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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. No fix for terrain seams is irritating.
  2. @SQUAD @UomoCapra Confirm or deny: Is it safe to drive rovers yet? Seriously. For real. This is a problem.
  3. My issue with Monthly budgets is the set budget per month with no roll-over. I know it has some basis in reality, but I like saving for those big missions and not feeling pressured to spend a set amount. I typically play with a periodic budget on a spreadsheet and I'm looking for a way to gain the same functionality in the game itself.
  4. Test build for this weekend: Play Your Way - Science to Rep conversion. AltFunding - Rep to periodic budget with rep decay. TRP Hiring - Static Kerbal hiring costs. Roster Manager - Kerbal salaries. Thanks to @Galileo @nathan1 @TheReadPanda and @Papa_Joe for all the work.
  5. Yeah. It seems to be a static hiring cost, which might be the best I can do. Sorry for taking the thread somewhat off topic. Just excited I might be able to finally play the career mode I want.
  6. TRP seemed to mainly be Kerbal creation. I'll look again.
  7. Roster manager has salaries and Kerbal lifespan (which is kind of awesome), but still keeps the hiring costs which makes me sad.
  8. Testing this with 1.2. Creating a periodic budget career with Play Your Way, Alt Funding, and this for salaried employees. As far as I can tell, hiring still has the ever-increasing costs even with salaries on. I'd prefer the ridiculous hiring costs be disabled when the reasonable salary costs are enabled. Thanks for your work!
  9. edit: I think Roster Manager is what I'm looking for.
  10. I think Roster Manager is what I'm looking for.
  11. My first impression is that window size is a tad off. Maybe scalable windows would be good? The only other thing that really jumps out at me is a lack of descriptors for the different settings. This could just be put in a readme. Might be easier. The only other budget-related issue I'm still having is the absurd ever increasing Kerbal hiring costs. I'd much rather have Kerbal salaries to go along with this mod. Thanks for your work.
  12. Anyone know if there's a 1.2 compatible mod that provides periodic Kerbal salaries rather than absurd ever increasing hiring costs?
  13. Combining this and Play Your Way to create my own career. Thanks for your work on this mod.
  14. Got the day off. Time to try and build my (somewhat) perfect modded career mode!
  15. This may be the mod I've been looking for since career mode was introduced. edit: My actual dream career would be the game recognizing recent accomplishments (orbiting, landing, etc.) and rewarding you with reputation. That reputation would translate into periodic income. Do nothing for an extended period and your reputation would decay. This might not be exactly that, but along with a periodic budget mod, I might be able to get somewhere close.
  16. One: Game and Simulation are not exclusive terms. Two: Why does having communications disqualify having life support? Three: I think USI-LS is a good fit for stock.
  17. Please, and thank you. This is my docking tool of choice.
  18. The only thing I'd want are Mk3 wing sections, a 2.5m engine, and a 2.5m intake. The prefab Mk3 parts we got were a big disappoint for me, and counter to the Kerbal Legos concept.
  19. Still as ridiculous as they were when first implemented.
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