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Drew Kerman

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  1. is anyone able to spawn a good-looking and functional Lvl3 KSC runway? I just get the lights on all the time and the tarmac textures are glossy - they look different based on lighting angle. Also the lights don't seem to be as bright
  2. very strange. But, such is KSP at times. Regardless I have enough information to submit a report to the KK github so hopefully the devs can track down the actual problem at some point
  3. Uuuhhh... wow. That's weird. You have all the right folders in your GameData according to the log. I have no idea why you are seeing those errors. I would actually try re-downloading the latest version of KK and trying again. I just ran a test on my full install with 400+ mods and everything was fine. Sorry for the late response I was sick over the weekend
  4. replace both. And I updated the link to my post to actually point to the Mk2 whitelist not the Mk3 one
  5. alright @Professor K thanks to the insights gleaned from @OrbitalManeuvers I have a patch for you to test. Unzip to your GameData and make sure Kopernicus and its dependencies are installed as well: What this patch is doing is stripping out the default PQS mods for Kerbin then adding them all back in manually. Then I'm removing the mods that use the dish anomaly. Doing it this way so it's easy to update the default PQS configs for any reason without having to worry about what's actually in them - just paste over the whole thing The removal of the dishes will also remove the default commNet connection points, but for now just test it and see if it works and the static shows up for you now too.
  6. Aaaaand I went I found my original report on this issue
  7. I'm in a similar situation - on KSP 1.12.5, nothing but CustomPreLaunchChecks, KerbalKonstructs and Squad folders in GameData (plus MM cause I like n-cats). I walked back every single release from v1.8.10.0 to v1.8.3 and not a single one displayed the comm dish static except for the wire frame collision boxes. I even tried removing MM when I was down to v1.8.3 but nope. Can you confirm you still see it with a similar setup? KSP.log EDIT Oh crap. I just loaded back into a base KSP 1.9 install that I used to use, the last version I played extensively until I stopped back in early 2021. The comm dish still doesn't show up. And I know it should I used it as a static around my KSC tracking station. Will have to investigate this on another PC later today EDIT #2 so I also have a KSP 1.5 install and it works there. The reason then that I still have that install is because it stopped working sometime after KSP 1.5 and since i couldn't get it to show up in KSP 1.9 I kept the 1.5 install so I could go back and use it for photos needed with my roleplay (I'm just getting back into KSP after stopping in early 2021 so I forgot a lot of what I had setup to do)
  8. no, sorry. I don't even see how that would work with my limited knowledge of how CKAN functions. This is a manual process thru and thru
  9. There were a number of ReStock whitelist errors and texture copy errors in the KSP.log that I fixed with a new whitelist file that adds missing asset paths and removes the unnecessary paths - just replace the original file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p-rbVJK720VgjV_Cy3mXdByzVO47Ipww/view?usp=sharing
  10. There were a number of ReStock whitelist errors and texture copy errors in the KSP.log that I fixed with a new whitelist file that adds missing asset paths and removes the unnecessary paths - just replace the original file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p-rbVJK720VgjV_Cy3mXdByzVO47Ipww/view?usp=sharing
  11. I've created a patch folder for this mod to allow it to use the old textures now in the zDeprecated folder. I'll be working over the coming days on additional mods from @SuicidalInsanity (Mk2/Mk3 ext) and any others I come across and put them all here in this folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rjIq47nNhTrao23W7hrFkrQeeVFx0eN8?usp=sharing Just unzip the file into your GameData and overwrite (it removes the texture calls from the restock whitelist). Then double-click the batch file to copy in the textures. The MM patch will change the part MODEL nodes to point to them Thx to @linuxgurugamer for the batch file idea, altho I modified mine to use robocopy and check to ensure you're running it within Kerbal Space Program\GameData\MiningExpansion so the relative pathing works. The batch file is only for Windows users. Here are the file paths for other OS users to copy from --> to: Squad\zDeprecated\Parts\Engine\liquidEngineMainsail_v1\model002.dds --> MiningExpansion\Squad\Parts\Engine\liquidEngineMainsail\model002.dds Squad\zDeprecated\Parts\Structural\Size3To2Adapter_v1\decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.dds --> MiningExpansion\Squad\Parts\Structural\Size3To2Adapter\decoupler_and_adaptor_cm.dds Squad\zDeprecated\Parts\Utility\dockingPort_v1\model000.dds --> MiningExpansion\Squad\Parts\Utility\dockingPort\model000.dds EDIT My bad, I added the directory check after I used the batch file to move textures into /MiningExpansion so I only tested it outside the folder. It doesn't work inside the folder so I just removed the check. please redownload if you already did before seeing this update Also turns out the Mk2/3 restock whitelist errors were copy/paste from this mod or something cause all the textures ReStock said it couldn't find in the log were not used by any parts in the mods. Except one. Also there were a bunch of missing assets that needed to be added to the whitelist. I put them in the folder linked above
  12. For further reference here is the Wiki on MM patching: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Parallax-Continued/wiki/Module-Manager-Practices
  13. Always go back and check the ZIP file you downloaded when you see something weird like this and are (I assume) installing manually. There is no NearFutureExploration\Parts\Antenna\HLAirshipsCore folder. You put it there by mistake somehow
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