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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. You want the folders from inside the zip's gamedata folder, ie the Tantares and TantaresLV folders. Those go inside your KSP gamedata. It sounds like you're saying you put the zip's gamedata inside your KSP gamedata, meaning you would have KSP/Gamedata/Gamedata/Tantares, which is wrong. You want KSP/Gamedata/Tantares etc etc
  2. What? I really don't think this is a hardware issue. My cooling is fine.
  3. My hardware isn't overclocked. Again, the thing I find strange is that it happens both in 32bit and 64bit. Crashing in the VAB is almost a given whenever I start up, but I also crash a lot on scene changes and when switching the active vessel using [ and ]. i3-4150, nvidia 560ti, 8gb ram, Windows 8.1.
  4. It's just doubly frustrating because I am having trouble testing everything. It's hard to even get to the point where I can replicate a bug without the game crashing for unrelated reasons. Believe me, I want the mod to work as much as you guys! I'll take a look at sciencedefs and try to figure out what I broke. I'll also try and fix the issues with attaching things to the ground. @IgorZ thinks it might be as simple as just making sure everything is aligned properly. I'll rebuild everything and then post a link. If some people could test it for me I'd really appreciate it. I really can't deal with this right now. I'm going to wait a week and see if things have settled down then. In the mean time I have some more misc parts for SEP I'd like to include, so those might make it into the 'real' 1.1.x update.
  5. I had that happen to me the other night when testing some mod parts. Not sure what's causing it. I remember a similar issue from back when the 1.1 pre-release started. Interesting. Only with the Mercury pod? What happens if you delete the Mercury folder from Bluedog_DB/Parts/ ?
  6. Oh yeah I don't think I've made a commit since then... Bear with me one moment. EDIT: Should be fixed...?
  7. Update: Overnight, my 1.1.1 install decided that it doesn't want to work anymore. Seeing as I haven't had a chance to download 1.1.2. So I started up 1.1, and somewhere around 10 crashes later I've managed to not fix the sciencedefs after finding and replacing all those strange characters. I've confirmed that the sciencedefs are the issue - other experiments break if I assign them to other SEP parts. So I just went and rewrote all the gravimeter definitions by hand. Unfortunately I don't have time to test it now so I've uploaded it to dropbox. I also renamed it, so make sure you delete the current Sciencedefs file, as it won't get overwritten by the new SEP_ScienceDefs.
  8. Alright that you everyone for helping me figure that out. Once I get it sorted I'll get a dropbox link to a new sciencedefs config up, so at least then it won't be breaking compatiblity with everything. After that I'll tackle the exploding parts.
  9. Uhhh I'm not sure. @AlbertKermin writes the sciencedefs. I'd imagine that could be a possibility. So it probably is a matter of rewriting the definitions in just plain notepad or something you think?
  10. I see you've caught the Lunar Orbiter antenna, but I also added a dish in the soon-to-be-released update. The propulsion module is also in the mod but it's fairly old and needs to be redone. I've had ideas for a lunar orbiter probe core for a while now, basically a probe core with a truss on top of it. It'd have room for the mid-tier camera as well as other experiments mounted on it. And at that point all you'd need would be the solar panels. Might as well do those too. I am technically supposed to be splitting my time between probes and the station parts, but the MOL project has sort of spun out of control I'll get around to them eventually haha. What version of the mod are you using? The Agena is 1.25m, the last stable release for 1.0.5 rescaled it to a more accurate 0.9375m. Your Atlas also should have one of the medium length tanks on top of the main one, that makes the proportions more correct for the first stage and will compensate for the Agena being smaller. Overall though that is an AWESOME recreation, thanks for sharing! Sweet, thank you so much! I feel as if BDB is lagging behind in compatibility (I don't even like writing part configs, let alone compatibility files) so I appreciate all the help I can get. I've downloaded it and put it in the folder, it'll be in the next release.
  11. It's the same as the Inon/RL10 in the mod already, just a new model. So 1.25m in terms of the autoshroud it generates, while the mounting hardware for the engine at the top is a bit below 0.625m.
  12. Yeah, that's a known issue. I've already fixed a couple things on the gravimeter but it still isn't working. I'm looking into it more. Sorry everyone, but I'm still waiting for the dust to settle from 1.1.x. I am still getting constant crashes, even on a clean stock install, so it's a pain to sort stuff out right now. I might start working on more experiments. I still need to do the camera, the astronomy unit, and a bunch of other stuff. As I recently told @AlbertKermin my general plan is to have all the SEP stuff done more or less around the same time that I finish the LEM parts for BDB.
  13. Noice. Looking great. Yeah I'm sorta hype cus I managed to get a good bit done last night. Yesterday's build? Oh right, @Jso's balance changes got merged in. From what I read people are still getting the constant crashes I was getting, so I'm still just kind of putting my head down and modeling / texturing.
  14. Uhhh, I'll keep it in mind. There isn't much room left on the Titan texture sheets (and, like, negative space on the booster sheet itself) so I'll see how it pans out. EDIT: Couldn't resist working a little more on BDB stuff. Transtage RCS edits. EDIT2: Just realized... I should probably just make it so the fuel tank doesn't have the RCS blocks. That way it's more flexible and the RCS has a better chance of actually working correctly.
  15. Hurray! I didn't mess it up. Yeah I don't really like the Agena port on the Gemini, but I wanted to show it was possible. Yes, the adapter works on the Agena, yes the Transtage has both types of cargo. I was inspired by the HTV after I decided it would be a big barrel. I need to redo the RCS on the Transtage (there is room left on the sheet afterwards for the Titan radial decoupler) and then it will also be available as a standalone RCS block. Awesome! Glad to know that I can do that. It'll make like a lot easier - Especially since then I don't need the space on the service module sheet. Probably not. Anyways, thanks to @benjee10 for giving me some help with textures. I just spent a little bit working on the MOL textures. Who knows, maybe you'll seamlessly be able to mix and match between Habtech and BDB once I put some more work in? EDIT: Oh, also, I made the adjustments to the Atlas V CCB parts. EDIT: Do the normal maps make it better... or worse?
  16. @Beale I decided to start messing around with your TRAILS textures and models to create the Gemini resupply module. The results were promising. Question: Can I move things from the McDonnell folder over to the BDB folders so that I can share textures? Alternatively, did you have any use for the extra space on the Service Module texture sheet? @Foxxonius Augustus thoughts? Also pictured, I realized that the Transtage based resupply craft was wide enough to fit on the 1.875m MOL docking port. EDIT: All 3 side by side:
  17. I can't think of any more. Anybody? EDIT: Looking at the RemoteTech configs is prolly your best bet to find any that I might have missed. I don't believe there are more. EDIT2: Stream has started.
  18. Awesome! I'm still doing last minute housekeeping for the next release, so if you get them done in the next day or two I can pack them into the next release. Things that would need AntennaRange configs would be in the Antennas (obviously), Explorer (tiny probes with built in ones) and Agena (just one) folders. EDIT: Also, another stream tonight. I feel like fixing the Atlas V. It occurred to me that it would greatly benefit from specular maps, and while I'm at it I'll take care of the proportions stuff and adjust the textures themselves. After thaaaat... uh. Idk. Starting in like 30 minutes.
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