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Benoit Hage

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Everything posted by Benoit Hage

  1. Hi @Lisias My version of MacOS is Sonoma 14.6.1. The problem was that when I ran the KSP.app in the folder, the game did not load. I just saw a black screen with a yellow loading bar that was not moving. In the .zip, there is no ".app" folder.
  2. OK I found a solution! - unzip the game folder - right click on the KSP.app, then click "Show package contents" - click on the folder "Contents" - click on the folder "MacOs" - double click on "KSP" voilà, it works
  3. Can someone tell me how to install Kerbal from this website: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/downloads ? I can't find an installer version for MAC. There is something with a script to run, but I don't see the script file in the .zip. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Hello @linuxgurugamer It seems the maximum darkness length is not displaying a correct value while installed along RSS For a 500x500km orbit on earth, it shows 41sec. Do you need log or any other file? Best, Version with all 3 dependencies installed
  5. @Angel-125No really reproducable steps for me. I just installed snacks on a fresh install. Here is the log file and the mod list in any case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7v3s5satdjs8itk/Player.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/asvv8wbb2wi9bwq/Untitled.png?dl=0 From what I can see on my game is that only the snack ressource does not appear, the soil does. Snacks are absent from all the parts they should be in with the exception of the parts provided by the mod. When I say absent, we can see snacks to zero amont on the part description but no slider appear on the part menu. Do you need more info?
  6. Confirmed here as well. Same KSP version. Need a log file? @Angel-125
  7. Hi. Same bug on a fresh 1.8.1 install. The culprit is for me the latest RSS textures (18.1). Anyway, just use the 18.0 version and your game will load fine.
  8. Hello @linuxgurugamer, Thanks for this mod! Quick question: is this mod backward compatible? I mean with MM 4.0.3 and KSP 1.7.3? I'm asking because I don't see any effect: no settings when I create a new save, no icon in the toolbar, no pop up message when I finish a flight with science grabbed during that flight. In what way am I supposed to get the result of the config file? Should I upload logs & stuff to help? Last question: should you play with RSS sized planet, what figure would you put in the config file to make it feel balanced?
  9. Hello @sarbian, hello @Jim DiGriz, I'm having a problem with the new Hohmann / Bi-impulsive transfer (dev 814). When trying to intercept the Moon in RSS, Mechjeb is way to late to perforn the burn. Printscreen (Imgur) Mod list (Imgur) Logs, save and craft (Dropbox) Am I doing something wrong? Could this be a bug? Thanks in advance.
  10. From the RSSVE thread. Posting here from wider views. EDIT: Tuning the graphic settings this way lowered the noise to the mininum hearable by human ears (well at least mine), so I'll take this as a solution. Set Anti Aliasing to 8x Set V-Sync to Every Second V-blank Frame limit to default.
  11. Hello. I don't have much hope of finding an answer, but here is my question: I'm having a coil whining sound on my graphic card. I manage to isolate it to "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements". When I install RSSVE and all its dependencies, everything work nicely, but there is this coil whining sound when I look down on Earth from lower orbit and only when look down, as looking around at the rest of space does not produce a noise from the card. If I remove the "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folder while still having "scatterer", the noise stops. So my question is: Is there any setting I can tune in "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" to try to remove this sound? Anybody also experiencing this? The only other time I've heard a coil whining sound from my card is at the loading of "Asset Bundle Definition" during the loading of the game. I've never heard it anywhere else, whatever the played game. The graphic card is an ATI Radeon R9 380 and is up to date driver wise... EDIT: Tuning the graphic settings this way lowered the noise to the mininum hearable by human ears (well at least mine), so I'll take this as a solution. Set Anti Aliasing to 8x Set V-Sync to Every Second V-blank Frame limit to default.
  12. I feel you Bro. In short: you won't find what you need. But there are work around: In Smurff: you can tune a setting in the .cfg to make your rocket more Kerbal alike. Here is the answer of the mod creator of SMURFF when I ask him a question similar to yours: As also mentioned here: you'll need SpaceY. It is an amazing part pack that merge perfectly with the stock part. It'll give you a 5m part pack. It's mandatory in my opinion. Be aware that even with those tips, you'll still find yourself in a harder game. From reentry to communications, everything will need your double attention. But, this is how this game should have been since day 1 in my opinion because as you said: so much more epic! I hope this help.
  13. Some questions: Will @SQUAD lock some part/feature of its game in order to prevent mods from doing the same as the DLC would do? Usually, in my opinion, mods do a much better job than what @SQUAD has always come up with: Visual improvement, telecommunication, parts pack, contracts pack, and so on... My doubts are that this DLC will only look bad and could actually be "against" @SQUAD own interest: KSP has always played the "we're a new game maker company" card and the "the game is in dev" card. Now having DLC's around forbid @SQUAD to play those cards again. So if the DLC's are not a game changer, I fear that the players won't forgive errors like they used to due to those cards played by @SQUAD. The game costs now 40€, add on top of that a DLC (let's say of 10€ for instance), we will be in the same price category of any other game from the big cheeks companies. Is @SQUAD sure to be able to play in that league? Having finally my keyboard language after 4 years is typically the things that makes me fear this game is not ready for DLC's... Bear my words: I want @SQUAD to succeed in his every undertaking.
  14. Hello. Does your screen also turn black when playing vanilla? What are the textures you use for RSS and what is your PC? Are you sure about having the latest drivers for your GPU? Please provide logs as asked before posting.
  15. Hello. Wow 7,62 MO of log! That's a big one. Before diving in this, just a question: Do you play with the 32bits .exe or the 64bits? Crashes and Return to desktop often happen when changing scene while playing the 32bits version with memory consumption mods.
  16. Could it be a part clipped that causes your problem? Are you sure every heavy part (all stages) is autostrut to the heaviest? Is your root part centered on your ship (no offset)? What happens if you empty the tanks from your lander, does your rocket still wobble?
  17. This probably is not it, but is your HDMI cable well plugged on both side? Is only KSP affected by this, or do you see it also somewhere else? Where is you game folder? What is your antivirus?
  18. Hello. We need more from you. How did you install EVE? Manually or via CKAN? What is your current version of EVE? Have you tried to launch a rocket to check if the clouds were really there, i mean, did you go past the main menu, as the clouds may not appear in that menu. Do you have other mods? Did EVE worked once and then it stopped? Etc...
  19. It must be one of your mod, me thinks. Just a question, if you do a CTRL + Z after putting a part, does the undesired part get removed? I'm sorry for the very standard answer, but have you tried to remove one mod at the time and check if you can isolate a culprit? Or in a fresh save game?
  20. When exactly do you suffer from a fps drop? Is it when docking, or while flying into atmosphere? Landing? Do you have mods that enhance your graphics? Those are usually consuming. What are your system specifications? Are you sure your mods are all up to date? Tracking 170 (!!) might be challenging. Check your task manager to see if your RAM went berserk during a lag spike.
  21. Hello. Which docking port? All of them? Have you tried to remove your mods one by one to check if one was the culprit? The ports work fine on my side. Also, are all your mod up to date? Did you also try to dock on a new save game? Maybe give us a Screenshot, or upload your logs. As for your saves to be uploaded, just link us to Dropbox. No need to ragequit without a proper fight!
  22. +1 Thanks to Sarbian's dedication, probably millions of people have a better understanding of the orbital mechanics. It is an astonishing achievement in terms of education. Even Wikipedia could not have done that.
  23. Your Mac is more than able to run the game, no worry on that side. I'm not sure it will help you, but have a look on this thread: Try the graphical settings changes at the beginning of the thread. Your game lagging makes me think it could be a solution (without too much hopes...)
  24. That's the file needed. Upload it on Dropbox or any hosting site please, without it, nothing can be done.
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