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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Everything is referenced to the orientation of the Mercury/Gemini and as much as possible they are aligned so the correct build does not require rotation. The mistake you're making ( ) is assuming I had paid attention to getting the orientations right/consistent originally. Basically, make sure the pods were oriented right so the crew orientation matches the navball (ie vertical axis of the vab / roll axis of the ship when under control - previously there were issues with some pods flying "correctly" while the navball would say they were upside down or in a 90 degree roll), and then parts for the LV were rotated to match that orientation to build them accurately without making the user rotate them in game. Now all craft are basically assumed to make a 90 degree roll program at the beginning of flight, allowing them to pitch (W/S) to orbit (or you could just yaw to orbit like a heathen). If I remember, there's some weirdness with Titan since the orientations are different for the 2 and 3? And I don't know if all the rockets got this treatment - mostly just the important/crewed ones where it was most noticeable. I think the orientations of stuff like the Agena actually change based on LV IRL which didn't help so I think we ignored that. tl;dr unless something went wrong, as far as I know the 'new' orientations of the parts are correct and what they should have been from the start to allow building the rockets correctly. EDIT: @GoldForest I didn't see you+Jso's reply but I bolded the bit where your last question is answered. The belly of the parts needs to consistently face the flag, otherwise the navball doesn't accurately reflect the flight orientation implied by the models of the parts. This was always supposed to be the case but something I was not consistent with. EDIT2: I believe this issue was properly addressed with the new pods, but that in turn made us realize the orientation of the LVs (which predated me trying to pay attention to it) was wrong. We debated whether to ignore it for a while before fixing them.
  2. What? I thought that was the orientation we went with - belly towards the flag, starboard towards the door/pad.
  3. yeah, it's generally broken up the same as the old one. The upper 2.5m tank is a single part, but the lower half of it will be available for stacking ie making the G.
  4. Hey everyone! Doing a relatively short dev stream in a bit over on my Twitch - gonna be working on the Centaur T!
  5. Neat! You probably can scale back the number of polys on it - you don't need that many to define those shapes smoothly and it'll make it much easier to work with
  6. I mean, fair question so have an honest answer - I haven't really touched much past what has been put on Github recently for Centaur. Haven't really started work on anything since then - Have a lot of Centaur stuff to do as well as Vega still. Been busy with work stuff (and will continue to be for the next few weeks) getting ready for big presentations. What time I've had has mostly been going into a small side project I'm doing as a favor for another modder:
  7. Looks like a 0.9375m decoupler and a Star-37 with the 0.9375m autoshroud. I believe we're (read:probably Zorg) doing some of the IRL Centaur payload adapters. There's also a truss-type one that makes it a straight 1.875m, for stuff like Titan 3E.
  8. Oh I forgot to post about the Centaur D being on Github. Oops lol EDIT: To quote Ed Kyle over at Space Launch Report It was something we were afraid to do in previous incarnations, but now that we can have them all in one part (without making the player place the insulation by hand) we felt confident in recreating this historical feature of the Centaur
  9. Heck yeah it's your thread! I think the answer to your first and last question is the same - The engine mounts connect to the top of the interstages. Think of the interstage like... a tall, hollow decoupler. And then all the engine mounts should have nodes (usually at the bottom of the rim that matches whatever size tank they go with) that the interstage pops on to. In the new update I'm working on, almost all the autoshrouds have been replaced with engine mount / interstage combinations. I personally like this system much more, since (in comparison to the stock engines, for example) it separates the mount/tankbutt, engine, and the shroud from each other, allowing them to be mix-and-matched in new ways As for the Telstar antenna, I don't know (I'm not super involved in the balance side of the mod, I mostly make the parts) but I know that part has been redone in the current development build so the balance was probably reexamined.
  10. If you go into Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts, you should be able to delete folders for parts you don't want. A lot of people only use a portion of the mod in a given playthrough.
  11. Cryo Engines has you covered for LH2 and CH4 stuff. Restock generally accomplishes what you're looking for, with most of the engines being based directly on real ones (visually, at least)
  12. Yeah, the boattail/engine/verniers got separated on Thor and so I wanted to do the same to the Delta for consistency. The Delta boattail is still in as a variant of the Thor boattail part, I basically ripped the engines off the old mesh and made some adjustments to the textures.
  13. Well first, congrats @davidy12 , good luck on those exams! Regarding the S-1D... yeah, I got like halfway through modeling it after I made the AJ-260s and then got caught up with other stuff, don't remember what. Would have been early 2018 I think? But I got burned out on adding to the Saturn/Apollo parts once I decided I wanted to redo them. Same deal as all the revamps I've been doing - once I get them remade, I won't have to again And then we'll be clear to move on to the more interesting configurations and then KSP2 will come out and be entirely about sci fi stuff
  14. I'm not sure what's happening with the Centaur III, I know there's some room on the texture sheet left (It lives with the Atlas V which complicates things). I'll definitely take a look at it as we go through the Centaur stuff. The cubesat deployer has actually been asked for by a couple people but I have no idea if its even doable with the way the parts are set up.
  15. @LawnDartLeo (long time no see, I think!) I'm still curious what that parts were. I know that if changes/adjustments are made to nodes, they typically aren't applied to existing crafts - the offsets are saved within the craft file. So I'm just wondering if it's an obvious case of "oh yeah we had to fix those parts recently" or something like that I'm forgetting. Yes https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/tree/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Bluedog_DB
  16. The dome is going to be a switch like some of the Titan and Agena parts. The panels will be integrated into the part with a custom moduleJettison by Jso so they function with our updated boiloff mechanics. I'm not sure if the non insulated version for D-1T will need yo be a separate part.
  17. Looking at that image, I don't see why not. I'd have to make the wider lower bell anyways for the RL-10B-2. Be aware that they won't fit dual mounted. The RL-10A-4N (with the small extension) already is marginal, though IRL they almost touched as well. So there's no way the C versions would fit in the dual mount. Makes me wonder what the Atlas N12 looks like... but yeah, I'm not going to make an alternate engine mount to accomodate the larger/wider C versions. There's enough work going into this revamp as is Don't forget I still haven't even started on Centaur T or some of the smaller variants I've been promising for years to do...
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