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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. did something change recently? Several people have said lately that it doesn't have enough battery. It was fine last I checked.
  2. Maybe some time next week? I don't know really. I only have my desktop until the end of this week.
  3. It's not supposed to be in the mod anymore, but is left in so that it doesn't break craft files. You should remove it from your crafts and recover anything that uses it before updating to the next version after the one you installed.
  4. No work means Cobalt will be productive stream LEM dev all afternoon! (And forget to post about it for three hours)
  5. The Apollo Block 1 had a built in heater was the original-ish design, from before Lunar Rendevous was firmly selected. It had no docking port on top, and had the old command module that (among other things) was very shoddily made, resulting in the Apollo 1 fire. Their service modules are pretty much the same. When you think of Apollo, you think of Block 2. That's the one that went to the moon.
  6. Haha well that's why I hesitated to directly recommend my stuff. At the very least, I can GUARANTEE that the fuel tanks are balanced to stock fuel densities and weights.
  7. Wait, so do you just want new tanks and adapters? Or do you want new (balanced) engines, command modules, etc.
  8. Those interested in the future of SEP should probably tune into my stream later tonight... (~2 hrs from this post)
  9. ... What if its attached to a landing leg, and the whole thing needs to animate together?
  10. Do the US modules actually fit in the bay? 0.o Darn, @daishi would have really loved to see this, too! Believe it or not, its actually time for the LEM to start getting textured! Most of the principal modeling is done, and now I need to start figuring out the look I'm going for. Stream tonight, with a special surprise for those looking forward to the LEM portion of this mod...
  11. if you find someone, feel free to send them my way once they're done
  12. I was saying that, I all that matters is the offset, that can be figured out by just editing the attach in the cfg to find out what works to further reduce the explosions. All that matters is finding that number, then when I get a chance I can edit the colliders and nodes as needed. You wouldn't have to install unity, just figure out the number by playing with the cfgs. The upcoming system is a fair bit more involved than that, and is still getting fleshed out. I'm not the one taking point on it, so I'd rather not blab too much and risk conveying false information. Once its at a point that its ready enough to show/discuss, they're free to post more information.
  13. you assume the colliders are more complicated than they are. For most parts they are a cube, whose back face is flush with the plug face, the bottom is flush with the lowermost geometry, and the rest stretched to roughly match the boundaries of the geometry. editing the nodes would be easy. In the node_attach line of the config, the second value in the sequence is the Y offset. Offset down from where they are - again, any of the newer parts will do as I know for sure their colliders are flush with the node. With some experimenting we could find out what the optimum offset is, and then use that to offset the colliders while keeping the current nodes.
  14. Do you have to use the ladder module? If my LEM descent stage is going to integrate legs, then it's already going to have way too many modules on it.
  15. Thanks guys! That actually brings up something I've been discussing with some people that I'd like to get feedback on. Since many of the LEM parts would be fairly niche, or even single-use (not useable for anything else) I think it would be best to try and keep the LEM to as few parts as possible. This would make it both easier to assemble, and create a minimal footprint in the part catalog. Some things that were discussed: - Engines are kept separate, to make them useable elsewhere. - descent stage will integrate the four legs, with the basic (no ladder) leg available separately as well. It also has fuel, and possibly a decoupler on the top node. - ascent stage will integrate the RCS blocks, fuel, batteries. The antennas will be separate, for animation reasons and so that they can be used elsewhere. There will be a space for the docking port on top. With these, the LEM would currently be around 10 parts, 5 of which would be the antennas. Please feel free to share your thoughts/insights on this.
  16. yeah but the new one has the Jay Leno chin! Its so much better!
  17. that's probably connected to what Ruedii mentioned, their colliders are flush with the attach nodes.
  18. The great thing about modding is that nobody can make you do it. I wish you the best of luck with wherever your interests take you! and again, I ask that you consider putting the mod up for adoption if you are done with it, so that any interested community members may maintain it.
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