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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I think you could safely ignore the mag+RPWS and just have the RTG. Makes it a lot more useful - players could clip the magnetometer and RPWS antennas into it. Are you planning on doing your own variant of those as well? @DMagic did a great job but one of the cool things is that there are a lot of different variants of designs for those.
  2. Does this help? I recommend you making it, since if Venom makes it I'd have to UV unwrap it, texture it, etc.
  3. Spent ten minute rearranging the parts from the LR-87-2... EDIT: I have to go to class now but I'll leave the Titan file open so I can put in the fairings on the first stage engines. Though, I want to point out @Foxxonius Augustus that there's only a fairing needed for the Titan 2 variant, seeing as the Super Juno's Titan 1 stage certainly would have deleted that weird fairing on the engine. EDIT2: But it's different than the Titan 1 engine... Solution: I'll make the engine fairing a toggleable shroud that is controlled by the top node.
  4. Haha thanks everyone for the kind words. @TimothyC Now I want to try and cobble together a single chamber LR87 for 1.25m... @fs10inator Looking good as always. Do you have any reference pics for the LH/ox upper stage engines I can squirrel away for when I get to it?
  5. Looks awesome! It'll look amazing once the structural bits have a bit more detail - just enough that they aren't solid colors. Also, I just realized that your AACS is a star tracker. I never made the connection before. Very cool idea for a probe control part. EDIT: Pretty pretty please do the RTG from Voyager? @VenomousRequiem really wants one.
  6. I more meant the launch, since it was a Rokot.
  7. Go away. (j/k but seriously that's the PSE. IIRC the EASEP didn't have a central station.) I mean, the central station already has an antenna. I'm somewhat confused as to what the difference, ie why on some of the ALSEPs they brought a big dish but IIRC some only had the whip antenna on the central station.
  8. We have the PSE you boob. I mean, it would be fun (though difficult, since I don't think you can view through the camera while controlling kerbals) but I'm not doing Hullcam configs.
  9. I mean, I could make the antenna. But what purpose would it serve in the stock game? (I don't remember the specifics of the new comms system that's coming in 1.2) The rover was planned for the 3rd expansion.
  10. @Jso thanks! "Eh." EDIT: To expand a bit more, I've been feeling *really* burnt out. Not really specifically on KSP stuff, though that's definitely the hardest hit part of my life. I've been having an incredibly stressful quarter at school, some minor medical issues, trying to get a job to support myself for the next six months... my schoolwork has been primarily Maya this quarter. So I work in Maya all day, then get done and... have to work in Maya for KSP stuff. Especially when it comes to UV mapping. So development is proceeding one day at a time, like it has for the last couple weeks. I'm probably not going to stream anymore, except on occasions. It was fun guys but there's no point if I'm only able to find motivation to work for an hour at a time. I'm still following the roadmap. It'll just continue to be slow here for a while, and honestly it might stop altogether for a bit before it picks back up again.
  11. Eh, fair enough. Like you said, since I'm going to have to take another look at Agena, I might as well try and change it. Eventually.
  12. Sure! I'll PM you once I get it set up. Uhm, I'll have to look in how to make a version file. @AlbertKermin sent me the updated version (1.1) of Surface Experiment Package last night. I've temporarily uploaded it to my DropBox, I have night classes the next two nights so I'll have to find time to do it later in the week. ALSO, tentative plans for additions in the next update: Low profile KAS storage. Lunar Surface magnetometer Solar Wind Composition Experiment Camera Experiment (w/ Tripod) Active Seismic Experiment Another handheld experiment (Still taking suggestions)
  13. Sure. I have a night class so I'm probably not doing any work. My next step would be... I don't know. I can either try and finish the tanks (they need textures, which will go far quicker than the engines) or try and get the Castors done. EDIT: Oh, also, @Jso do you have any more info on your Agena sizing experiments? I've been thinking that I'd like to switch it over to 0.9375m since we have new 1.25m upper stage parts. I think I'd have to re-export them through Maya etc but that wouldn't be too much work.
  14. Anyone have screenshots of a Sentinel 3 recreation? Link to info.
  15. Will he do the unflown variants like the Atlas cards? That'd be exciting. Oh, also, the Juno engines are in game and working. The only issue is that the exhaust vernier makes the rocket want to tip.
  16. CKAN is great for the user, but Rover and other modders (not all of them) are leery of CKAN. It introduces a lot of potential for issues that subsequently land themselves on the plate of the mod author, instead of the people that manage CKAN. It has nothing to do with Curse, which is not even a platform that Rover uses. It is just about not wanting to introduce more headaches for modders, especially ones that they wouldn't even know were coming. EDIT: It seems to me that the ambiguity could be removed completely by having a link to a separate CKAN opt-in page rather than having it be a checkbox. That way you know its the mod author 100% opting in. EDIT2: I'm still chuckling over the implication that Rover is somehow pushing some dark SQUAD agenda...
  17. I didn't actually look up the Black Arrow specs I just guessed after looking at Andegraf.
  18. @TimothyC and whoever else is interested, it looks like the guy who runs spacelaunchreport.com has started working on the Titan variants. https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=39251.0
  19. Yeah it's certainly an interesting name. Anywho, looks good! I never realized how much I wanted an inverted Mk1 pod.
  20. Haha no I don't know. I recall having to find them in an older install last time I needed them.
  21. I'd change my license right quick. I have a fairly open license because I want people to be able to build off my work and create new things, or keep my mods updated if I were to disappear. I don't want my mods to be redistributed for the reason you listed - I don't want to worry about tracking down some bug just to find out it's because some older version of the mod was uploaded somewhere.
  22. Negative, ghostrider. The Blue Streak is 3m IRL which is 1.875m in KSP sizes. 2.5m would be 83% of the actual size. The Black Arrow (I think they're supposed to be all caps, you're right) should be something like 1.25m with a 0.9375m second stage. So the current one is actually far too big.
  23. What's wrong with the current proportions? Black prince scales to 1.875m. EDIT: Ohhh the upper stage is wrong.
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