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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I used it to some limited effect in the last update, for the ultra low-profile radial attached MOL parts, so that if necessary the detail of the endcap could cut into the part underneath. We borrowed it from the Restock plugin. Its essentially the same trick used for the IVA cutaways, but instead its used so you can have hollow parts visible underneath the skin of the part they're attached to.
  2. Some small Gemini progress... It's becoming clear this won't be in game this weekend like I'd hoped, I just haven't been able to work on it this week. But, I'll hopefully be able to get the initial part set a bit more polished. Off the top of my head, stuff I need to do to get this in game: Endcaps for the capsule endcaps/interior for reentry RCS Drogue chute UVs and textures Heatshield UVs and textures Retro SRB UVs and textures Textures for early-style Adapter section (see below) Finish endcaps for Equipment section Retro module interior Probably going to redo the greebling on the late-model Equipment section Anyways, some small pics: Start of texturing the early-model Adapter section. This will be a B9 switch for the Retro and Equipment modules. Some exploratory work on using Depth Masks for the experiments.
  3. Testing the new Titan 3A parts... Some smaller LVs made to test some of the other new fairings...
  4. That's definitely an SR-118, I assume the one that is now stacked as a Peacekeeper in the big... silo-dome with the other missiles. @TimothyC probably knows more.
  5. Yes, my goal is to get back to the current Gemini functionality but not much more besides necessary-but-missing parts (a proper Big G decoupler for ex) Also, in case people were wondering, I don't think I'll be doing anything with the MOL/Gemini station parts added last update, apart from maybe the odd tweak here or there to work with the new models. All I can say is "every document I've ever seen says the engines are air lit. There are no solid-boosted Titans that start their engines on the ground". My theory is maybe they're venting one of the propellants to make sure the nozzles are primed for the hypergolic ignition.
  6. Stream's over, thanks everyone for coming! Still a lot to do before the basic Gemini is in game, but here's some looks at what got done today: WIP bag for the main chute OAMS thruster Toggle to add the extra portholes for the Gemini-Interceptor from the Blue Gemini novels. Some of the MORL Ferry designs also featured these. Messing around a bit with variant possibilities...
  7. Gemini dev stream booting back up. Nothing getting in game today, just more work on all the boring bits like endcaps.
  8. Howdy y'all. Was up late by accident last night so a bit of a late start... I'm also a bit out of it so idk how much we'll get done... but Gemini dev stream booting back up!
  9. Have you installed @DylanSemrau's awesome Chrayol Design Organization? Yes? Of course you have, discerning mod user. Well, pretty much all the Titan parts have Chrayol-compatible paint schemes now... have fun legoing!
  10. Reworking the Gemini now has the advantages of 1) it's something that actually has my interest and thus motivation 2) it's time consuming enough to give Zorg and Jso time to do this deep balancing audits of things like mass, antenna power, EC consumption, etc 3) Like a band-aid, the sooner I can rip it off and get people on to the newer versions of stuff the easier it will be to expand upon later. Last two dev cycles took a whole year for a lot less stuff We're still on track for release by, like, some time this summer. I uh. Never figured out how the multiple payload adapter for Agena would work.
  11. Personally I'd rather see the British stuff get fleshed out at least to the "things that were seriously considered" level?
  12. Little treat before I stream in the morning... tracking version of the Lunar Orbiter panel! There's a bit of a standoff since those panels mount really low profile to begin with.
  13. I've been trying to figure that out too? If I knew I could time travel I'd have used it to make more parts... EDIT: Reminder to all I'm planning on trying to stream starting ~8 AM Eastern tomorrow morning!
  14. Uhm. If nothing else I thing those parts predate me trying to get that kind of granularity. Centaur is planned for a revamp this update (though the Common Centaur's only change will likely be the engines) so there'll be time to check it out Also, wanted to just share - I'm planning on doing a dev stream on Sunday! Hopefully give y'all a nice place to hang out since we're all stuck inside. Going to be working on the Gemini parts which are quite a long way from being finished, but we'll see what progress we can make.
  15. It's because McDonnell Douglas were the contractor for the Titan fairings so it was already their own in house design, just needed the boattail.
  16. Progress creeping forward... if its not obvious Gemini will keep me occupied for a while The only parts textured are the capsule and the reentry RCS exteriors. Those textures themselves are very work in progress but you should get the idea. The areas around the decoupler fairings especially need to be reworked. Since I've had a lot of questions - no, I'm not forgetting about the Augustus capsule, Big G crew cabin, or the 1.875m "rumble seat". I'd actually like to get them made before moving on to the service module parts since those are going on a separate sheet. The first priority is to get back up to the current functionality before worrying about new stuff.
  17. Finally got to these... I should have noted, in the future, if you find bugs like this, logging them on the Github issues list means they won't be forgotten... at least, eventually someone will be like "oh that'll take 2 mins to fix".
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