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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. So, I'm starting to think the super-secret-you'll-just-love feature was scrapped. Maybe I'm wrong and we'll discover something amazing in 1.2.9, but I think we can throw this one out back with shmelta vee and the Porkjet parts.
  2. This is the Kerbal community. Someone is making a track that orbits the sun as we speak.
  3. It's the runway, terrain fixes update for me. Localization is pretty awesome though, in my humble (not humble) opinion.
  4. More launch sites would be great. They already have plenty of KSC models they could use for the different sites.
  5. If a game mechanics main purpose is to negate another game mechanic, you might have a problem. If you like rescuing randomly spawning kerbals, then that's fine. If you like them because you can avoid the absurd hiring cost mechanic, then it's not actually the rescue contracts you're interested in. You're using them to avoid poor game design. Which makes me question the validity of both mission and game mechanic in the first place. Secondly, I just don't like the idea of randomly spawning kerbals. Silly justifications in the mission text don't make it any more plausible. I can't remember where I first heard it, but it's a great tip for writers and life in general. "Explaining a bad idea doesn't make it a good idea."
  6. Squad's reluctance to use time based mechanics is, in my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes they've made. Periodic budgets based on reputation, reputation decay, upkeep costs, life support. There are so many examples of games (even with time warp) that take great advantage of such mechanics. It boggles the mind KSP doesn't do the same.
  7. Console DLC. Haha. Now you're dreaming. (goes to cry in a corner)
  8. Wheel power being controlled by Shift and Control would be great too.
  9. Yes to the points listed. I also still have old versions. If 1.3 fixes a few minor bugs that still irk me, I'll find it hard to justify keeping them.
  10. I have a feeling everyone is thinking to big. Squad has had super-secert-you'll-just-love features before that have been a tad disappointing. I'm guessing a career addition of some type. We'll see.
  11. We shouldn't expect updates to always be free. KSP has been "1.0" for a while now.
  12. Whether it's called 1.3 or 1.2.3, I'm guessing localization and bugfixes. I get the impression that KSP is near it's final state. Any future big features may be DLC.
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