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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Don't hold me to it. Especially because I'm heading home for a week next Saturday. Probably not going to have much time to work then. Incidentally, roadmap has been updated. I kind of fell out of using it for a while. We'll need to figure out where to go from there once the basic Saturn parts are in - quality of life stuff like adapter fuel tanks instead of interstages, low profile decouplers instead of... well, interstages. Basically providing replacements for interstages. Along with that we'll need stuff for other Saturn variants - alternate engine mounts like for the Saturn 1C from Eyes Turned Skywards and dual F-1 mounts for the Saturn C-3. Check the roadmap, let me know how much you think I've missed.
  2. Well, speaking of the S-IVB... The J-2 got modeled on a train ride earlier this week. I'm starting the F-1 now - the ones in the complete Saturn V scene right now are just placeholders. EDIT: Also, thanks to @frizzank / whoever modeled the FASA J2. I freely admit to popping it into Maya (Thanks to @Sgt.Shutesie for the MU conversion) to see how they had done the certain parts of the mesh.
  3. Remember, I'm trying to provide a variety of parts to make all the different Saturn Variants - which doesn't necessarily mean that the basic Saturn V parts can be rearranged a thousand different ways by themselves. You'll have to wait for more varied parts to enable a lot of the other interesting configurations.
  4. They'll get done in whatever order I feel like doing them from day to day. Path of least resistance and all that. Be nice.
  5. Not officially. It needs a different Centaur tank, and I want to make the AJ60s and fairing base for the 5xx version.
  6. I made a quick Munar Prospector sat (no relation to the real one, sorry) while I waited for my coffee.
  7. It's because the first section of the SLA on top appears to be straight, due to the need to fit the LEM in.
  8. Speaking of which - draft of the new version of the manual is now available for any intrepid proofreaders! EDIT: Courtesy of, to be clear, @DiscoSlelge
  9. Guess which launcher? (Preview of the Vaquero edition update of @DiscoSlelge's BDB manual! I saw that silhouette and could not contain myself) EDIT: I am loving these:
  10. Eyes Turned Skywards has some great TKS content. You should try and recreat the MOK module from their alternate MIR.
  11. What? Still? I thought we had fixed that! @Jso @VenomousRequiem Either install RealPlume (well worth it in my opinion) or delete the RealPlume folder in your Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Compatibility. For some reason, the configs activate sometimes without actually having RealPlume installed, breaking the effects.
  12. ah, I see. The goal of our LEM, since the parts are so single-use, is to make it as simple to put together as possible, and reduce the part count to reduce the physics lag of a Saturn V stack. So I think, building a standard LEM, it comes out to five parts: The two stages, the two engines, and the docking port.
  13. The legs are going to stay integrated. I'm not sure what you mean by 3 legs individually? I don't know if I'll provide a separate fuel tank with no legs - I'd actually have to do some texturing work to separate it as a result of the textures being made for integrated legs. That's actually not too far from the number of downloads for the mod in that timeframe Probably not. To quote the OP:
  14. 250 last time I counted. Prolly going to be 300 by the time Saturn is ready... T.T
  15. speaking of which, reminder that the LEM is still due to have some of the parts be available separately. Right now I am only planning to have the legs, and the two non-animating antennas.
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