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Everything posted by Cerberus738

  1. Launched a mission to Jool with Jebediah, Bob and Bill. Fuelly fueled orbiting Minmus. Prepare for blastoff!! Jebeidah sees Jool for the first time!! Its sooooo preeeeetttyy After some debate it's decided that Laythe is the best place to park the DSV Enterprise Mk II. Entering Laythes atmosphere at 7500m/s. 3rd attempt. The first one skipped off and went back into Jool orbit. Second one crashed into Laythe. Great Success!! Jebediah carelessly smashes a solar panel! 2 down... first one went shattered when a fuel transfer went bad. hopefully we can refrain from smashing anymore! Jebediah sees Bop for the first time! And successfully slays the Kraken! More Picture from Jool
  2. I got a lot done today..... saw Moho for the first time. saw dres for the first time! Jeb sees home after 6 long years of collecting science from duna! Apparently it was a rough landing.... this is one of those times where i popped the chute and then turned away... well everyone lives! 2500 science!!! woooot! Attempted launching a new space station core..... RIP little guys Saw Pol for the first time! and finally! saw bop for the first time! bop seems interesting as there in some sort of anomaly showing up. how exciting! time to mount an expedition!
  3. Minmus has lots of science and is pretty forgiving to land on. Takes a bit more fuel to and from though.
  4. I went exploring the southern pole of minmus and found this large open space in the terrain... kerbals MAY NOT PASS!
  5. Today i got my scansat probe into a moho interecept. Also returned 6 kerbals from minmus. they were on a long duration stay collecting delicious science!! there are still 4 to come home but an exploration of the odd crack in minmus's south pole is in order. And finally! Jebediah lands on ike!! what a champ! my first time visiting that moon. it seems very similar to mun....
  6. i killed Geofdos Kerman today he sacrificed himself in the name of science! we all miss him. not enough fuel to get home... so lets see how close we can get to this monstrous ball of fire!! 1300m seems to be the limit. Check out my space career! 0.23.5
  7. Saw Gilly for the first time!! It was very exciting! Also crashed my probe carrier into Eve yay... more debris to clean up....
  8. I tested a design to pick up random bits of debris on the mun and minmus. Its a box that uses a winch to open and close it. i loaded it with kerbals... same as debris right? ha ha ha I used KAS and TAC parts. attempt one was mostly successful.. or would have been successful had i not been messing around with the winch and opened the box mid flight. It was fine... the kerbals just stuck to the bottom of the box from the g forces. then when the fuel ran out they all continued upwards..... second attempt was also mostly successful. everyone survived but one managed to clip through the bottom of the box. he just bounced a couple times on the ocean and then the ship landed on top of him. but lived!!! hazaaa! time to take it to the mun!!! that's a very nice rock garden NecroBones!
  9. Find the red N line on the navball and point towards it. Due north is where the Orange and blue halves meet and the red line intersects. If you launch that direction you can get a good start on a polar orbit. Once you get into space it shouldn't take too much to fix your inclination
  10. Launch a space fighter and use them as target practice!
  11. yeah that's pretty awesome you found one just by chance. they are very rare and sought after treasure!!!
  12. I'm 32! I was 31 when I first discovered this game. I used to play an assortment of games but my addiction has become so great I haven't even opened anything else since last October. Lol. My girlfriend hates this game.....
  13. Reaction wheels might help you a bit. Also I would set a probe core or docking port on the top of your ship so you can set it as control for your take off and landing. This will set the navball right and your controls right. Make sure your center of thrust for take off and landing is BELOW your center of mass. Not just the arrow pointing down in the middle. I don't know how else to help you. Pictures?
  14. I hate the eva controls. Just let me control him like a ship.... it would be ever so helpful if i could pitch and yaw and spin the little guys with the keyboard. the mouse doesn't work for me. it seems dependent on the camera mode. every time i rotate they just flip back around as soon as i use the jet pack. (yes i have gone into settings and turned off lock rotation to camera or whatever that option is). and i didn't even know the mouse was a control option until i randomly read it online. there's is nothing in the game to even hint that it would be a mouse control.
  15. I also prefer the 2 handed approach. i haven't used docking mode since i first started playing. If you go into settings you can change the key bindings. i have rotation set on WSADQE and translation set on IKJLHN that way i can rotate and translate at the same time!!! its so amazing. very helpful for catching a craft that is rotating (slowly... ha ha ha)
  16. Terrain detail is on default. I found that when it is set high or low anomalies end up buried. My scanner is set at 200km orbit for the black and white/anomaly scans. I read they work best at that altitude. Not to concerned with the color map. It will fill in eventually
  17. I just did a mission to mark all the anomalies on the Mun and I'm pretty sure I have them all. All of them were found using scanSat. There was one I remember having to search forever for. I'll get back to you guys on that just at work right now. It's a monolith. very tiny and very black and very underground. This one did take me forever to find with just the top part of it sticking out. I don't think the scansat map is right on its location? i dunno. it's there though. should i post some pictures?
  18. Rescued Kelly Kerman. Having run out of fuel Kelly attempted to fly to Mun Outpost Alpha but gave up after 2 attempts... The album gives away the location of a mun arch
  19. A massive shockwave from kerbin pushed him out to infinity.... he perished after Kerbal command terminated communications with his ship... its a very sad day
  20. sorry i thought we were talking about the one a ways north of KSC. its inside a crater and burried. The one directly west of KSC, in the mountains i've not been able to find. I read online that it is floating way up in the sky but i've had no luck spotting it. i should revisit that and see if i can capture a screen of it. If you end up finding it i would appreciate a picture!!!!
  21. Pretty sure it's closer to 20m before the port magnets reset
  22. Flight of the Pelican Mk II. LV-909 nested with Turbojets. Atomic engine in the center also nested. Airhog. Flight went really well until I lost control on descent over the mountains. managed to recover and come back around to land on the runway
  23. OK i just found these old pictures. one of my first SSTO. Kerbin station is at 100km equatorial orbit. it's an air hog and there are turbojets nested with rocket engines inside the T800 fuel tanks. i did not use the clipping cheat but i dunno if that disqualifies this plane EDIT: please hold on i can't figure out albums from imgur yet. B. Docking is permitted providing no fuel is transferred (net per fuel type) into the K-Prize craft (it can be transferred out). Crew transfers are permitted. Just read the rules again..... oops
  24. What about using rcs to translate downward as you brake? It would minimize bouncing and you could get more traction. More mass while landing means you have to launch more mass and that creates mute problems all their own. Rcs thrust could simulate more mass.
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