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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. And then what do I do when people don't have Cryogenic Engines installed? In any case, I think we've decided on 3.75m / 5.625m for a number of reasons.
  2. last I heard, PBR had been pushed back to 1.2, which is the next update that we are getting. Should be out within a month or two.
  3. Figured out there is a preview feature in the DDS exporter, I was able to verify that they theoretically look correct in game. I did that and uploaded them while I ate lunch - I'm at my old apartment cleaning it today, so I probably won't get another shot until tomorrow. Download the new versions from Github.
  4. Someone has to launch all 3 lunar missions and show them meeting in orbit around the Mun + on the surface.
  5. Don't worry too much - we are getting PBR soon.
  6. I just uploaded a commit to GitHub that (hopefully) fixes that. Can one of you (or someone) check and see if I did it right? EDIT: I will eat your babies.
  7. Kinda busy right now but I'll get to it We had a warning in the update post and the changelog. You can fix it by installing TRAILS standalone.
  8. Alas, I believe I will be up to my ears in boxes. I might be able to stop by for a little bit later, we will see. The Tatsujin is looking great! except for the foil
  9. To add more fuel to the fire, our (meaning me, @Jso, and @VenomousRequiem) current concerns / things that have been brought up and need to be answered: Accuracy - truly accurate scaling would mean a 4.25m S-IVB, which isn't even a 0.625m size. But, we've tried really hard to keep everything accurate and balanced relative to their real world counterparts, and each other. Making it less accurate (generally, smaller) means it will perform worse, possibly to the point that when running a proper rescale to make things closer to their IRL performance, the SV might not be able to actually carry out an Apollo flight. Balance - As Jso has pointed out to me, a 5.625m Saturn V has HALF the LFO of a 6.25m Saturn V. In his words, 'changes in diameter in this scale are non-trivial'. Changing the fuel then changes the engine balance, etc. The F1s/J2s would then risk over/underperforming, etc. Size - @Araym showed that the 5.625m Saturn V just BARELY fits into the VAB. I would rather not force players to use subassemblies or something to properly assemble a Saturn V. Or rather, I don't want to make things too complicated for the player. Time - Doing Saturn with a 4.25m upper stage means having to redo all the Saturn 1 parts - no, this is not a simple config edit to rescale them. It also means rethinking plans for the Atlas CELV and the LDC Titan. Cryogenics - another part of the issue is that the second and third stages of the IRL Saturn are far lighter than their KSP equivalents. The fuel is far less dense, and the dry mass of the tanks is also lighter. That means more weight that has to get pushed by those F1s and J2s. Skylab - We have some concern that the geometry of Skylab (re: the launch configuration, and the deployment of the ATM) might not work out if we don't scale it accurately. Honestly, keep up the discussion everyone. I am actually taking a break from moving out of my apartment right now. Hopefully y'all can come to a consensus on how to do this.
  10. But did you restart your game? Otherwise, yeah, logs and stuff would be good. I haven't heard of this before.
  11. When are you gonna have that in game? @akron let's see how far we can go! Now we need to overwork @Siege and get someone to give THEM help! @Siege that moddb stuff is nice, I never played any MW stuff - I was an Armored Core kid thru-and-thru.
  12. if you right click the image, copy image location, and paste that in, it will automatically embed the image in your post. Like so: Also, you're getting some smoothing errors from your geometry . If you add another ring of edges/vertices below the window, that will alleviate it somewhat. The two forward facing windows are very cool, but you're also experiencing some more smoothing errors there. The two big side windows are extremely big - there really wouldn't be any sort of windows that big in space, too dangerous! But I suppose that's more a design thing. If you haven't seen it, this thread might have some tips to take your pod to the next level:
  13. we basically have been working under the assumption that we are keeping things balanced with stock parts, and then recommending a rescale mod or SMURFF to compensate. That way we aren't significantly underpowered compared to other mods.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want to create new models to create a modmod (though I think we are already deeper than that), repurpose existing ones, or..? Pretty much anything is fine, and I'm more than willing to answer questions when I can find time.
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