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Everything posted by Stevie_D

  1. Whilst i've a lot on my plate at the moment creating my Superluminal mod, Denko, i think the Pod part is pretty simple and i could help you with it if you like. Feel free to throw me a PM about where you're at with it. I never made the pods in the original due to running out of time (i spend a good portion of the year away from home due to work), so the least i can help you do is complete the set.
  2. The first alpha is coming in to view now, and not far off. I would have had it out by now, but i decided i wanted to have all the command modules fully textured instead of just colour mapped. This way, as i'm using the feedback from alpha 1 to fine tune the command modules, i can begin work on properly getting all the centrispinnials into the game and my workflow should be tidier
  3. Anyone can edit anything they want. That's what modding is, Qwerty If you google something like "kerbal edit cfg files" you should find all you need to know about changing items ingame to how you like them. Then its just a case of tracking down the cfg for the part you want, and changing it. Just remember, if you do, the mod creator isnt responsible for you breaking your own game, heh
  4. I'm waiting to see the Scott Manley video, where he'll probably do it with a cockpit seat and 1 RCS thruster...
  5. Looking great, Bonus. I wouldn't worry too much about life-size dimensions though. The rest of your mod is kerbal sized, so from an outside perspective it would make more sense to me that the ITS is kerbalized in its size, too. Although if you worry about the VAB size, if it were me, id just say "Screw it" and put "Hangar Extender" under the "Recommended mods" part when you release it hehe
  6. Cleaned up the original post of my forum thread. Away with the old (and now broken) images, and in with a plush HD 60fps video individually showcasing nearly all the parts!


    1. cratercracker


      This is beyond awesome.

      I never really enjoyed part mods.

      But this.


    2. Stevie_D


      Thanks Crate, it's my love letter to KSP, so i'm glad some other folks look like they're going to enjoy it as much as i will :)

  7. Mr Steed speaks much wisdom. The more basic the model, the easier it is to understand and learn UV mapping. Once you do, you'll find it opens up a whole new world of how you create your models too. Where you can repeat parts of the texture and save space, and also increase resolution.
  8. It seems like i've gone video crazy this week, but i guess thats just how it goes. Like london buses... I've finally cleaned up the original post, and for me it seems like Photobucket's death was now a blessing in disguise; because gone are the old, small and cluttered renderings of multiple parts all at once, ... and instead comes this glorious HD 60fps video of nearly all the parts seen individually. There's still about 10 pieces missing from the video for various reasons, but this is still about 95% of everything This will probably be the end of the gravy train. Back to being hard at work on the mod, the video releases should go back to once a week.
  9. Last night i left my computer rendering overnight the full-length time-lapse of me texturing the Plock Lander Can, and when i leave my computer doing a job like that i usually also leave 3ds max doing something else at the same time. I thought how there are no images currently of my centrifuges up (which ill rectify soon, promise) and so i ended up with this.... Lifted straight out of 2001. Parts used - 5m Plock Lander Can, 3.75m Theodor Centrispinnial, and the Polta Spacebus. It also shows off how i "double designed" the Plock Lander Can (and my other lander cans) to look good as parts of a space station too. But i didnt know how good they would actually look in this role until now. Maybe i should've had this as the weekly update video, heh.
  10. This forum thread is your friend. Love it. Cherish it. (And more importantly - bookmark it )
  11. It is a shame. Despite it having far too much fuel, making it rather OP, i had many fun adventures with that little ship. And All Rights Reserved means exactly that. Every right is reserved. No one will be able to do anything with it without Devo's permission. He had a real flare for modding too, which makes his disappearance all the more saddening.
  12. The weekly video (mostly tutorial) update is up and alive on the Superluminal thread!

  13. As i say in the video, i've had a couple PMs and tried helping a few folks out on the forums who've posted asking how to texture for KSP, so i thought i'd throw together a basic guide on how i go about doing things. Hope it helps!
  14. Weekly update time! Thanks for the support and kind words you guys, it always gives me a bit of extra enthusiasm to get back at cracking on with the mod when i know i'm doing good work. So it's appreciated Just like my original IXS warpship mod that you use the warpring from in Interstellar, @FreeThinker, i will always use creative commons license Im a firm believer that if us modders make stuff for the community, then as long as no one is making money from my hard work, they're free to have fun with it as they see fit. Unfortunately with Photobucket screwing over its entire user base, its taking me longer to update the OP with the original images showing off all the other parts of the mod - because im doing away with them (the images that is) and making a video that shows off the entire mod and all its parts in one go. So all the centrifuges/main hulls/ and warp rings will get an airing as well as the command modules that have been shown off the most so far. The reason i'm saying all this, is because since i noticed you use the warp ring from my old IXS mod, Free (which i love, since i originally created that entire mod to be used in interstellar back when it was being managed by WaveFunction), i was going to PM you soon anyway and ask your input into the new warp rings i'm making (1.25m all up to 5m) before i finalize their models, so that you can use them in Interstellar if you wish. But back on with the update... I also made a decision this week. I -was- going to release Alpha 1 with the command modules when i had them all fully functional; but with many only having a colour pass texture this didn't sit right with me. So, i decided to bite the bullet and texture them all to a 1st detail pass, so that they're all but beta ready and any tweaks that need making can be incorporated with the feedback i get from Alpha 1 and put into the 2nd and final detail pass. This co-incides with me deciding to make a few tutorials on modding for KSP since some of the things (like parachutes...rrrRAWWRRRGH!) gave me so many headaches getting them to work, that i wanted to save other people the pain i've endured. So this weeks video is a part-update, mostly-tutorial, showing off how i textured the 5m Plock Lander Can, seen here after its first detail pass. *awaits the calls of "o m g, ANOTHER video tutorial voiced by a Brit!"*
  15. Well to be fair War, folks DL mods to play with for their own enjoyment. It's part of the life of being a modder. If you look at something insanely popular, like a movie trailer (say spiderman) which has 26.7 MILLION views, it only has 335,000 likes and 20,000 dislikes. A total of 350k feedback from literally millions of people. And thats a AAA movie. My advice is to be patient with feedback. Folks do give feedback, but the ones who do are few and far between. It just takes a good long while for it to pile up.
  16. Like Art says, Gimp will get the job done. It probably has more functionality for creating textures than MS paint does. Although it does have some funny quirks, it's easily the best free paint program out there. @artwhaley, hopefully ill get it sticked heh. The reason i've not finished it yet is because i've turned it into a youtube video, since i think that conveys the techniques across better. Still finishing it up, but it shouldn't be too far off being uploaded now.
  17. Youtube is your friend when learning how to model in any 3d app, or texture in your app of choice. I wish i had that as a resource when i first learned. Search "unwrapping my 3d model" or "Unwrapping UVs" with your application of choice on youtube and you will quickly and easily find everything you need to know, and most likely for that specific program of choice to boot. But to answer your question quickly - Unwrapping is when you "unwrap" the polygons of the model you made and arrange them into what is called a UV map - Essentially a square texture template that has every polygon of your model laid out for you to use as a guideline to paint over and create your texture from. This image is taken from a tutorial im working on, but shows what an unwrapped model looks like. Now procedural texturing isnt something to even care about most likely. Its basically a texture that is used when procedurally generating a model ingame that changes (like a fairing) so honestly dont give it a second thought, you wont likely ever need to look into it, and if you do - then by then you'll have learned enough already to know what it is. The best personal advice i can give you when starting out in 3d modelling and modding is - Do not worry too much about the quality of the finished product. Yes, try to make it the best you can, but dont beat yourself up if it doesn't look professional quality or works perfectly the first time. When you start out, learning and getting better/used to how things work is more important in the short term.
  18. I think you made the right choice. I find the same thing myself when modelling. You think "That looks way cool," then realize it isn't very practical; and often with KSP parts making it look practical often makes it feel and look more real.
  19. And despite it being fictitional, i think you'll still find that it included Science... Go figure!
  20. I have to say, that is the sort of scientific instrument interface i've always wanted in KSP. That is simply brilliant, Nert
  21. @GregroxMun, How DARE you post the details of a fictitious set of planets owned by a fictitious alien race in a fictitious universe, of all places on the forums of a game about a fictitious alien race inhabiting fictitious alien planets in a fictitious universe! How DARE you! How DARE you, good sir!
  22. @ShavedBananaYou cant spend the 3 seconds it takes to click on his name and read ??
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