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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. You mean surveying tools? I can look into it. I still have some parts I need to get in game once I come back to this mod - I've partially been waiting (with baited breath) to see how awesome DMagic's new system turns out.
  2. jeez, count on Nazis to come up with the most ungainly looking rockets... parts look great! WW2 solids sound fun!
  3. Last I heard he was busy meme-ing somewhere.
  4. So, right now, on my local copy, the Bluedog_DB folder contains 296 parts. The Squad folder contains 291. That is all.
  5. I moved out of my apartment on August 12th. I have not had access to my desktop since then. I should be able to resume streaming next week once I move into my new one - I've been transient since then. In the meantime, feel free to come on the Discord server if you want. PM me if you don't have access to it anymore.
  6. well, from my quick test converting KSP bumped-specular to the Standard Unity 5 shader, I just dropped the diffuse (which had the specularity mapped to the alpha) into the Metallic slot in the shader. Albedo is diffuse, normal is normal but I cranked it to 3. If I played with the actual textures and the settings a bit I could get results very close to the new stock engines. I just booted up Unity to check real quick.
  7. I couldn't let @Beale be the only one messing around with the PBR shaders! Good news is, I didn't have to make any real changes to my maps to get them to look decent!
  8. The stock ones? Those use a completely different shader though! Are any of those screenshots you posted using PBR? EDIT: Couldn't let you be the only one trying it...
  9. Yup! Apologies for the lack of progress the last couple days everyone - I have been home with my family for the first time since Christmas, and also had some contract work come in that needed a rapid turnaround. I also learned that I will not have internet immediately after I move into my new apartment Saturday - I *will* try and get some stuff done tho. EDIT: In the meantime, Picchen over on Reddit shared his Gemini lander mission!
  10. @Rory Yammomoto what is that supposed to be? I see you substituted the SM for the Transtage tank (nice idea) but I'm not sure what the SRMs are for. And do me a favor, upscale the shortest 2.5m tank to 3.75m and stick it under the cluster tank. It looks way too weird as-is.
  11. Makes sense, too - the Apollo landings were hampered by the fact that they didn't have dedicated scientists! They had pilots who were hastily trained in - drumroll - taking surface samples, and deploying the ALSEP!
  12. If only we had a contributor working on o- oh. (perhaps he should show ALL THE GREAT WORK IM SURE HE HAS DONE SINCE I LAST SAW)
  13. According to... *drumroll* Wikipedia, the Shuttle OMS had ~300 m/s of dV. Soooo 100 isn't that far off, honestly. I'd say 300 would still be appropriate, since KSP players aren't as efficient as NASA.
  14. Blender is a pretty complete 3D package, comparable in a lot of ways to professional software.
  15. its on there, near the bottom. I actually already modeled it back when I started Apollo, I just cranked out models for a couple evenings since I didn't feel like having to start UV unwrapping.
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