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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Mid-stream image dump (I'm still going at the time of posting - come check it out!): http://imgur.com/a/SfyoK
  2. @MrMeeb very cool! I thought I had done the math wrong and it wouldn't have fit
  3. I thought the FASA folder went in the Saves folder?
  4. I'm afraid I'm a bit past 2 man capsules right now. if you're willing to diverge from the Gemini design that much, why not just use the Soyuz from Tantares?
  5. Could the same effect be achieved with a CoL offset on the heatshield? Possibly with some overrides to give it lift in the first place? (I ask because I'm curious if I can give the upcoming BDB Apollo a lifting reentry without any adverse effects. But it's probably not worth it anyways...)
  6. I would love to see someone ( @MrMeeb @Sgt.Shutesie @VenomousRequiem ?) fly a mission using the Cormorant Shuttle with a reusable Agena upper stage from BDB. It was a concept for launching GTO satellites from shuttle, where the Agena would release, perform the GTO-insertion burn, release its drop tanks, then turn around and fly back to rendevous with the shuttle. The Shuttle would then capture and secure the passive Agena, which would return to earth. The obvious benefit of this being that you get to reuse the upper stage along with the orbiter itself. It's a really cool design study that I'd love to see get proved in KSP. It could possibly even be used for sending small cargo loads to the Mun! http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19740023215 http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19740024172.pdf
  7. Stream is up on Twitch! Additionally, I wanted to reiterate this post from yesterday - some people have already started logging issues which is of great help! For a perfect example, see this issue logged by @rasta013. It has all the information I needed to diagnose the issue and fix it.
  8. Didn't have much to show last night, since I was finishing getting the parts UV unwrapped. But tonight I should be able to start getting stuff in game unity. Still need to figure out the parachutes...
  9. There is one in BDB that is 1.25m. You could rescale that or the one in Stockalike Station Parts Expansion.
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