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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. I think there might be sizing issues with some of the containers/fuel tanks. The cluster fuel tanks seem to be smaller than they should be. Just for a comparison I attached a 3.75 ball underneath whats supposed to be the 3.75 ball cluster. I thought it might have been the size wide but then the 5m cluster is no where near 5m so i thin it might be a sizing issue. Also had quite a few null exemption errors. KSP.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/tr9vbsf8e97uqwm/KSP.log?dl=0 Player.Log https://www.dropbox.com/s/ap33bfyrpq0thwp/Player.log?dl=0
  2. Is it a WIP or is it another Umbra mod? I can't seem to find the command pod in the OP that looks like the Hermes from the Martian. I really want to behold that part please.
  3. Has anyone updated this for 1.2 or has something replaced this for 1.2? I have been away from ksp for a few months.
  4. Does anyone know if there is a Mod like ATM that works in 1.2? I feel that had alot to do with me being able to play with alot of mods in the past.
  5. you said it first!!! But now that he said it ummmm is there a possibility of that maybe happening?
  6. legacy shaders helped. Still not the way it used to be but I will take it for now. I also don't like the colors but i don't spend much time on kerbin lol.
  7. Has anyone done a compatibility file for BDB?
  8. Dear Alexustas, 

    You are a legend to the KSP community. We miss you and your incredible work. Thank you. 


  9. Hero's get remembered but legends never die. Like Bobcats mods they will continue on being shared privately and rebooted publicly some how. The only real shame is that KONQUEST was never finished and all of the interplanetary stuff he had planned like a proper capsule to match ALCOR. What is sad is the stuff that wasn't completed.
  10. These are all the specs i know about my computer. Again I am aware my computer is not optimized to play KSP. I am aware I have an older computer. Im even aware the game has grown and evolved. But even when the game was at its most inefficient and ran on 32 bit only I sill could run dozens of mods with very limited lag and played for hours!
  11. I have been playing KSP SINCE .21. It wasn't until .23 I started modding my game. Now there are alot of nice fancy features included in ksp now but honestly it just doesn't run like it used to run. Even when I run a moderately modded game it lags and is almost unplayable. I really want play ksp like i used to but I just can't anymore because the game runs so poorly. Now I know people will undoubtedly comment about settings but I swear to you that I used to run almost 40 mods and the game performed flawlessly. Hundreds of hours of play time. As every update came my mod list got shorter and shorter because the game would crash. I figured maybe it was computer? Nope even though it wasn't I added 4 more gigs to my computer still the game just doesn't run like it used to. Now I admit I have a MacBook but again I used to play with ALOT of mods. BIG mods all together like the Soviet Pack, FASA, KW, and NOVA Punch, ASET ALCOR, laztek spacex mod, kethane, kso shuttle, chaka monkey, better atmospheres and or ksprc, for anyone who remembers the good old days. I once over the course of a few weeks launched everything from sputnik to the space shuttle in order. Way before Bob Fitch using the soviet pack, skylab, american and soviet prob packs, fasa, iss pack, compent space shuttle and an atmosphere and texture pack. I once launched the KSO on top of the FASA Saturn V....honest... What I am saying is that these were REALLY big packs. All used together and honestly I can't imagine using any of them simultaneously anymore. My interest over the last say 3 months has diminished greatly and it was diminishing before that. It makes me sad but I just can't play the game like I used too. I know I can get a better computer but honestly why should I since I have played the game the way I wanted even when the game was inefficient. Plus I can't afford a new computer. I just don't understand I can play it on 64 bit with 8gb ram and it just doesn't run right. I tried playing with just BDB and the game just runs really slow. Is there a mod like Active Texture Management out there because thats was what made me able to play with so many mods. Any way just wondering if there were any old dogs out there like me experiencing this same feeling and experience. I love the community and seeing all the wonderful creations but it makes me sad I can't use them like I would like to. Sincerely, A KSP Veteran who learned to fly with prop planes (firespitter) and learned to dock blind
  12. I have not tried it with any other parts besides the Apollo parts but it doesn't seem to be parts just generally clicking anywhere in the VAB like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnSqtsW5xdk Which plugins do i delete? edit: deleting the plugin did not fix it.
  13. I know it seems subtle but when you are playing the game it certainly isn't. If you look at the pictures side by side you can see the issue I am talking about. Look at the bottom left where the cost of the vessel and symmetry stuff would be. It look "like" a layers was taken away? I don't know but it certainly is a visual glitch. I was getting in in the pre-release but assumed it was a bug they would kill unfortunately completely stock I don't get that glitch. Its only when I install BDB.
  14. I don't know what this is but it only happens with BDB installed. Its a strange flicker in the VAB it happens at seemingly random times but it happens most often when my cursor is on the right side of the left side of the screen about to click on a part. I took everything else back and added mods one by one and BDB where the issue seems to be and I tried it with just BDB installed. Everything is fine int he picture. Then I move the cursor to the left to the parts and this happens It seems to happen for varying lengths of time and for different reasons. However the game seems to play fine the rocket launches and I can play but it is quite an annoying glitch. I also don't know why it happens with BDB. Here is my ksp.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcybc65bdg6owx6/KSP.log?dl=0 and player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9pm1i59c04ycoi/Player.log?dl=0 Finally here are the mods I have installed.
  15. Take your time. We can get away with auto strut for the time being. But I will reiterate what everyone is saying, this mod is essential.
  16. That's perfect then people can pick and choose if they want it. I personally will just download anything you make anyway so....
  17. If it all comes down to shared assets again then I will shut up. If you can you should consider for Skylab and station parts making a whole new pack. Otherwise (not a complaint or a bad thing) this mod will be or very might already be a complete stock replacement mod.
  18. Alrighty then! It shouldn't be a problem like I said if this mod appeals to someone most likely they aren't gonna need or want any other mods anyway.
  19. @CobaltWolf if you're going to done expansions. Excuse me if you considered this already or proposed it. But if you are going to start doing expansions and proposed stuff that never existed I think it's time you start considering different packs. I think as it stands now it should be BDB Core. Everything else should be separate especially the ETS stuff. That being said it never hurt @Beale to just throw everything in one pack. Well two launchers and everything else. It's up to you. What you have created is a complete stock replacement. If you don't mind the kerbalized classics asthetic then you really don't need any other mods. So what I am saying is that you can and should now start your own branches.
  20. I know it sounds like a stupid part but could you do a ASTP adapter. I think it could be a cool little part and round out the pack and when Skylab is done it will truly be everything from the late 50s to 70s.
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