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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. No, ModuleManager and KER can and do run completely separately. It's when you install ModuleManager and then remove it that you get problems as MM creates it's own tech tree to load which the savefile then uses. Remove that and the savefile then has no valid tech tree to load. KER is completely innocent and irrelevant in this.
  2. Specifically, this is the problem: File 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../GameData\ModuleManager.TechTree' does not exist When you removed ModuleManager, you removed the tech tree it was using. Put that file and MM back.
  3. Well, I for one won't be content until they bring it to the OUYA.
  4. Post your output_log.txt file somewhere accessible. That will show what's going wrong.
  5. I really kinda want huge waves, like 10s of metres tall now, after seeing that.. They look gorgeous and very realistic, superb job.
  6. Those cfg values are, as of KSP 1.0 unused. In stead, the game calculates a parts shape automatically and assigns a drag cube to it. These are the drag cubes for KERs parts: PART { url = KerbalEngineer/Parts/Engineer7500/part/Engineer7500 DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 0.2473499,0.9958926,0.2092445, 0.2483356,0.9259904,0.1785163, 0.07118542,0.9374977,0.2245481, 0.07118542,0.947473,0.5290721, 0.09238428,0.913208,0.433746, 0.09238428,0.9737182,0.2975699, -0.01382188,0.01758459,0, 0.1731282,0.5843801,0.4430536 } } PART { url = KerbalEngineer/Parts/EngineerChip/part/EngineerChip DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 0.01638621,0.9574983,0.330694, 0.01638621,0.9598562,0.2212557, 0.1645844,0.9880887,0.1310383, 0.1653374,1,0.09951028, 0.01599753,0.9719145,0.204602, 0.01599753,0.9565312,0.3259358, 0.001806375,-0.009674875,-0.0005987473, 0.4066688,0.05123883,0.4066688 } } Those numbers mean various things, but the good news is, for rectangular boxes, they're usually pretty accurate. 150m/s isn't that big of a loss, really - you could easily gain it back with a different ascent profile, or you could lose that and more on a poor one (yes, I know you use MJ for launches, but still).
  7. It's a stock problem. Something to do with Unity not liking things.
  8. AFAIK, the current release of FAR doesn't handle those electric engines well. The dev build has that fixed though.
  9. I dunno.. those engines are mounted midway, the tailplane is mounted on top, it should be fine...
  10. Ok then, update it to 1.0.X yourself. You'll need to rebalance every single part stat (mass, thrust, Isp, cost, heat production and conductivity, lift amount, tech tree location etc) and make sure they all work sanely, convert all textures to dds, slightly modify all Mk2 connections and their models, add custom drag cubes to the cargo bays and make sure the automatically generated drag cubes for other parts make sense, update the abandoned KineTech and ResGen plugins as well as ensuring comparability with the still working km_gimbal plugin, add in all required parts stats (like ModuleSurfaceFX, bulkheadProfile etc) to the configs, update the IVA configs to use the latest (non backward-compatible) RPM, make sure the texture/mesh switching is compatible with the current Firespitter (or finish development on the custom switcher plugin) as well as making sure all dependencies on MFT/RF/DRE/FAR are correct and working etc etc...
  11. Yeah, don't ever tweak the force to 0. Weirdness ensues. Go for the lowest you can without hitting 0, that'll get you the closest you can get.
  12. They're (pretty much) all available to watch on the KSPTVs Twitch profile, under 'past broadcasts'. Here's the link to this one. Anyway, nice work again, 5th. Excited to hear 64bit news, especially stock clouds (possibly), EVE is the one mod I would choose to run if I could only have 1.
  13. Even if it's visual only? Bearing in mind I think that the old landing gear had toggleable (non-functioning) heatshielding and that both Firespitter and InterstellerFuelSwitch can switch textures...
  14. I didn't have a starting OS when I built it and Win10 was months away. No way would I suffer that 32bit OS for months until it was. Anyway, enough offtopicness
  15. Couldn't - it was an OEM key, not a retail key. Besides, when I started building this rig, Win10 was months away from being released.
  16. It's incredibly possible. There used to be a mod for it - TTs NeverUnload - but that's been abandoned (no idea if it still works, but the code looks simple enough. That's if you can get it - it was only on Spaceport with ARR so yeah.. good luck)). There's a little bit of weirdness when you switch to a really far away thing as the terrain detail is really low there so you may be underground or metres above it, but it works exactly like you outline in the OP.
  17. I did say don't ask... Well actually, it was a mistake. A friend was picking the parts, chose that OS and was like 'yeah its ok, they usually ask if you want to install the 32bit or 64bit version, it's fine'. It was not fine and as soon as I got home, I ordered the 64bit version which now completes my beast.
  18. Piping in here - with a 27" 1080p screen, stock KSP crashes upon load with a 32bit Windows OS (+ GTX 970 + 16GB DDR4. Don't ask). Can't find resolution, the log says, then crashes trying to go to a lower one. I can't explain how happy I was when I got the 64bit OS..
  19. The cfg does say Propulsion, but as of 1.0.4, that category doesn't exist and all engines are automatically sorted into the Engines category so it doesn't matter. If yours are in the Fuel Tanks section, then something is wrong on your end.
  20. I would then question the benefit of hauling the dry mass of empty SRBs to Eve to fill them with a less efficient version of liquid fuel which I would need to convert anyway.
  21. If I can make fuel, oxidiser and monopropellant from Ore, I see no problem with KSP allowing the production of Solid Fuel either. However, as pointed out earlier in the thread, the only places it's useful are Kerbin (where you can get it easily anyway) and Eve. Though, chances are, if you're going to be mining on Eve, you'll probably want to go for the higher Isp Liquid Fuel which you'll need anyway.. So yeah, 'why not? Doesn't seem worth it for me, but I've no problem with it being a thing'.
  22. Do you have ModuleManager as well? If you do, post a log file and pictures (of your Gamedata folder and in the VAB etc). If you don't, get it.
  23. He said don't trust it, not don't use it. Use it all you want, but know that it can be, and sometimes is, wrong.
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