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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I have no idea what you're saying/asking. Every hatch is there for a reason, and I'm quite happy with how the IVAs are.
  2. @goldenpsp is correct. There are specific resources for greenhouses (and part of that assumption is that we're using biological filters for the water/oxygen), as well as allowances for water-only, or a combination of both. i.e. I already thought about this when I made the mod
  3. Yup. As it is, the omission of required resources and efficiency invalidates about 80% of MKS
  4. To be honest, the issue (and this is a pretty insurmountable one) is that UKS uses all of the stock mechanics, and leans heavily on things like thermal modeling, required resources, and dynamic efficiency (as well as fun things like skill requirements) and at the moment, these are things Kerbalism does not model. I expect it works well with other mods either because (a) people just ignore that some mechanics just vanished (no radiators for drills for example), or because said mods don't leverage all of the stuff in stock (i.e. parts packs). Not sure where Kerbalism will land - because I expect that by the time you put the stock goodies back in, you will start seeing performance issues with a lot of ships running in the background. But from my standpoint, it really does not make sense to abandon stock, and right now Kerbalism has no support for some really key bits that UKS uses (see above). (addendum) Probably the only way it would work would be for Kerbalism to be opt-in (unless it is already) and only swap out stock modules if explicitly set to do so. But then that makes it a lot more of a pain for Kerbalism to work with parts packs, so no idea where this one will land.
  5. Please don't do that (Edit CRP) as it kinda goes everything CRP stands for.
  6. As noted, not really much of a point - they hit precisely the same problem space. About the only relevant change coming up is separate timers for EC vs. Supplies. UKS/MKS already does this in the form of high-efficiency recyclers that require water (i.e. they are basically fancy water purifiers vs. just water recyclers). So you get to pretty much the same place, minus a few resources.
  7. Also you're getting a little babby recycler for the next release. 60% efficiency, supports one Kerbal.
  8. This is by design, and balanced for a very good reason. Specifically, that the hab ring is the efficiency part of the Kerbitat. Hence, the kerbitat is the multiplier part, and the hab ring (or the regular habs for ground bases) are the living space bits. Changing it means you suddenly have no hab-space bits for stations, which is no bueno. And yes, please use module manager if you mess with the bits, tho I don't recommend it as it leads to support issues, especially as folks module manage their way around mechanics
  9. Actually, USI-LS can be pretty lethal (if not more so than TAC-LS) as it's all config based... And at this time, because of how Kerbalism changes stock behavior, it causes some really wonky behavior with anything that takes advantage of stock mechanics beyond basic conversion (i.e. thermal, required resources, dynamic efficiency).
  10. Already planned. But it's going to take some work in-game to get there (i.e. you can't do it on your very first base). As I said, pretty easy to do without hacking the configs. I have a 12 year (almost 13) ship for a crew of six - Two counter-rotating hab rings, two Kerbitats, two hitch-hikers, and four cupolas. Two suggestions. 1. Less crew. 2. If that's an issue, change your life support settings instead of changing configs, or you're going to have upgrade problems.
  11. They exactly match the standard height for MKS bits. Better get the new ones then - KSP-AVC is doing it's job Eventually, was more of a POC
  12. It's pretty easy to get some very large hab values - in your case, sounds like you need to add multipliers (consider cupolas, etc.). Unbalancing the parts is not the answer
  13. Sure, all you need to do is steal the EL config from the UKS download
  14. - Habitation and Homesickness work off of the same penalty by design. They are just two separate timers that work with the same effect. i.e. this is something that will not change. - Second point is correct. It is off by default because USI-LS has no built in mechanic for making new replacementParts, nor do a lot of the base building parts packs. - The EC one I have to investigate separately. I have thoughts on how I want to handle that one.
  15. Don't worry, @Kowgan - it will fit in the corresponding MKS parts
  16. If it's working when the drive is not the root part, then I have your workaround
  17. Are these logged as github issues? That will be the best way to sort them
  18. Known issue unfortunately, not sure if there's a clever way around this or not.
  19. The EC bit is a bug as noted. Your indication that you are in timer land is that it goes negative, and you have until negative 15 days before it runs out. So while there may be better ways of surfacing the UI, it is shown
  20. @karamazovnew - I hardly consider the default settings 'cheating'... they are reasonable defaults based on the vision for this mod, so I'd appreciate them not being referred to as such. And the grace period is pretty clearly shown as that very first option in the upper left (in seconds). Lastly - stock EC scaling is not a bug, it's a design choice to handle intermediary storage of EC.
  21. Drive safer, use less MechJeb
  22. I would say play at your own risk (and without support). The bypassed stock mechanics are going to have some really weird effects. Off the top of my head, efficiency is going to get really weird, machinery will get weird (the effect is bypassed by Kerbalism), thermal is bypassed (so you might see some interesting times with reactors), plus I am pretty sure there are a few things I do that are based on ModuleResourceConverter's presence and access to it's fields.
  23. I maintain about a dozen mods with over 400 parts, have both a full time job and work for Squad making new content, play bass in an indie rock band, and play single dad while the wife is deployed. My time is severely limited
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