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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I know that feel. T.T I try to make a couple parts next thing I know I have 100+ planned... (no, seriously)
  2. Prolly not. I'd rather not maintain two different downloads. You can easily delete... off the top of my head, 'Mercury', 'ProbeExpansion', 'Explorer', 'Gemini', 'Science' and 'Antennas' folders.That will get rid of all the non-LV parts.
  3. I, uh, really want to avoid doing more modern stuff. I am doing the Atlas V SRBs and the 5m (3.125m in game I guess) fairing base for Atlas V, and stretching it to fit the actual size. Things are slow here as I'm trying my hardest to get through the next couple weeks. Midterm projects are swamping me despite trying to work ahead earlier in the quarter. Serious dev will probably resume the second week of February.
  4. Alright will do. Thanks for the links - Ninfinger has become a good source for me in general. My Blue Gemini / Big G / MOL parts have morphed into some weird thing, equal to Soyuz / TKS / Salyut, respectively.
  5. Beale, if you have any good webpages or other sources for reference on TKS + Functional Cargo Block can you please forward them to me? My Big G project has developed some interesting political sympathies... (Same for Salyut, though I think I can just trawl through the Salyut update pages on the thread)
  6. Heavy struts are also in KW Rocketry which is another possibility. @VenomousRequiem @Jso does that change in the RP configs make the non-RP plumes work? I'd like confirmation but if that is the solution I'll push an update ASAP.
  7. Bluedog Design Bureau 0.09 - Prometheus has been released! Download on KerbalStuff. Screenshot gallery, including screenshots from @Sgt.Shutesie, @Jso and probably some other people. :S Changelog: I am also streaming work on the next update, on my Twitch channel.
  8. Friendly neighborhood wolf reminding you that the stream will commence at approximately 6 PM EST, beginning with the official release of BDB v0.09.
  9. I chose not to include them in this release because they weren't ready yet. EDIT: They can still be used if you want, just copy the PF folder from one of the more recent dev releases.
  10. Perhaps. I am definitely waiting for KSP 1.1 though before I start thinking about shaders. I'd rather figure it out once rather than twice.
  11. I use DDS4KSP. I looked and don't see an option to remove alpha channels - you're correct, they're not needed for any of the textures except the Explorer textures. I feel like I've let myself use 1024 texture maps lately, rather than create 512 texture maps as needed. I'd like to revert to that, as there is less wasted with that method. Often you can achieve acceptable results with 2 or 3 512 maps rather than a single 1024. I don't know anything about spec maps in KSP. I'm very hesitant to include more textures to the mod. I know that people are excited for 64bit KSP, but frankly that solution seems like a bandaid to me. I'd only start if Squad included an actual asset loader that meant everything wasn't loaded into the RAM on startup. Many people play on laptops with 6 or less gb of ram, and I don't want to exclude them by being wasteful.
  12. I suppose I'll let the 1.5m crew can carry 3 kerbals then. It's not as if they need room for controls and such. Of course, if anyone objects I'd love to hear it. Out of curiosity I crunched some numbers after converting the textures to DDS for the 0.09 update. The mod takes up approx 30mb on disk. However, according to GCMonitor it currently uses 135mb of RAM. I don't know if that is good or bad but it's certainly higher than I would have liked. That was calculated by starting up the game (in DX9) with BDB installed, writing down the ram usage on the title scree (~2403mb) and then uninstalling it and restarting the game (~2268mb). With that said, counting up the number of part cfgs gives us a part count of 146 parts for the 0.09 release of the mod - not too bad if I do say so! Considering the next release of the mod is set to add another hundred or so parts, I believe that would make us one of, if not the biggest KSP mods ever? That does not even include parts for Saturn/Apollo, which are planned for an even later update!
  13. They are in the OP album. Electric engines on the pink Efficient Engines slide, power and MMRTG on the green Electrical slide. Are you talking about the very very old packs from before Hooj took a hiatus? If so you're correct in that I believe they had more parts but the important ones were merged into RLA Stockalike.
  14. So, update/news. My current plan is still to stream tomorrow, starting at the usual time. The first order of business will be to push out the release of 0.09. Obviously for those of you that have been playing the dev releases, this doesn't change much except the compatibility is all fixed for Tweakscale and Remotetech. Then we'll continue on with modeling the Gemini/MOL stuff. Complicating that is the fact that this school quarter is suddenly kicking my butt. I am pretty behind on all my projects and I'm trying to force myself to prioritize at least until midterms. Dev is probably only going to take place once or twice a week for the time being. My focus for the update has been shifting towards the Gemini/MOL stuff along with other 'payload' (i.e. non LV) aspects of the update, rather than the original focus which was Juno/Redstone/Diamant. I will try and keep the release schedule to one update per month, even if that means splitting updates up. This isn't an issue as each update usually has several unrelated chunks of content, so I'm not leaving anything half finished by doing so. Specifically, in terms of tomorrow I'm trying to get equipment and a reservation to do some greenscreen shooting for my compositing class. I have no idea when that would start or end. I suppose just check in on the thread around the normal time. Plans for the Gemini/MOL stuff (we need a name for this part family or project or initiative or whatever) have grown. I've decided to make two groups of parts to create two canon spacecraft - one is the 2 man capsule with the straight 1.5m CSM and solar panel wings, and will have a crew can to add 2 (3?) more Kerbals. The other is based on Big G, with the expanded crew cabin to bring the total diameter to 1.875m (2.5m?) with the funky rear docking port. There will also be parts for 1.875m canon Gemini, because at this point I might as well. I've said before that my goal in this project, rather than just having MOL be a boring cylinder that travels behind Gemini, is to have it be an American equivalent to @Beale's Salyut station parts, with similar roles and sizes. To that end, the 1.5m canon craft would be the equivalent to Soyuz in terms of performance, and the Big G would be comparable to TKS, including having cargo bays and docking at the rear. For now, my primary goal is to get more or less a finalized list of all the parts for the stations and spacecrafts. Suggestions for useful station modules that you'd like to see would be appreciated. The primary goal of the upcoming stream would be to sketch the remaining parts out roughly in Maya to figure out sizing and how everything goes together. (Also, @Beale while I have you tagged, what are the dimensions assumed for a Kerbal in a crew can? So I can decide how many should fit in a given pod) EDIT: Also, the OP has been more or less updated. Perhaps I should try and add some nice graphics to spice it up.
  15. Hurray! Was it this site? I'll have to remember that the gimbal is 5 degrees.
  16. Thank you! The name is enough info to go on to find out more; I'll look into it.
  17. I have also been working on Diamant. There's some fairly cool details on that little rocket - I'm hoping it will prove to be a useful satellite launcher.
  18. Is there a guide page somewhere for setting up a Github for a file project? I looked at it for an evening and couldn't see how to... I'm not even sure. I thought I'd be able to copy my mod's folder to it and then hit a button to sync it when I wanted to push a dev update.
  19. I'm busy trying to pretend that my rigging homework isn't horribly behind schedule. Well, I see that you don't have any effects modules for the engine. I'm not sure if that could be the issue. That collider also looks fairly complex but that wouldn't prevent it from showing up. You should also probably be using the newer MODEL{} node instead of the deprecated 'model = model.mu' method. Is that the Diamant engine? @DiscoSlelge will be happy.
  20. Is the model called 'Model.mu' in explorer? Specifically with that capitalization? That is the #1 reason stuff doesn't show up.
  21. Take the GameData folder from the zip and put it in your KSP folder (so the gamedata from Tantares merges). You do not need to throw in the alternate textures. Also, the rocket parts are in the separate Tantares LV download that is linked in the first page. The normal part pack only has the 'payload' parts, capsules and station parts etc. I don't know what the astro thing is, sorry. I couldn't say if that would make a difference.
  22. Personally I think the grid fins look cool and contribute a lot to the look of the fairing.
  23. Double check your installation (or better yet, completely reinstall the mod) to make sure everything copied correctly. That's usually the biggest thing that goes wrong.
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