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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. I think the wheels are perfect now. Playing around with the control sliders enough usually yields the right results.
  2. It does not, however the parts are still in the game so something still works (interiors are stock).
  3. After finding a lack of 3-D printing threads on this forum (apart from Eucl3d), and wanting to show everyone a print I just made, I decided to create a 3D Printing Megathread! Eucl3d prints, as well as personal ones are welcome! I personally only know a little about 3D printers, however feel free to discuss anything with 3D printing as well. To kick things off, here is a Tiger Tank I just printed on a Makergear 2 (not mine, it belongs to a friend). It is 10 cm long and printed in 4 hours. I plan on painting it with acrylic paint soon (tm).
  4. I want to give a massive shoutout to Squad here. The devs are doing an amazing job with the prerelease, pumping out bugfixes and newer versions faster than I thought possible. I myself have only experienced one bug. Are you guys getting any sleep over there? One more thing: I noticed there is a DSN station called "Harvester Massif". Is there a story behind that (aka HarvestR).
  5. Now I need to play wargame. Darn.
  6. Does it all have to be on the ship? Could you possibly send some with little cargo ships that would re-supply mid-mission. If you have a base, send little cargo delivery units to the base.
  7. Rather than one giant ship, I send a bunch of smaller vessels, each with a different part of the mission. It tends to be less expensive, and I often refuel and re-use the engines.
  8. Frankly, the only issue I've had with wheels is that my kerbals tend to evaporate if they come in contact with them. What most people forget is that ksp's units are always in m/s. When I'm driving my rover on the mun at a nonchalant 20 m/s I'm really going 44 mph! Taking into account that the mun has lower gravity and its surface is made of a powder-like material (assuming it's an exact analogue for our moon), no wonder it slides when I attempt a turn.
  9. I keep my debris and watch them fly by. Sometimes I send up a spaceplane with little probes that latch onto debris and bring them back for recovery. I find it more rp-y and exciting, as well as in career it can be a cash lifesaver.
  10. Alright. I also may not have plugged in the PSU cable all the way in the CPU Power Supply slot, as it was located in between 2 fans. I'm gonna be checking both potential issues out.
  11. I have successfully built a PC! I actually built it a few weeks ago... however I have now run into a problem. For the past few weeks, since first turning it on, everything was perfect (It had no issues whatsoever, hardly makes any sound, etc.). A few days ago, after I had put it to sleep with the "sleep" button in windows 10 (windows key -> power -> sleep) I hit the power button to power it back on, and it started for half a second, shut down entirely, then started again, however it wouldn't display anything on screen. I hit the reset button, and it powered up just fine. This happens about 50% of the time when I bring it out of sleep mode and it's getting annoying. It hasn't caused any issues with how it runs (just as well as before). Does anyone know what could be happening with the computer?
  12. Good... good... My Ike mission is coming up, perfect time to pay a visit.
  13. I've had a number of really close passes before while doing docking maneuvers. I wonder if some day one will actually hit something while it's loaded.
  14. I would like one ticket please. I've crashed in the VAB enough that I'm excited. On a side note, I just finished a train-like rover base .
  15. Great job Warezcrawler! This was one of my favorite mods from 1.0.5.
  16. I would love to flatten out a massive area and develop it with many structures, even road/path things.
  17. I would like to say, I *just* got a western digital hdd for my computer instead of seagate, b/c I read many articles online showing that seagate has a much higher percentage of failure than most other companies.
  18. Hmph. I'm getting a "this account is generating too much traffic and has been disabled" message when I try downloading the mod. Should I just wait a little while?
  19. So the parts came in (shipping was "holy crap" fast) and I started work. On the mobo, the psu power supply is a 12 2by4, however the psu is just a 12 v. This compatibility issue does not come up when I search for it. Is it a problem?
  20. I convert rep into funds. That's it (can't really find any use for the others/not worth it).
  21. For more efficiency over the terrier, the lvn needs to be used with very large mothership style vessels.
  22. My 3 year old laptop has bsod'd twice, no issues afterward. I guess they aren't as bad as they are thought to be.
  23. You could set an alarm... and then hope you have enough self control to leave the game.
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