshell DLL to disable it without impacting the rest of the game.
  4. All of KSP's music (except for the title screen song) is royalty free.
  5. Rockets. despite having played KSP for 5 1/2 years i still can't create a functioning plane.
  6. According to the trailer, KSP 2 will be available on PC as well as consoles. Will the console and PC versions of the game be cross-compatible? (i.e you could transfer a PC save to console or play multiplayer on PC with console users)
  7. There won't be any discount for veteran KSP players.
  8. Probably made from scratch with C++. If they use a proper engine like Unity again they're going to run into a lot of the same bugs and issues that KSP 1 has EDIT: nope, looks like it's Unity again
  9. I feel like updates are being released way too quickly now. Not like that's a bad thing on it's own, but the recent updates (not including dlc) have been so small and hardly significant, adding little more than a few extra parts, reskinned parts and other changes. I can hardly even tell the difference between 1.7 and 1.3. And it seems like modders are having a difficult time keeping up as well, from what I noticed.
  10. I was talking about the Asteroid Redirect Mission one. It wasn't really DLC in the normal sense but they branded it as DLC.
  11. Not necessarily. The first DLC they added was entirely free of charge, and I believe they said something at the time about how they'd only release free DLCs, though don't cite me on that. All this paid DLC stuff only started happening when T2 took over.
  12. This game already costs $40 on Steam, now they're locking features behind paywalls? Yeah no. [snip]
  13. I'm not sure if someone said this already, but it's quite shady how you're supposed to physically mail something to them, which they know no one will do. I remember when Discord added an arbitration clause, you were at least able to opt out of it via email.
  14. Feel free to contribute additional pictures here if you have any old: https://imgur.com/a/Hwrzu7A new: https://imgur.com/a/jPMfRbw
  15. 475 logged on Steam. Though I started playing KSP before the game was on Steam, so in reality I probably have between 600 and 700 hours
  16. A few pipes bursted at my space center. And well...
  17. Is there any way to change the camera's center of focus on stations? Currently being fixed on its center of mass is extremely annoying on larger stations.
  18. I remember that you used to be able to save multiple quicksaves with different names, but now I find myself unable to do that, and there isn't a key binding for it in the controls settings either.
  19. This is what I tried, which is the closest I was able to get for it working. I'm not actually using Debian but a distro based off of but very similar to Debian, which might be my problem.
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