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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. And USI for one is more like a spice rack - take the bits you want, and mix them up. And KSP-AVC makes sure you don't grab a bad dependency by accident. Even for very large installs, I find it highly effective.
  2. Just went to the release section, works fine for me?
  3. @phoenix_ca - we keep saying it. Opt in only. Do not list stuff without modder's approval. Heck, one of your very first contributions to CKAN personally caused me grief, and wasted my time. Don't do that. Seriously. I totally get this is not the answer you (or the CKAN folks) want, but it's the answer that solves the issue. @ferram4 is right. As a modder, CKAN (because of their continued disregard for the content providers they depend on) has caused significantly more issues than it has solved. And sorry, but the next time something of mine gets listed that I do not wish to be listed, I will be taking some seriously aggressive action to make sure that does not occur again for any of my mods.
  4. First. I disagree that entirely opt-in is not a preferable solution. It is the ONLY community friendly solution. The root here is modders not having control of the distribution of their content, and 'random people on the internet' wasting our time and causing support concerns. If someone is enthusiastic enough to do their own NETKAN files for their own install, then they likely know how to properly troubleshoot their install. But having it be the default (and encouraged) behavior, to the point where the CKAN team is stating that they will absolutely add stuff even if the mod owner explicitly did not check that option on SpaceDock is very bad, is not neighborly, and is why they are sucking up a ton of backlash. Please do not be part of the problem. This will very likely land in 'mod wars' land where CKAN is aggressively worked against (and trust me, it's almost trivial to break CKAN... it was my fallback for the Malemute if said metadata was not removed). For your other question. KSP-AVC notifies me when dependencies have changed. It's easy as pie. Drop a mod in GameData (with all of it's stuff). Drop several more. Run KSP-AVC - I will very quickly see if a dependency got stomped to an older version. And I get instantaneous version updates (i.e. no waiting for a reindex). I can also cherry pick and read up on any change logs before deciding to do an update (tho the modder has to, like all things, opt into the change log mechanic) Ironically, CKAN was pushing bad data for the install of KSP-AVC after the 1.1.3 drop
  5. @FreeThinker - a couple of your requests came in after code lock, they will be in the next release.
  6. It was the Malemute - and they already pulled it. Which is for the best right now. And restricting NetKAN to purely opt-in only would not be a bad move IMO, though I would not hold my breath on that one. I still maintain that manual installs coupled with KSP-AVC remains the better solution for reasons noted previously, and in light of how incredibly easy it is to install KSP mods. Conflicts are very rare, and in the few cases where you stomp over dependencies with older versions, KSP-AVC sorts that out. It also lacks the lag time issue of CKAN (I am already getting CKAN support requests due to this, despite 'playing nice' and having current metadata). I would add. Yesterday, in the middle of releasing all of my stuff, I had to stop, go poking around for metadata, figure out why the Malemute was even appearing in CKAN, try to scare up a CKAN person, and in the end, stop what I was doing to log an issue. All for something I didn't initiate and wanted no part of. In other words, my valuable time was wasted (again) by 'random person on the internet'.
  7. Go find out... tho it would be silly to put it somewhere unattainable.
  8. 1.1.3 download available at: https://github.com/BobPalmer/SubPack/releases
  9. 0.8.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates Adjusted the step size for asteroids from 1kl to 50kl per click
  10. 0.4.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates EC can now be configured independently of supplies. For existing saves, if you see any NaNs just open your config settings in the space center scene and save. EC stats are now displayed in flight New parts - inline NomOMatic and radial recycler The mini ISRU can now extract trace elements suitable for use as a fertilizer from Ore. Note that this is a very inefficient operation.
  11. 0.5.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates
  12. 0.5.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Updates for KSP 1.1.3 Fixed an issue where the DERP pod was causing log spam Added 50 ablator to the DERP pod The DERP solar panel now works on both sides. Moved all DERP components into appropriate stock tech tree locations to resolve balance issues.
  13. 0.4.3 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates
  14. 0.2.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ All Kontainers have had their prices fixed. Nuclear Fuels Kontainers and Supply Packs have been deprecated. Use the dedicated nuclear fuel / depleted fuel tanks. New low-profile containers! Stock-Alike for dry goods, and spherical clusters for liquids. In sizes from 1.25m to 5m Fixed an issue where nuclear waste tanks started full. All transfer warehouses now default to ENABLED.
  15. 0.2.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Updates for KSP 1.1.3 Normalized empty tank costs (thanks rulib!) Karibou Passenger Cab (thanks DanStaal!) Remote Tech support for the radial probe (thanks vranir!) Fixed the Karibou wheel to be a bit more reliable
  16. 0.2.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates
  17. 0.4.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Updates for KSP 1.1.3 Ensured all parts with command capabilities are resource consumers Resource Distributors benefit from their own extended range when self-supplying Some normalization regarding power transmission range. - The power pack is both a distributor and a coupler, with a 500 meter range. - A new Power Box acts as both a distributor and coupler, with a 500 meter range. - MKS Lite does not contain a long-range power distributor at this time. - The Power Antenna acts as both a distributor and coupler, with a 2000 meter range. All Kontainers have had their prices fixed. Nuclear Fuels Kontainers and Supply Packs have been deprecated. Use the dedicated nuclear fuel / depleted fuel tanks. New low-profile containers! Stock-Alike for dry goods, and spherical clusters for liquids. In sizes from 1.25m to 5m Bulk harvesters (i.e. sifters) now work without requiring other converters to be active. Fixed an issue where nuclear waste tanks started full. All transfer warehouses now default to ENABLED.
  18. 0.6.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Dependency Updates Karborundum is now tweakable, and 4000 funds per unit (versus 400). The Kerbol Karburundum harvesting zone is back... now go find it Fixed CTT placement of fusion engines
  19. 0.5.4 - (KSP 1.1.3) ------------------ Update for KSP 1.1.3 Updated cost of Plutonium Added Lithium6, Carbon, and Monazite Karborundum is now tweakable, and 4000 funds per unit (versus 400). The Kerbol Karburundum harvesting zone is back... now go find it Alumina and Monazite are now planetary resources. Hydrates are a bit more common. Added Glykerol (curated by DeepFreeze).
  20. See that thing in yellow? It means you have something out of date. And it probably told you too when you started up. Download the new version, be sure to clear out the UmbraSpaceIndustries/Kolonization folder first.
  21. I'll assume that was sarcasm Random guy on internet submitted CKAN data with metadata that is going to be totally invalidated next release... and it will break. Hence why I maintain my own. Now I get a ton of support issues because of a non-working mod. Because the CKAN guys have no concept of how to actually work with the community who's content they are dependent on.
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