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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. StarLab-7 Update: 11.19.16 This project began as plans to be a Ring Space Station with the rings spinning in opposite direction. The plan was to build it as a three piece section with the center being one piece and the two outer rings, this changed to a single launch Station. As the ring was being built I had an idea to change it up a bit and this called for a renaming of the Station, StarLab-7 is now StarLab-Matador. Another change that is in the works will be for the oval living section to decouple from the main section in case an emergency escape is needed. At the moment I have the Station in an awkward Orbit but stable. Next I will make an attempt to decouple the sections and see if it will spin as intended and also decouple the oval sections to see if they will travel through space. Mission Complete
  2. Rage Runner Rage Runner is an Offshore Oilfield Transportation Vessel know as a Crewboat.
  3. I have a WIP that is somewhat close to this, and your request is so tempting I will work on it this weekend. Let me know if this craft will work for you and I can release it first when it's compete. Rage Runner
  4. Soooooo awesome man! If I had a third thumb I would put that one up too!
  5. WSH-500 WingShip If you enjoy critical and precision landings and takeoffs you will enjoy this craft. WSH-500 is a Korean Manufacturer craft designed to create a pocket of air under it's wings giving it a cushion of air to ride on. My version thanks to KSP can do so much more. I've tried many engines and added lots of fuel during testing and I think the Wheesley Engines give it the best feel of a real aircraft of it's size. I recommend watching the original craft video to see the involvement and achievements that were made in this engineering feat. The actual craft sea trials covered by the Discovery Channel: WSH-500 Wingship Craft File: WSH-500 WingShip Parts: 180 Mass: 52.123t Height: 7.8m Width: 24.3m Length: 18.9m Action Groups 1 & 2 - Toggle Wheesley Engines 3 - Reverse Wheesley Engines 4 - Toggle Ladders 5 - Landing Lights 6 - Cabin Lights Operation: Apply full throttle & SAS for takeoff from the runway using the entire runway for liftoff if you are planning Flight, if you are planning to travel to the coastline be slow and cautious. When transporting personnel the passengers must exit by transfers to the Cupola Module. I've often used the RCS for landing on runways or to get out of a nose dive. RCS is needed for takeoffs from the water, this is a timing critical task so use full throttle and only RCS at the time of liftoff by pressing the K key when reaching 40 m/s. Water landing must been done near 40 m/s to insure no damages. I have been reducing throttle to half and keeping my Altitude and Airspeed as close to match as possible hitting Action Group 3 to reverse engines. Special Note: If you ever have any troubles operating any craft I have built please feel free to ask for additional instruction. All of my craft builds are very capable of doing what they have been designed and said to do. I would also like to take this time to thank you for taking the time to launch, fly, steer, drive or crash the craft I have shared here and on KerbalX.
  6. Jeep R7 While working on the WSH-500 Wingship I wanted to use a vehicle to bring the Kerbals to the new craft as I've done in previous videos and I decided to use a Jeep that I made a while back. After reviewing it I decided to build another Jeep. This one is much like the original but without a Mun Launcher. Craft File: Jeep R7 Parts: 72 Mass: 2.352t Height: 3.0m Width: 3.1m Length: 4.3m Craft File with Can Attachment: Jeep R7 WCA I've supplied 4 MK1 Lander Cans for those who are not using mods.
  7. Often projects this size can have some details left out. I've added a picture of the Bleachers Craft, the original picture is miss leading, the Craft will deliver two sections of Bleachers.
  8. @MrCalvinator Your Video and pictures are complete, hope you like it!
  9. Not at all, I didn't think it! Nice mod! Didn't know they had something like this, thanks for sharing it!
  10. Fyi, Using F1 will send it to your screen shots folder or use fn + print screen and paste it in paint shop.
  11. Imgur is free and simple to use if you want to send a picture or share them on here, that's what a few of us use on here.
  12. I'm not sure what it should look like because I loaded it on 1.2.0 and the landing gear sometimes loads different. I will PM you a picture so you can let me know if it looks correct.
  13. Aircraft Hauler I often put big projects aside for a little while to get a rest from the brain strain and build smaller stuff between these projects. Today I saw a Cessna Aircraft and this has been on my to do list for a long time now. I've also been wanting to see the Airport look like a busy one with some Aircraft on the outside, so one thing lead to another.
  14. Kerbal Power Boat Racing Project Update 11.14.2016 This is a test run with Panic Attack, I like the Buoys, these will probably not change. The craft isn't getting the handling and speed I would like at the moment but really fun as is.
  15. @Cupcake... & @Heckspress This is my first time linking a saved game so please excuse any difficulties here. It's on the OP Thank you!
  16. @Heckspress I just had a look at Dropbox and it's only free for 30 Days, I will post it but it could be a recurring problem.
  17. Lets twist his arm... I really don't like the trash that follows free stuff but I do have another computer I could use to do that. I will get this done asap!
  18. That would really help to promote this Air Racing but I don't have an account setup to host files, funds are tight here in the Oilfield Industry at this time. Also the Pylon Craft can get up to 50 m/s if needed and it makes placing them very quick and easy.
  19. Ziggy K.A.R. Right now I would have to say Ziggy is the craft to beat. It is getting outstanding performance for an Air Racing Craft. I am using the FAT-455 control surface for total wing control and it's banking and wing strength is amazing and a must fly! Craft File
  20. Maybe place the Keyboard in the center of the two seat on the dash with a swing arm so that either seat could use it? Yes I know always easier said than done! That's just an idea if I were building it.
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