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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. I would hope so. If it was the only part in the game not affected by the lighting system, that would just be weird.
  2. Confirmed: plushies more valuable than copies of the game.
  3. As far as I'm concerned, this "exploit" is more about a player's willpower than any actual problem. The game currently allows me to clip 8 X200-8 fuel tanks into each other, giving me an orange tank that's only a meter tall. Why is clipping an accepted mechanic, but having all command seats crewable not? It's a single player game. Let the player decide how much they want to bend the rules.
  4. I think adding another arbitrary rule to alleviate the problems with a current arbitrary rule is going about this the wrong way.
  5. Click through still a problem in a 2016 game. I know. We're supposed to blame it on Unity.
  6. You mean actual mk3 wing sections instead of the prefab stuff we got? Yeah. Me too. Speaking of prefab, actual 2.5m jet engines and air intakes would be nice. The Goliath was a disappointment for me. I want Kerbal Legos, not model kits.
  7. It's a "command seat." It should be crewable just as every other command seat in the game. I really don't understand the reasoning of "it can be exploited." As if the extra step of also launching a pod makes it not an exploit. Your just making an arbitrary rule to one part in a group that makes no obvious sense to a new user. ...or an old user like me.
  8. All other seats in the game can be crewed through the VAB. Any claims as to why one should not fall flat to me. Especially one used for controlling a vehicle.
  9. Interesting. I skipped 1.1, so can't really comment on it.
  10. Unfortunately , they're not just on Eve. Wheels work again. The ground breaks. Why can't we have nice things?
  11. If you're playing KSP, a bit of intelligence should be expected. 1: Good idea. 2: Yes.
  12. I was just agreeing with the idea in my comment before yours. I understood your earlier statement. I think it's a great idea to make it an option in MKS rather than a separate download.
  13. Considering how invulnerable kerbals are, I always thought it would be a good idea to have them remain after a command pod explodes. It would not only provide hilarity, but also maintain the real fact that, in ksp, kerbals are harder than metal.
  14. Can I just say it's nice to get a x.x.1 release that doesn't feel like a "hairs on fire" fix for a rushed update?
  15. I know, right. On an unrelated note, I'm making a wicked cool plane with Big-S and Fat-455 wings.
  16. Is it not? I thought they fixed that? Haven't noticed it myself when in IVA.
  17. "How can we better utilize oil drums in our rocket designs?" - Bob Boberson, NASA
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