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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. You know, these configs were made *months* ago, and because a relese soon seemed plausible there and the configs were done, they were simply added to RO already. The configs were done by @raidernick btw. However sknce the pack is not really upcoming any more, I‘ll release my work soonish (:P).
  2. Yeah as he said already included. Just no RO support I think, I also am not sure why, but you‘d need to ping the RO devs for that.
  3. Sup Long time no see. Does this still work or is there anything which would Need an upgrade for the latest KSP Version since I lost track a Little bit... Haven't touched KSP in months, sorry for that. I'll probably release my part of the ULA mod within the next three weeks or so I guess during Holidays, not sure yet if I can step up and make sure everything works or if I'll just make it 'open source' or so so others can make sure everything is ok. That Thing would never be coming out, so I'll just do it somehow like that. I mean it is ridicolous, we started on this one like a year ago almost now, and still it is not out so yeah... it's my turn I guess. (Oh well let's at least hope ULA will not Claim Copyright or whatever for me using their logos heh).. That's it
  4. I know I just love to make those tiny Details no one will probably ever notice really when playing but well. Yeah I am not sure if there are some issues maybe with the newest release...it's been so Long since I had KSP running hah.. but anyway I really like how this Comes along
  5. Why is everyone so anxious about polycount lol? What certainly has an Impact on performance are textures and to some degree colliders. Model complexity is not really a limiting factor to be honest, at least it takes quite a while to get up to numbers where you start to feel an Impact on the Performance. https://sketchfab.com/models/fb097d6a0fdc450a903dedaaa39693b0 My Raptor got 26k Vertices, and I did not hear anyone complain about Performance hits, even with the full ITS / BFR whatever running.. Just saying lol. I understand that you gotta make some decisions how far you wanna go, but I just hate to see this "KSP will never be able to run that, even if, what about the poor Laptop users..." cause it's not really true.
  6. Unfortunate to hear that you have such big issues. Which version of KSP are you using? I heard the KSP 1.3.1 beta was released I haven't tried using this with that KSP version. Otherwise, I think it must be due to some bad other mod or mod combination which crashes KSP.
  7. That looks nice. I am just wondering actually why I've never made the logos appear double sided, I will change that quickly for the next update lol. However, I am not planning to do significant upgrades to the SpaceX, Falcon 9 part of this mod, I will wait until Block 5 starts flying. Then I'll do a complete revamp of it, with much better textures, models.. I want to wait until they "freeze" the design because I don't want to change something every few flights only because some small changes were made to the real one. Once Block 5 starts flying I will start my revamp and will do it as accurately & detailed as possible, on the level of my new Delta II & IV. https://sketchfab.com/models/39f259a77d7b44e4a3b5ae3aa3562152 Until then, I might do some smaller changes here & there, but it will pretty much stay the same as it is right now for the next few months. I hope you understand that, I don't want to be spending time on redoing something over and over if I could spend my time on other things as well. Thanks I will have a look at it. Would be fantastic if those fairings finally worked again... Yes, you can make a module manager config file where you apply new values to the existing entries in the parts cfg's. You will need to experiment with it however, you can't simply say "well the universe is three times bigger, so I will simply multiply all existing values with 3", so it might take a little bit of time.
  8. You really thought this update was gonna come on time? HAHA! This is a SpaceX mod, what do you expect? Ambitious goals which are never met on time lol Anyway here it is SpaceX Pack v5 available now! Added "F9 Demo", a stockalike Block 1 fully reusable Falcon 9 as seen in this video by SpaceX Added payload fairings from past missions, including Echostar, Inmarsat, IridiumNEXT, Formosat, NROL 76, BulgariaSat-1 Download from SpaceDock!
  9. Update tomorrow the new old Falcon I made will be included as well as several payload fairing designs I just made for the past 5 missions, including Echostar 23, NROL, Inmarsat, Bulgariasat 1and Intelsat. It will also hopefully include the Formosat - 5 fairing once we finally get to see that one. Some big things coming up after that
  10. Got this one coming up finally The old Falcon 9 1.0 fully reusable, based on this video by SpaceX: It is not a replica, I wanted to just have some fun with it and it is more like a kerbalized implementation for KSP (2.5m in size for example). I will still include it in the SpaceX pack though. And even more stuff really soon now Yeah I can do that
  11. Turn up the number of sides! That thing will be quite large even when talking about stock sizes right, so you can really turn the number of sides up there I think. But looks good
  12. That's awesome! You should change the F9 textures though to roasted heh for realism
  13. Finally. I had hoped a mod like this would come up, I know there is one or two out there also providing airliner cockpits, but this simply looks great! Can't wait for that IVA as well!
  14. Yes and that is intentionally. I had to make some decisions when balancing the Falcons and that's what I came up with. In order to make S1 recoverable, 1 Merlin D sea level had to produce enough thrust to make that possible. The Merlin D vacuum however has even more thrust in real life and I wanted to implement it that way as well. Now because of this, when I gave S2 a resonable mass compared to S1, the initial TWR would be too high as well as TWR of stage 2. So I increased mass heavily on Stage 2, so the engine performance is now more realistic and the general flight is as well, initial TWR of S2 is sufficient to accelerate the stage, but not much more just like in reality. I think it was the best thing to do since I mean the second stage sill not be used anywhere else standalone apart from the Falcon, whereas the Merlins might be used in some other crafts as well and I wanted to make them in line with their real counterparts (Vac has more thrust than SL)
  15. This is ... wow that's why i love the KSP community
  16. Soon™. Maybe a little Sooner™ or not. But Soon™.
  17. Colliders broke for it after KSP 1.0.5 (?) and I didn't have the motivation to fix it, it looks cheap (quality wise) anyway. If you wish to have it back though, I can try to get it working again.
  18. @Jeroeny It has built in 'engine'. Disable drag and heating and fly it whereevrr you want if yoi dont wanna use another mod for that.
  19. Thought I'd post this since this is a little related to this mod: Yeah it's F9 Block 1, but in the reusable configuration, as shown in this video from SpaceX: This is not meant to be a replica, not sure yet if I will put it into a seperate mod, it's more like a stockified version of it (2.5m etc). I just loved that sequence where the legs extend in this video and thought I could port this into KSP. Been working on this since one or two months already actually, but not very frequently. However, if you like the idea, I'll make sure to get this thing out!
  20. Lol. Now that is something I'never seen before. I will have to awk you to post this in the RO thread though, since I am not responsible for integration with RSS/RO and since this definetely isn't sn issue with the mod itself, since it works in stock. I am sorry to hear that you are constantly having issues, but you really need to ask the RO devs there. @Qwarkk This is a known issue but there's no way to fix currently. I've been using a plugin before which disabled drag for parts inside the fairing, but it broke and noone knows why and nobody knows how to fix this. The only solution I see is to put a stock fairing inside the fairing that comes with this mod around your payload.
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