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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Whether the Dragon was out or not, a little forethought would have shown the gameplay problems with an offset hatch.
  2. 1.2 looks pretty good, and there's nothing stopping another company from taking a shot at the genre.
  3. Let's just hope Squad uses PJ's design sheet. That is if we get a graphical overhaul at all. Otherwise we're stuck with the disparity of oil barrels and NASA parts. Shady, but probably not illegal. Buying the game does allow you to have a game that looks like those screenshots. You just need to put in a bit more work after the purchase.
  4. I like your post, but let's maybe not lump everyone in this group. There's some loud, angry people; some confused; some ambivalent. With a few days behind us, I'm willing to believe the simplest answer. Their contracts expired, production is winding down, and Squad decided / they decided not to renew said contracts. My hype is returning for 1.2. Let's go, Tuesday!
  5. It was being a jerk, so they kicked it to the curb. Good riddance, I say.
  6. Think of it as a great player leaving your favorite sports team. Except, in this case, 80% of the team left. A little disappointment is understandable.
  7. I agree with everything you say. Yet, must admit, my hype has suffered some what. I'm sure it will return full force on Monday.
  8. Most of the time the KSP community is pretty great. It's why it avoids my ban on reading comments on the internet. Typically, that behavior is bad for your health.
  9. Very few things. Medical records and trade secrets (grandma's best selling chili recipe) I understand. Forcing people into silence is not. If you treat your employees well, any claim to the contrary can be disputed. Silence only brings suspicion. As we have evidenced.
  10. Companies only use NDAs to cover their backsides. Very few things actually need to be secret if you follow good ethics.
  11. Because companies love (in my opinion) unnecessary secrets. #NDAs
  12. Why does the game finishing development mean the end for the community? I've seen this a few times and it boggles the mind. I mean, most games finished development, are released, and a community grows around them. If anything, KSP has a head start.
  13. You've been around long enough to know Squad isn't always the best at communicating. (Odd for a company with a marketing side.) Indeed, anyone on a contract is a temporary hire. The question is, why weren't the contracts renewed? The company or the employee? Well, PorkJet was dropped from the Dev Notes quite a long time ago. Who knows. I believe they were all remote workers, yes.
  14. Given what we think we might know about Squad's business practices maybe. To much pre-judging going on in this day and age. The one thing that makes me hesitate on any future Squad projects is actually their game design. KSP is amazing because of it's core, not because of the actual "game".
  15. Length of insanity can be exacerbated when money is involved. Ok. Back to the topic now.
  16. ...and then removed it because they realized they had gone temporarily insane.
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